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Where I can download 1.03 patch?

"Duarter Correja_dialog.h", line 98:
"That's for sure! Can you imagine - they took my friend into circulation for money that was not paid to him, and took him to their place for a showdown. So I helped him out."
I do not understand this line. What exactly is Nathaniel claiming that Beltrop and the smugglers did to Rheims?
Yes, it was probably translated a little incorrectly. He was captured because he did not pay them money. He was then taken to a hideout to extort money.
At the end of the "Night Craft" quest, the boss smuggler is supposed to check that you have completed all the missions successfully. In "camilo machado_dialog.c" (or "Desmond Ray Beltrop_dialog.c" in the "New Horizons" adaptation), case case "trap_completed_2":
if (checkQuestAttribute("smuggler_line.firth_mission", "completed") && checkQuestAttribute("smuggler_line.second_mission", "completed") && checkQuestAttribute("smuggler_line.third_mission", "completed") && checkQuestAttribute("smuggler_line.fourth_mission", "completed"))
There are two problems here. One is the misspelling of "smuggler_line.first_mission" in that line. The other is that "smuggler_line.third_mission" is never set, there is no line for it in "quests_reaction" case "third_mission_award". So he's never going to offer you the job of assistant, not that it matters because there's no benefit to accepting the offer.

As well as correcting those mistakes so that Desmond Ray Beltrop can make the offer if you've completed all the missions successfully, I'm going to change a couple of checks in "Leonardo Violate_dialog.c". That's the store keeper in Smugglers Lair. Normally he won't trade with you if you're hostile to Pirates, nor will he offer you delivery quests. He should do both if you've accepted Beltrop's offer.

On the other hand, if Beltrop doesn't make the offer because you didn't complete one of the missions to his satisfaction, or if you choose to kill him, perhaps killing Beltrop could automatically capture Smugglers Lair for yourself and put one of your officers in charge as the new smuggler boss.
Done! Try this:
https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/Night Craft.zip
That should have all the files I changed or added to make the quest work in "New Horizons". Most of it will need to be converted from ANSI to UTF-8 if it's to be used in Build 15.

How's this for "Night Craft"? By pure coincidence, I arrived at Leviathan Rock shortly before 22:00. There was time to visit Beltrop but by the time I returned to the beach, night had fallen, so you get to see the various craft at night. In the foreground is my own frigate, nothing to do with the quest, I'd taken that from the French some time before. To the right, the smugglers' schooner and brigantine try to escape. One of the enemy frigates moves to intercept them while another heads for me. In the background, the rest of the enemy squadron are a heavy brig, a pinnace of war, and the treacherous Barracuda behind that.
Definitely! I've played it through to completion, with savegames along the way so I could test different paths through each mission. Hopefully some of you will download the zip file in post #83 and try it out, then report if there are any problems before I release the next update. You'll need to start a new game as the quest adds new characters, new items and a new ship, so it won't work if you try to continue an existing play through "Tales of a Sea Hawk".
Now I was adjusting the Russian files to your work and noticed that 7 lines disappeared in the Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.h file, is this how it should be?
Here is the old file.


  • Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.h
    4.1 KB · Views: 48
The new "Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.h" actually has 13 lines removed. With 6 new lines added at the end for "smuggler_line", that's 7 lines shorter in total.

"Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.h" was copied from "Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto_dialog.h". That's the dialog for the governor of Sao Jorge and includes lines for the "Artois Voysey" and "Nigel Blythe" quests. The governor of Marigot has nothing to do with those quests. So I removed the unused quest lines and changed the "DLG_TEXT" lines in "Philippe de Rivarol.c" to match.

Incidentally, "Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.h" and "Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto_dialog.h" both have lines 7, 8 and 9 for when you have already visited the governor before, you've returned and he recognises you, but neither "Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.c" or "Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto_dialog.c" have any code to use those lines. I've added dialog case "second time" to "Philippe de Rivarol_dialog.c" already, and "Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto_dialog.c" will have it in the next update. Because the text lines are already there, they should already be in the Russian versions of both "dialog.h" files.
I've re-uploaded the zip file:
https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/Night Craft.zip

The new version includes a few bug-fixes to the storyline, not all related to "Night Craft" - there was also a bug during the second main story mission whereby, if you had any passengers who weren't in your shore party when you went to see Tobias in Speightstown tavern, you lost them when you returned to Silehard and you got your officers and ship back. That's now fixed.

