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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation


Hello! Sorry about my english language. Iam from Russian.
Iam try play at this mod and its greatfull. Giant work for atmosphere and new mechanics. Living world!
Now i try translate this huge game to russian language. Work in progress, and iam use last version by may 2021.
If it can be, makers of this game, can send me some info about updates for new patchs? Like new string or what was addes (what files or what strings was added or changed). If it possible.
I must know what strings edit for new updates.
Sorry about my english again. Ths u anyway!
Hello! Sorry about my english language. Iam from Russian.
Iam try play at this mod and its greatfull. Giant work for atmosphere and new mechanics. Living world!
Now i try translate this huge game to russian language. Work in progress, and iam use last version by may 2021.
If it can be, makers of this game, can send me some info about updates for new patchs? Like new string or what was addes (what files or what strings was added or changed). If it possible.
I must know what strings edit for new updates.
Sorry about my english again. Ths u anyway!
I believe there is already a russian translation being worked on. @Grey Roger or @Pieter Boelen do you have more info about that?
Hello! Sorry about my english language. Iam from Russian.
Iam try play at this mod and its greatfull. Giant work for atmosphere and new mechanics. Living world!
Now i try translate this huge game to russian language. Work in progress, and iam use last version by may 2021.
If it can be, makers of this game, can send me some info about updates for new patchs? Like new string or what was addes (what files or what strings was added or changed). If it possible.
I must know what strings edit for new updates.
Sorry about my english again. Ths u anyway!
Welcome to Pirates Ahoy! and to New Horizons, @BUCHA! :cheers

There is indeed a partial Russian translation, still far from complete. Places to look for the original English files are:
  • PROGRAM\Storyline\*\DIALOGS\ENGLISH (There are several storylines. Each has some dialog files of its own. For example, "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\ENGLISH" contains some dialog text for "Tales of a Sea Hawk".)
Where Russian translations exist, they are in the Russian versions of these folders:
You do not need to translate everything! Pick something that interests you and start with that. Any contributions you can make would be welcome. And you will be credited in the documentation for any work that you do.
Hello! Sorry about my english language. Iam from Russian.
Iam try play at this mod and its greatfull. Giant work for atmosphere and new mechanics. Living world!
Now i try translate this huge game to russian language. Work in progress, and iam use last version by may 2021.
If it can be, makers of this game, can send me some info about updates for new patchs? Like new string or what was addes (what files or what strings was added or changed). If it possible.
I must know what strings edit for new updates.
Sorry about my english again. Ths u anyway!
Ahoy there! And welcome indeed. :cheers

Are you a member at Bug->Fix русификатора Новые Горизонты - Страница 2 - Форум сайта 'Гавань Корсаров' ?
I was hoping to sign up there myself soon.

It will be some work to get everything up-to-date; but I would love to collaborate with the Russian community! :bow

There is indeed a partial Russian translation, still far from complete.
In fact, there are TWO!
There is the one already included in our own files; but there is also this one:
Пираты Карибского Моря: Новые Горизонты - Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons
First step would be to compare both versions; and try to bring them closer together again.

I believe there is already a russian translation being worked on.
It is not being worked on. Not by us. Not at the moment.

As far as I know, @Maximus started on it; and then it got "forked" to Corsairs Harbour.
So on the Russian end, they continued translating; and on our end, we continued developing and fixing.
But there was no contact between us; so now we've got two different code bases.
Ths u for answers. No news about continiue work for translate on russian so long time ago. Iam start continue this work and try use some complete work and edit it.
Some files already complete, like events, characters names (but in game some characters have english names and russian second names. Now iam work on Ships, items, dialogs and interface dialogs with all characters like shipyardman.
Iam scarred about : new version of POTC NH release and iam cant find changes for translate them, becaouse so many text :)
But ths u anyway! Its most huge expansion ever.
GOOD LUCK u for this project anyway! Guys like u need for normal people.
Iam complete a giant fan expansion for one boardgame during 5 years, make it solo with some negative previews/reviews, try fix it and not stop my work, loose all sources then start work from zero again. But its just a boardgame and it was really hard for guy, who like this boardgame but never use tools like photoshop. Your work hard and i think all guys sincerely glad that the project has not been abandoned and we can enjoy a unique project U create really new game, best pirate game every i think ( its my vision ).
Some files already complete, like events, characters names (but in game some characters have english names and russian second names.
Can you tell us which characters have mixed names like that?

You could compare "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\characters_names.txt" against "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt". Those files were created for the Russian translation. Some new characters have been added, their names are in the English file but not in the Russian file, so their names will appear in English.
We've been talking with "maks smirnov" on our Discord.
This was his comment:
По поводу выбора модельки в фриплее-выбрать можно и скинчик и стартовый кораблик,если режим читов включен

По поводу линеек жука и Роджерса-в обоих гайдодрочерство похлеще,чем в кс.Из линейки жука выпал,когда игра говорит,мол лезь в файлы и ищи там excel файл.Там разгадывай шифр….Ну ты понял.Сломался на моменте с крафтом пороха для китайцев.Линейку золотого жука не прошел

С линейкой Роджерса все проще,но там не прошел из-за бага с отсутствующим порохом в оружейной на Ямайке.Сломался и дропнул линейку.
С мнением о линейке Горацио согласен.Но так же не смог осилить из-за бага в последней миссии на маяке,где не сработал скрипт смены персонажа.Перепроходить или штурмовать форумы было лень.Линейку не осилил.
Линейка Воробья так же была на грани фола в конце,где нужно догнать перехватчик тот просто не заспавнился.Решилось гуглом и написанием строк скрипта.Ура.Линейка пройдена.История интересна.Но неочевидность(или наоборот очевидность) некоторых действий здесь переходит за рамки.

