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Where I can download 1.03 patch?

I'm now starting this quest!

"quest_smuggler_02" seems to be just a copy of "quest_smuggler_01". "New Horizons" has a lot of new character models, so I've changed "quest_smuggler_02" to use one of them:
View attachment 43805

The 1.03 ship model "Barrakuda" looks to be a slightly retextured version of stock game "Frigate2". "New Horizons" should be able to do better than that! It already has a few ships imported from the "Gentlemen of Fortune" mod for "City of Abandoned Ships 2". I found one nice looking ship which is too unusual to be a regular gameplay ship but which could work well as a quest ship. Some GoF ships have technical problems which prevented me from importing them, but this wasn't one of them, and a test voyage showed that it works properly. And so I present Barracuda's new ship:
View attachment 43806 View attachment 43808 View attachment 43810 View attachment 43809

It even has a cabin which you can enter in sailing mode:
View attachment 43807
In addition to this, there seems to be one quest ship called 'FEARLESS' or 'БЕССТРАШНЫЙ' in Russian.


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That was in the stock game, though it was not used. "New Horizons" doesn't have that exact ship but it has a couple of others which are the same model with different textures. And there may be a problem with these ships, and with the original "Fearless".

This is "PO_Warship", one of the retextures of "Fearless" (in fact its texture file is called "Fearless.tga.tx"):

Observe the locators labelled "_33", "_34", "_35" etc. Those are where cannonfire will appear. You can see that they are not well lined up with the model's cannons. There aren't even enough locators for all the cannons. Although "ships_init.c" says the ship should have 44 guns, it will probably only be able to fire 40.
@AkrimalS: could you translate "PROGRAM\dialogs\Russian\blaze_dialog.h", or at least line 253? That's the line when you're in prison waiting for Danielle to rescue you.
@AkrimalS: could you translate these versions of "danielle_dialog.h" and "Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.h", please? Both contain new lines for the "Night Craft" quest - Danielle talks to you if you're arrested during the second mission and Isenbrandt talks to you during the third mission.

Also please translate lines 7758, 7765, 7779, 7794 and 8231 from the attached "quests_reaction.c". They're all 'Log_SetStringToLog' lines.

Meanwhile, progress! I've added new item "jean_ring". If you can find and translate the original "itmdescr_Arnaud_ring", I can use that, otherwise this is how it looks:
Patch 1.03 seems to use the same interface picture as "jewelry7", alias "Golden Ring", which has an emerald. Rather than use the same picture as a normal ring which you can find in random chests, I created a new version, changing the green to red to give it a ruby instead.

I needed to change the arrest scene a bit. Patch 1.03 has it triggered when you go to wherever your ship is moored, which can work on Martinique where it's either at the port or beach, but can't work on Saint Martin where you could be moored at Philipsburg. And if you're moored at Marigot then the arrest is going to trigger in Marigot port as soon as you leave the store. So I simply changed it to trigger in Marigot port anyway. But that raised another problem:
If you have officers, they'll walk onto the stairs leading from the store door to the ground, and if you choose to fight, your officers will be doing the fighting - in fact, the first time I tried it, one officer alone had to take on all the soldiers because the others were stuck on the stairs as well. So I set another trigger. Leaving the store to enter the port will place the soldiers, and then the arrest itself is triggered when you hit either of two locators. One covers the foot of the stairs. The other covers the side. So whether you push past your officers or sidestep off the stairs, you'll trigger the arrest.

Incidentally, one of the officers in that picture is Sabine Matton. You can recruit her in the "New Horizons" version of her quest. Since the first mission of the storyline sends you to Martinique to find the French ammunition ship, most players will probably meet Sabine Matton long before they go to Rheims' house. And that's why I had to change "Night Craft" to use a different French store.