When the smuggler meets you in Port Royale to tell you about the quest, the gate is locked and fast travel is disabled so you can't skip the dialog. You now have the option to decline, in which case you don't get a questbook - yet. If you remember the meeting and go to see Desmond Ray Beltrop, he'll have a different introduction and then offer the quest anyway. Otherwise you can play the rest of the main story as if the quest never existed.

On your first mission for Desmond Ray Beltrop, the questbook now tells you that you need to take 300 sandal to Jean Maginot. If you have no sandal at all, you don't get the dialog from Jean Maginot to unload it. If you do have sandal but not enough, you get the dialog, you wait, and then he tells you that he was expecting 300. There's no time limit but you can't continue with the quest until you bring the full amount. You get a new questbook entry reminding you of how much you're supposed to deliver.

"France Trader_dialog.h" has a few small changes. Apart from some new lines at the end for when you didn't bring enough sandal, most of the changes are just rewording to make it sound better in English - for example, I believe "huckster" is relatively modern American slang so I changed it to "lease-monger", an old term meaning pretty much the same. But on line 91, there's now a preprocessed variable "#smonsieur#" which is filled in by "France Trader_dialog.c" so that he addresses you correctly if you're playing a female character.

@AkrimalS: in "Desmond Ray Beltrop_dialog.h", on line 228:
I think I'd better take your place, you canal!
What does "canal" mean here? Presumably he's not being compared to an inland waterway! xD
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What does "canal" mean here? Presumably he's not being compared to an inland waterway! xD
Apparently something happened to the word during translation. This is canaglia. :wp
Italian: canaglia - a pack of dogs or just a dog. In this case, it means that he is a scoundrel.
"Dog" is a valid insult in English as well. The Russian line can probably stay as it is, while I'll change the English from "canal" to "dog".
I've re-uploaded the zip file:
https://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/Night Craft.zip

The new version includes a few bug-fixes to the storyline, not all related to "Night Craft" - there was also a bug during the second main story mission whereby, if you had any passengers who weren't in your shore party when you went to see Tobias in Speightstown tavern, you lost them when you returned to Silehard and you got your officers and ship back. That's now fixed.

When the smuggler meets you in Port Royale to tell you about the quest, the gate is locked and fast travel is disabled so you can't skip the dialog. You now have the option to decline, in which case you don't get a questbook - yet. If you remember the meeting and go to see Desmond Ray Beltrop, he'll have a different introduction and then offer the quest anyway. Otherwise you can play the rest of the main story as if the quest never existed.

On your first mission for Desmond Ray Beltrop, the questbook now tells you that you need to take 300 sandal to Jean Maginot. If you have no sandal at all, you don't get the dialog from Jean Maginot to unload it. If you do have sandal but not enough, you get the dialog, you wait, and then he tells you that he was expecting 300. There's no time limit but you can't continue with the quest until you bring the full amount. You get a new questbook entry reminding you of how much you're supposed to deliver.

"France Trader_dialog.h" has a few small changes. Apart from some new lines at the end for when you didn't bring enough sandal, most of the changes are just rewording to make it sound better in English - for example, I believe "huckster" is relatively modern American slang so I changed it to "lease-monger", an old term meaning pretty much the same. But on line 91, there's now a preprocessed variable "#smonsieur#" which is filled in by "France Trader_dialog.c" so that he addresses you correctly if you're playing a female character.

@AkrimalS: in "Desmond Ray Beltrop_dialog.h", on line 228:What does "canal" mean here? Presumably he's not being compared to an inland waterway! xD
I downloaded your files to upload translation files. But I don't see any changes, the files are completely identical.
Try it again now. I thought I'd uploaded what was then the new version, but it doesn't matter because I've just uploaded another version including a couple of fixes I only made earlier today. The earlier one was missing a texture file which would have meant Jean Maginot's ring would show a blank interface picture, and I found a bug in "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\QUESTS\quests_reaction.c".

