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Screenshots thread

Indeed there is no easy way to get rid of that.
Unless @DeathDaisy thinks it is possible using Maya.
definitely possible, the hard part is finding another hair that fits:onya either in the game or from somewhere else. but isnt there another female officer model with her hair not tied into a ponytail? dont remember rn exactly how it looks, but most models texture layout use roughly the same proportions, just sometimes moved to other parts of the image, so if that model looks more right it might be simple to just transfer the hair, face and clothes to that.

the narrow shoulders are so annoying :ko specially when trying to put other heads on the bodies. but its only the tip of the iceberg tbh, most characters have slightly weird proportions; a bit too thin, especially the often freakishly narrow hips and, for women, rusty cannons poking out of their chests
Realistically, Milady should probably be in a dress anyway. I put her into a "Danielle" variant because, as a player character, she might need to be able to sit down, and I probably created the model before I found that nearly all female models could use the "woman_sit" animation. That discovery meant women in dresses can sit down when needed.
There are many different hairstyles available. POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_22_13_32_18_302.jpg POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_22_13_32_44_294.jpg POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_22_13_33_25_278.jpg POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_22_13_33_50_771.jpg POTC 9-2-2017_2017_11_22_13_36_32_620.jpg

A dress? I seem to remember Milady tearing off her dress when she needed to get athletic. Dresses are so clumsy.
the second to last one was the one I had in mind xD I havent checked, but I bet the textures would probably fit right on her without too much of a problem
For all that Milady might have stripped off when required by plot or by the film-maker to get male viewers more interested, her normal clothing was a dress. She was a spy and would not want to wear trousers, which would make her look very suspicious in the 17th century.

The last of those pictures is a dress anyway - it's "mowngirl7". The second to last is "50_33Petra" which is a composite model with separate parts for head/upper body and lower body/legs. Getting the textures to match between the two parts so that there isn't a very visible mismatch on the complete model is not easy - I speak from personal experience trying to do it for other composite models. Changing the colour of the clothes is easy enough, though, which is why "lucia_2", a model I created for my "Ardent" storyline, is just "50_33Petra" with different colours and different face.

A variant of "towngirl4" would provide a dress with a high collar which would look reasonably close to the interface picture, though the hairstyle would still not match - on the other hand, as I said, Milady is a spy and would probably change hairstyle as often as she changes aliases. Otherwise, if we are going to insist on shoulder-length hair, a variant of "towngirl5" would be best. Several of the existing models are already variants of "towngirl5" (and she's also the source for the head part of "50_33Petra"). If you want some idea of what can be done to "towngirl5", have a look at "lucia_1".

Or why not do both? That, in fact, is exactly what I did for Lucia de la Vega - she starts off with a dress and later acquires the trouser suit precisely because she's now leading a more active lifestyle. It would be trivially easy to have the dress version of Milady as the default outfit you get when you pick the character, but give her the trouser suit outfit at the start of the game as well, so the player can choose between them at any time.
It's a retexture of the outfit I made for Valerie Downing. Given her role in the "Ardent" storyline (pro-French villain if you're playing as Helen Ardent), I imagine Valerie would approve of that. :D

Meanwhile, here's the alternative outfit. As previously mentioned, a trouser suit would attract the wrong sort of attention, so this is Milady's outfit for when she's sneaking around doing naughtiness. By an amazing coincidence, I learned a new trick for outfits recently and it's going to be used here - as it's for sneaking, this is getting the "camouflage" trait. :ninja
I think the original model looked good, my point was mostly that converting the texture for another model would probly be easier than remodelling her if she was to get new hair :p however, the new variants look really awesome! so Im very glad the subject came up xD nicely done!
By an amazing coincidence, I learned a new trick for outfits recently and it's going to be used here - as it's for sneaking, this is getting the "camouflage" trait. :ninja
I'm having second thoughts about that. The "camouflage" trait might reduce the range at which enemies can see or hear you, making you harder to detect; but it also turns everyone hostile, and that reduced detection range means nothing if you've just walked through a gate and the guards on the other side are standing right next to you, as I found out while trying out Milady's new outfits.

Anyway, the dress replaces the original outfit and can be selected from the "Specific" range...
milady_select1.jpg milady_day.jpg

... while the sneaky outfit is available from the "Named" range...
milady_select2.jpg milady_night.jpg

If you pick either one, you get the other automatically, so you can switch between them whenever you like. Or, as they both have "model.nation" set to "FRANCE", they ought to be available from French tailors.
I'm having second thoughts about that. The "camouflage" trait might reduce the range at which enemies can see or hear you, making you harder to detect; but it also turns everyone hostile, and that reduced detection range means nothing if you've just walked through a gate and the guards on the other side are standing right next to you, as I found out while trying out Milady's new outfits.
Ah, yes; true, that! Maybe best left for specific storyline use then.
Unless you'd like to add a custom "camouflage" version that doesn't turn everyone hostile at the same time.
That should be easy enough to do.


  • sunglow.rar
    628.6 KB · Views: 140
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sure, try this one
View attachment 31587
I worry the glow is maybe too small, but I run on a different d3d8.dll so cant test exactly how itll look for everyone
Actually, that looks quite good. I'll give it a look in-game this evening. By the way, in case you don't hear it enough; thank you for jumping into the modding game here. I enjoy the improvements you're bringing. The game is richer with your ideas added to those of the other dedicated modders. And for all the modders, I know of no other game that has seen such an enriching transformation as PotC. Thanks all around.
Actually, that looks quite good. I'll give it a look in-game this evening. By the way, in case you don't hear it enough; thank you for jumping into the modding game here. I enjoy the improvements you're bringing. The game is richer with your ideas added to those of the other dedicated modders. And for all the modders, I know of no other game that has seen such an enriching transformation as PotC. Thanks all around.
I'll second that! @DeathDaisy, your efforts are definitely much appreciated. :cheers
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