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From line 386 of danielle_dialog.h version 1.03 something new begins, I added it after line 577.
Also at the beginning of the New Horizons file there is no this:
"What are your orders?"
"I want you not to board with me."
"I want you to board with me."
I didn't add this, I don't think it's necessary.
Isenbrandt Jurcksen_dialog.h
New dialogues from line 35
Also please translate lines 7758, 7765, 7779, 7794 and 8231 from the attached "quests_reaction.c". They're all 'Log_SetStringToLog' lines.
7758: "From the corpse of Camilo Machado you took a blade with a mark on the blade - 'HURRICANE'."
7765: "From the corpse of Camilo Machado you took a blade with a mark on the blade - 'HURRICANE'."
7779: "From the corpse of Camilo Machado you took a blade with a mark on the blade - 'HURRICANE'."
7794: "From the corpse of Camilo Machado you took a blade with a mark on the blade - 'HURRICANE'."
8231: "Barracuda left you and took part in the battle on the enemy side."
Meanwhile, progress! I've added new item "jean_ring". If you can find and translate the original "itmdescr_Arnaud_ring", I can use that, otherwise this is how it looks:
Yes, it looks about the same. They didn't bother with him.
itmname_Arnaud_ring {Arno Matton's ring}
Family ring of the Matton family. You have no idea how you got it.


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7758: "From the corpse of Camilo Machado you took a blade with a mark on the blade - 'HURRICANE'."
What sort of sword is that? What is its description in "ItemsDescribe.txt" in patch 1.03?

If there isn't a special weapon model for the sword in 1.03, I'm going to import another sword from GoF - Beltrop's "Hurricane" sword needs to be something better than a basic weapon from the stock game!
What sort of sword is that? What is its description in "ItemsDescribe.txt" in patch 1.03?

If there isn't a special weapon model for the sword in 1.03, I'm going to import another sword from GoF - Beltrop's "Hurricane" sword needs to be something better than a basic weapon from the stock game!
itmname_blade24 {Hurricane}
At first glance at this blade, it seems to you that this is Asiatic Broadsword - one of a series of blades from an unknown master, but upon closer inspection, you begin to notice some differences...


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In the stock game, if I remember correctly, only the Dark Teacher in the Animist quest had a sword like that. In Build 14, they're lying around in several dungeons and can also be found on random enemies. To give Beltrop something more unique, this is what I have in mind:

itmname_bladeC13    {'Hurricane' sword}
This is one of a series of swords from an unknown master. You took it from the cold, dead fingers of Desmond Ray Beltrop.
itmname_blade24 {Hurricane}
At first glance at this blade, it seems to you that this is Asiatic Broadsword - one of a series of blades from an unknown master, but upon closer inspection, you begin to notice some differences...
I think that in the stock game, it was called "Squall," not "Asiatic broadsword." My guess is that the developers were too lazy to make a new sword model so they came up with that item description about "noticing some differences" while in reality the "Hurricane" looks the same as "Squall".

Too bad they didn't make use of the "Corsair's pride" sword, which is present in the files but actually never used in the stock game.
I think that in the stock game, it was called "Squall," not "Asiatic broadsword." My guess is that the developers were too lazy to make a new sword model so they came up with that item description about "noticing some differences" while in reality the "Hurricane" looks the same as "Squall".
Yes, I changed the name to New Horizons to make it clearer.
@AkrimalS: could you translate this version of "hardouin aufort_dialog.h", please? Don't merge it with the Build 14 version, just translate the file as it is. Hardouin Aufort is an officer in St. Pierre/Falaise de Fleur, but as the action is now in Marigot, I'll want to put a soldier in Marigot and move Aufort's dialog for this quest into the new soldier's dialog. This will be easier with the 1.03 version of "hardouin aufort_dialog.h" because I can then compare it to "hardouin aufort_dialog.c" and see how the dialog is structured.

Also, could you translate the name and description for item "shop_papers"? I've added it to "initItems.c" and written my own name and description just to check that the quest works up to the point where you kidnap the trader's daughter, now named Susanne Maginot, and then demand that he sells the shop. So far I've tried the good path - you kidnap Susanne, threaten Jean Maginot, he meets you in the tavern and gives you the paper, and you release Susanne.

Still to try are the bad path where you don't release Susanne, as well as any path in which you don't kidnap her at all. And that's where it looks as though I'm going to need that soldier.


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@AkrimalS: could you translate this version of "hardouin aufort_dialog.h", please? Don't merge it with the Build 14 version, just translate the file as it is. Hardouin Aufort is an officer in St. Pierre/Falaise de Fleur, but as the action is now in Marigot, I'll want to put a soldier in Marigot and move Aufort's dialog for this quest into the new soldier's dialog. This will be easier with the 1.03 version of "hardouin aufort_dialog.h" because I can then compare it to "hardouin aufort_dialog.c" and see how the dialog is structured.
Attached the file.
Also, could you translate the name and description for item "shop_papers"? I've added it to "initItems.c" and written my own name and description just to check that the quest works up to the point where you kidnap the trader's daughter, now named Susanne Marigot, and then demand that he sells the shop. So far I've tried the good path - you kidnap Susanne, threaten Jean Maginot, he meets you in the tavern and gives you the paper, and you release Susanne.
itmname_shop_papers {Deed of sale}
These papers say that their bearer bought Arnaud Matton's store on Falaise De Fleur, and I am its rightful owner.


