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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Well I sailed in Worldmap-mode around the Coast and I could go to open sea with land behind cartagena.. WorldMap_radii2.jpg I hope Armada forgives me that I quickly used his picture here :D I marked my location with the black marker ;)
Extract attached to your main game folder. Does that make it work?

Does the guy have a weapon? If you get to kill him, is that a dialog choice? Or do you just DO it? If it is a dialog choice, adding a rep loss would be easy enough.
Does the guy have weapons?
The quest "Girl won in cardgame finally worked! :dance
But, unfortunately, everytime I save now, the game crashes with a bad save. tried it twice, same results.:facepalm

*I tested the quest from a save. I didn't start a new game.


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resource\sounds\MUSIC\French_Governor.ogg2: Can`t open file
Oops. That's easily fixed.
Probably isn't related to the crashes though. But this has to be:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\interface.c; line: 1598
no memory
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\save_load.c; line: 1045
no memory
That second one refers to this line:
ref NewInterfaceTexture()
   string str = GetEventData();
   string strSaveData = ""; // TIH initialize it Aug24'06
//   if(str!="quicksave")) // NK 05-04-14 fix quicksave "out of memory" error //MAXIMUS
//   {
   if (GetTargetPlatform()=="pc") { // <----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS RIGHT HERE ---------------------------------------
     sl_tmp_var = SendMessage(&scrshot,"lsse", MSG_SCRSHOT_READ, "SAVE\" + GetStorylineDir(iCurStoryline), str, &strSaveData);
   } else {
     sl_tmp_var = SendMessage(&scrshot,"lsse", MSG_SCRSHOT_READ,"", str, &strSaveData);
//   }
//   else { sl_tmp_var = 0; }
   return &sl_tmp_var;
No clue why that should be a problem though. What if you replace this:
  if (GetTargetPlatform()=="pc") {
     sl_tmp_var = SendMessage(&scrshot,"lsse", MSG_SCRSHOT_READ, "SAVE\" + GetStorylineDir(iCurStoryline), str, &strSaveData);
   } else {
     sl_tmp_var = SendMessage(&scrshot,"lsse", MSG_SCRSHOT_READ,"", str, &strSaveData);
With this?
sl_tmp_var = SendMessage(&scrshot,"lsse", MSG_SCRSHOT_READ, "SAVE\" + GetStorylineDir(iCurStoryline), str, &strSaveData);
Eg. just do away with that GetTargetPlatform check altogether?

It also refers to this line:
string IGetSaveString(string saveName)
   string retStr;
   SendMessage(&GameInterface,"lse",MSG_INTERFACE_GET_SAVE_DATA,saveName,&retStr); // <----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS RIGHT HERE
   return retStr;
That could be the culprit, but it would be related to something wrong with a savegame you've already got.
Try moving ALL your save files out of your SAVE folder and temporarily store them somewhere else. Does that make it work again?
If so, try putting them all back one-by-one, testing inbetween. Eventually you should find which one bugs out the interface.
I'd like to know as much as possible about where/how that one was made.
Eg. just do away with that GetTargetPlatform check altogether?
I don't quite catch that..
But here are my results.


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I think the Boatswain quest is bugged, Ol' Fart ain't responding like he should, hes responding like the generic soldiers.
Went through 3 saves and still the same result.
That's faster than I ever got going!

What happened in the brothel was I rented a girl and went to the bedroom. It had 4 girls in it and when I talked to one she said: EEEK! And then something about a husband and bodyguards. And 3 men did show up. So I left that room and when I went into the parlor the Madame was waiting for me with a sword and I never had a chance. :ko
strange.. But maybe we should leave that as it is :D You get killed because of your urge to 'rent a room' .. :D .. I think that could indeed happen :D
:readAhh..just need a new game:p. I returned the original code for the save_load.c. For this time I played JeanLaffite storyline. My game crashed once but on the shipyard at Isla Muelle when I changed my newly captured ship's appearance(the game pace kinda slowed down at some points during the capture). Tried again and the game went well. No bad saves and game crash 'till I finished the Quest: Girl won in Cardgame. :dance:thumbs1 Thank you for that fix sire! And as always:bow


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That's faster than I ever got going!

What happened in the brothel was I rented a girl and went to the bedroom. It had 4 girls in it and when I talked to one she said: EEEK! And then something about a husband and bodyguards. And 3 men did show up. So I left that room and when I went into the parlor the Madame was waiting for me with a sword and I never had a chance. :ko

That sounds like the game is generating an "ordinary house occupant" - (the woman you sometimes find in large houses with bedrooms) in that brothel for some reason. And using the code for when you try and steal from her.

The bedroom should only have the girl you hired in it.

I don't quite catch that..
But here are my results.
I had meant to move your savegames outside the SAVE folder altogether, so the game can't see them.

I think the Boatswain quest is bugged, Ol' Fart ain't responding like he should, hes responding like the generic soldiers.
Went through 3 saves and still the same result.
Which storyline is that? I successfully completed that one with Jean Lafitte not so long ago.

What happened in the brothel was I rented a girl and went to the bedroom. It had 4 girls in it and when I talked to one she said: EEEK! And then something about a husband and bodyguards. And 3 men did show up. So I left that room and when I went into the parlor the Madame was waiting for me with a sword and I never had a chance. :ko
Random characters being generated in there? That shouldn't even be possible:
    locations[n].type = "brothel_room";
     locations[n].fastreload = "Tortuga";
     LAi_LocationFantomsGen(&locations[n], false);

Edit: Just tested three times in a row and no girl at all. Not the one I paid for and not any others either. :confused:
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Edit: Just tested three times in a row and no girl at all. Not the one I paid for and not any others either. :confused:
I couldn't help but to try this even if its kinda weird for me.:sick
What happened in the brothel was I rented a girl and went to the bedroom. It had 4 girls in it and when I talked to one she said: EEEK! And then something about a husband and bodyguards. And 3 men did show up. So I left that room and when I went into the parlor the Madame was waiting for me with a sword and I never had a chance. :ko
It appears sir hylie pistof is right.:read


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Sir? :facepalm

Ya can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. :pirate07:

Also, I went back to Cartagena and why is the blacksmith in a tavern? Blackvern? Tasmith?
Cartagena blacksmith.jpg