Also, in the original version, in mission 2 if you demand money from the trader, he sneaks a ring into your pocket and then you're arrested for stealing the ring. After you've seen the governor and been sent to prison, you still have the ring. In today's version, the ring is removed - the governor is not going to let you keep "stolen" property!
This is probably true, this file does not exist.

I think this kind of animation is very difficult to do. You also need to take into account that the character cannot be undressed. xD
I do remember seeing some nude models of Danielle many many years ago.:shock
@Grey Roger
Re: Night Craft
I just did a complete new install of NH14 with the current patch and the above Night Craft add on. Note that I had completed the Arnaud Matton side-quest and had his daughter as an officer.

Have tried playing through the Night Craft but have a few issues:
1. No model for bladeC13 so that it does not show up on your hip etc or have a picture in your inventory after killing Desmond - my path gave me no option but to kill him.
2. I had an issue that the St Martin shore keeps the reload to ship locked after fighting with the Guards. I had to take the path of going back to Desmond. I did try the option where I went to jail but could not proceed to kidnap Suzanne as the dialogue did not allow me to get her to my ship and the store was locked when I came back to the island.
3. I think that you need to keep Jean's ring to be able to kidnap Suzanne. Not sure though.

Otherwise played through till the end.
Thanks for the feedback, @salonikasurf!

1: Try downloading it again. I've just added the model, texture file and interface pictures for "bladeC13".
2: Are you sure you killed all enemies? Once you kill a guard (anywhere, not just in the quest and not just in Marigot Port), all exits are locked until you have killed all enemies. That means all soldiers and also all armed civilans if any of them were caught in the fight against soldiers and the rest turned hostile as a result.
3: Yes, you need to keep Jean's ring to be able to kidnap Suzanne. So if you surrender to the guards and are taken to the governor, you'll lose the ring. It should still be possible to complete the quest without kidnapping Suzanne, though. But you'll then need to kill Jean, which Beltrop regards as a failure, so you'll end up having to kill Beltrop too. At least you get his sword.
Thanks for the feedback, @salonikasurf!

1: Try downloading it again. I've just added the model, texture file and interface pictures for "bladeC13".
2: Are you sure you killed all enemies? Once you kill a guard (anywhere, not just in the quest and not just in Marigot Port), all exits are locked until you have killed all enemies. That means all soldiers and also all armed civilans if any of them were caught in the fight against soldiers and the rest turned hostile as a result.
3: Yes, you need to keep Jean's ring to be able to kidnap Suzanne. So if you surrender to the guards and are taken to the governor, you'll lose the ring. It should still be possible to complete the quest without kidnapping Suzanne, though. But you'll then need to kill Jean, which Beltrop regards as a failure, so you'll end up having to kill Beltrop too. At least you get his sword.
1. Will do - won't be able to do much for the next week or so though.
2. Yep and all civilians as well - and the buildings etc nothing left but me and my officers and the base shore. I will try again as it may have been due to a previous fight that left some memory - some strange things do happen if you run away from a fight.
3.I did manage to complete the quest without the ring and without killing Jean - by playing the same trick on him and getting a guard to investigate your "stolen" items.
4.Beltrop did not hire me as his apprentice as I failed the second quest and returned to him without the money - so I had to kill him.
@Grey Roger
I re-downloaded the file "Night Craft.zip" from your earlier post and it does not seem to be any different from the previous one??? - am I downloading from the wrong place?
Could anybody involved with porting the Night Craft quest write a walkthrough at some point? I played it (God mode for the final boarding, anything else would have been impossible) and didn't get all the intricacies. In other words: I didn't understand at certain points why I don't seem to be able to take a different route, for example at the ending, when I was forced to kill Desmond Bell-Top and now get attacked every time I try to visit the smugglers camp.