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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Then to become overlord of the Aisles, you need to find Aisle 0, find the supreme aisle overlord, and defeat him. After defeating his second in command in aisle 8 of course. It is rumored that the only items that can hurt the overlord is Justin Bieber merchandise.
Who knows? Since Justin Bieber merchandise harms anyone with common sense, it is hard to use it to defeat the overlord, since hardly anyone can go near the stuff. Also, the aisle overlord's palace is in Aisle 0, and the last time I checked, you were still in the portapotty of doom?
*a crazed, injured, talking horse crashes through the right side of the building, slamming into the shelving and causing a domino effect that spreads across the store*
Stallion used raged horse attack. It's super effective! Aisle 8 lord fainted!

The supreme aisle overlord will not be happy. Will this be the day he emerges from aisle 0 which has been the subject to myth for millenia?

A wild aisle 0 supreme overlord appeared!
*pulls out the Democracy Gun* You ain't seen nothin' yet! :woot


Aisle 11 is now filling with 1:8 scale living reproductions of Obama, although several of them seem to have been zombified.
Wild zombie Obamas appear!

Aisle 0 supreme overlord uses debt bomb!

It's super effective!
The Chinese army intervenes! Thousands of Chinese soldiers are catapulted across the Pacific in a daring daylight raid, taking the store by storm!

Aisle 0 Supreme Overlord retreats and observes ongoing developments from a safe distance.
A wild Justin Bieber appeared!

Justin Bieber uses "sing"!

It's not very effective...

Aisle 0 supreme overlord uses water bottle!

It's supper effective!

Justin Bieber fainted!
Aisle 0 Supreme Overlord retreats and observes ongoing developments from a safe distance.

you know, the funny thing is that that was exactly what i was planning to do when things went down the crapper. xD: that settles it, i'm the overlord. now what?
i have the most marvellous idea....

anyone have an electric guitar? xD:

in other news, this topic is so bloody huge that it keeps breaking my internet. somehow, i find this less annoying than it is funny.
That post wasn't supposed to make sense was it Morgan? But what's this?!

A wild Rebecca Black appeared!
Rebecca Black uses Autotune Attack!

It had no effect...

I see your point Morgan.