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WIP Geralt of Rivia

Due to having to incorporate this with other work, it's actually easier for me to edit the loading screen than to put back the versions with "traveling"! So the corrected version is attached, and here's a preview jpg:

According to that article, the shortened version "traveling", and other words shortened in US English, were created by Noah Webster in 1898 when he took it upon himself to simplify British spellings. Any time before that, "travelling" is correct. You chose to set Geralt in 1754, which means he probably uses "travelling". :p


  • Quest_Geralt.tga.tx.zip
    458.9 KB · Views: 363
I have fixed the slightly cut W and d on the loading screen.


Please, use this file @Grey Roger.


  • Quest_Geralt.tga.tx.zip
    519 KB · Views: 378
Got it - thanks!

Also, I'm inclined to comment out or remove Geralt's entry in "StartStoryline.c", so he won't get his special sword from there. Instead, he'll get it from "characters_init.c":
           if(CharFirstName == "Geralt of Rivia")
               ch.shiplog.Title.log0 = "Travelling Worlds";
               ch.shiplog.Entry.log0 = "Ciri and I were on the hunt for a 'dragon' that had killed five villagers. However we knew that our employer was most probably mistaken and that the monster was probably a Wyvern or something similar. When we went to investigate, we were surprised, although no dragon, the beast was still very dangerous, it was a Manticore, one of the most dangerous beasts the world has to offer. I had killed one of them in the past, but this time something was troubling me and i made a mistake. Ciri quickly grabbed me and teleported us to a different world, saving my life. But we were separated once more."
               if(ENABLE_WEAPONSMOD)   GiveItem2Character(ch, "witcher_steel+2");
               else           GiveItem2Character(ch, "witcher_steel");
               if(ENABLE_WEAPONSMOD)   GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC2+2");
               else           GiveItem2Character(ch, "bladeC2");
           GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol5");
That should prevent him from getting the free back-blade sword as well, though he'll still get the free horse pistol. It also means he should get the proper sword if you play him in "Tales of a Sea Hawk", not just in FreePlay.
Well, since Geralt doesn't have a real world nationality, i just set the pirate and personal flag i usually use as default.;)
Has anyone added a completely new character model to the game?
(Not based on a model made for storm engine)
Yes, @DeathDaisy added the Ciri character which is not based on any Storm model. But she has not been active on the forum for some time.
Geralt is going to get a silver sword!


If anyone knows which sword this is feel free to post about it, but please put it in a spoiler.
Did Ciri steal the sword!? :shock

fin.PNG fin2.PNG

Now I will make it so that it will be on your back when it's sheathed, just like Geralt's steel sword is; thanks to @Jack Rackham.
The back model is almost ready, but I will need to scale down the sword a bit, I fired up the Witcher 3, and it's a bit smaller.

And after that I should add it on the code and make the interface pictures.