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The fourth mission is done and I've tested it in various ways:
. You got the ring and then kidnapped Susanne.
. You tried to slip your stuff into Jean's pocket and failed.
. You successfully slipped your stuff into Jean's pocket and then talked to the guard while you're hostile to France.
. You successfully slipped your stuff into Jean's pocket and then talked to the guard, telling him that Jean tried to sell you sandal and then stole your stuff.
. You successfully slipped your stuff into Jean's pocket and then talked to the guard, telling him that Jean stole your stuff.

I don't think the code to change Arnaud Matton into Toothless Pew would work in patch 1.03:
            characters[GetCharacterIndex("arnaud matton")].model = "pirate2";
            characters[GetCharacterIndex("arnaud matton")].headModel = "h_pirate2";
            characters[GetCharacterIndex("arnaud matton")].name = "Áåççóáûé";
            characters[GetCharacterIndex("arnaud matton")].lastname = "Ïüþ";
Both in "New Horizons" and the stock game, character model "pirate2" doesn't exist. It's "pirat2". So after I'd completed the fourth mission (in various ways), reported back to Beltrop, received the fifth mission, and then returned to Marigot, there was nobody in the store. At least, not until I changed "pirate2" to "pirat2". After that, Toothless Pew was there. Unless patch 1.03 has renamed "pirat2" to "pirate2", he won't appear as Arnaud Matton's replacement either.

If you kidnap Susanne Maginot and then double-cross Jean Maginot, she's still a prisoner on your ship. You can ransom her at a French or allied port, or at a pirate port, as with any other prisoner. I am open to suggestions about what else to do with her. (I know what some of you are thinking, and it won't work because there are no suitable animations for it. :D)
Both in "New Horizons" and the stock game, character model "pirate2" doesn't exist. It's "pirat2". So after I'd completed the fourth mission (in various ways), reported back to Beltrop, received the fifth mission, and then returned to Marigot, there was nobody in the store. At least, not until I changed "pirate2" to "pirat2". After that, Toothless Pew was there. Unless patch 1.03 has renamed "pirat2" to "pirate2", he won't appear as Arnaud Matton's replacement either.
This is probably true, this file does not exist.
(I know what some of you are thinking, and it won't work because there are no suitable animations for it. :D)
I think this kind of animation is very difficult to do. You also need to take into account that the character cannot be undressed. xD
Could you translate the attached version of "Duarte Correja_dialog.h", please? Also, "Duarte Correja_dialog.c" has a line of hard-coded text in case "fifth_mission_accepted_5".

I'll also need translation of character and ship names for "Quest_Smuggler_Line_01", "Quest_Smuggler_Line_02", "Smuggler_quest_pirate_01", "Smuggler_quest_pirate_02", "Smuggler_quest_pirate_03" and "Smuggler_quest_pirate_04" in "StoryCharacters.c". Setting up the sea battle with New Horizon's relation system may be tricky...


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case "fifth_mission_accepted_5":
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[98];
link.l1.go = "—пасибо.";
link.l1.go = "exit";
If you are talking about link.l1.go = "—пасибо."; - then most likely there was the word "Thanks."
ch.name = "Smuggler";
ch.Ship.Name = "Apostle";
ch.name = "Smuggler";
ch.Ship.Name = "Secretive";
ch.name = "Pirate";
ch.Ship.Name = "Retribution";
ch.name = "Pirate";
ch.Ship.Name = "Obstacle";
ch.name = "Pirate";
ch.Ship.Name = "Unstoppable";
ch.name = "Pirate";
ch.Ship.Name = "Smashing";


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"Duarter Correja_dialog.h", line 98:
"That's for sure! Can you imagine - they took my friend into circulation for money that was not paid to him, and took him to their place for a showdown. So I helped him out."
I do not understand this line. What exactly is Nathaniel claiming that Beltrop and the smugglers did to Rheims?