Далее распишу о линейках,которые не засветились в видео:
Линейки Бартоломью и Йогана пересекаются.Причем и сюжетно и в целом.
И….там есть стелс….обязательный стелс с метанием в солдат отравленных ножей с четко выверенного расстояния.Попробую описать.В ночи герой имея ограниченное количество этих ножей должен пробраться куда-то,для чего надо убить всех врагов.Необходимо кинуть нож(который тут экипируется вместо пистолета с его же анимацией) с расстояния,на котором нож долетит,но солдат не заметит тебя(нож в бочине то он не замечает)
Если спалят-переигрывай,даже если всех убьешь дверь будет закрыта.
Враг сдыхает от яда.Идешь к следующему.И так пока не убьешь всех.Этот стелс обязателен минимум два раза в линейки Йогана и столько же в линейке Бартоломью.
Тем не менее я смог осилить эти сюжеты

Линейка Беатрисс не завершена и отсутсвует,если поставить галочку в лаунчере.
А Ардент.Ну…Чем то похожа на линейку Натаниэля.Сначала ты вольный корсар,потом работаешь на очередного губернатора.Хоть фриплей сохранили в полном объеме.

Мод то годный,но его портят несколько вещей:
1-реализация на движке корсаров то,что изначально не предназначалось для этого(стелс,квесты и прочее непотребство)
2-слишком большой порог вхождения.Я играл в почти все корсары и аддоны к ним.Только в этой солянке мне приходилось часов 5 разбираться в настройках геймплея и на что они влияют.Игра слишком нагружена новыми фичами вроде постройки зданий(ни поселений,а именно зданий,сквозь которые из-за кривости можно проходить будто их нет физически,а только визуально)
3-недоделанность.Все эти фичи требуют работы.Большой работы.Однако никто этим не занимался и вряд-ли будет в ближайшие пару лет.Скорее всего проект вообще забросят.Как писалось на сайте разрабов они добавляли все это только по просьбам игроков и добавляли многое.А некоторые вещи делали сами игроки,которые не особо разбираются как это реализовать.Можно было бы выпилить весь этот мусор,но нет.Видимо разрабы считают это «изюминкой» своего мода
4 и последнее-это баги
Баги везде.От простых,вроде косяков с анимациями до фатальных,которые не дают тебе пройти квест,выйти из локации,загрузить игру или вообще крашат тебе игру.Именно в теме багов на форуме до сих пор создаются новые посты.Нужно быть терпеливым человеком,чтобы пройти хотя бы одну линейку словя при этом 27 багов разной степени тяжести.

Сравнивая этот мод и возвращение морской легенды я отдам предпочтение последнему.Они разные,но вмл куда стабильнее и не насилует твой мозг.Конечно главная проблема мода от Алексуса это отсутсвие глобальных квестов и опять же незавершенность.Но там это оправдано переездом на движок третьих корсаров.
В горизонты можно поиграть и даже получить удовольстве.Не все фичи здесь лишние,некоторые я бы хотел видеть и в других частях корсаров,но проблемы описанные выше скорее всего заставят народ пройти мимо.

P.S.Русификатор это вообще атас).Недоделан как и сама игра,впоследствии чего встречаются куски английского текста(довольно часто,надо сказать).Про опечатки и грамматику вообще молчу)

And here the Google auto-translate:
Regarding the choice of the model in the freeplay, you can choose both the skinny and the starting boat, if the cheat mode is turned on

Regarding the rulers of the beetle and Rogers, in both, the guiderocking is worse than in the ks. From the line of the beetle fell out when the game says, they say, go into the files and look for an excel file there. Solve the code there ... Well, you understand. I broke at the moment with the craft of gunpowder for the Chinese. Did not pass the golden beetle ruler

With Rogers' line, everything is easier, but it did not work there due to a bug with missing gunpowder in an armory in Jamaica. Horatio agrees with the opinion about the line, but he also could not master it due to a bug in the last mission at the lighthouse, where the character change script did not work. It was too lazy to go through or storm the forums. I did not master the line. The Sparrow's line was also on the verge of a foul at the end, where it was necessary to catch up with the interceptor, he simply did not spawn. It was decided by Google and writing the lines of the script. Hurray. The line was passed. The story is interesting. But the non-obviousness (or, on the contrary, obviousness) of some actions here goes beyond the scope.

Next, I will write about the rulers that did not appear in the video:
The lines of Bartholomew and Johann intersect, both in terms of plot and in general.
And ... .there is stealth ... .mandatory stealth with throwing poisoned knives at the soldiers from a precise distance. I'll try to describe. In the night, the hero, having a limited number of these knives, must get somewhere, for which it is necessary to kill all the enemies. here it is equipped instead of a pistol with its own animation) from the distance at which the knife will fly, but the soldier will not notice you (the knife is in the barrel, then he does not notice)
If you burn, replay, even if you kill everyone, the door will be closed. The enemy dies of poison. You go to the next. And so until you kill everyone. This stealth is required at least twice in Johann's line and the same amount in Bartholomew's line.
Nevertheless, I was able to master these plots.

The Beatriss line is incomplete and is missing if you check the box in the launcher.
And Ardent. Well ... It is somewhat similar to Nathaniel's lineup. First you are a free corsair, then you work for the next governor. Although the freeplay was kept in full.

The mod is good, but several things spoil it:

1-implementation on the corsair engine that was not originally intended for this (stealth, quests and other indecency)

2-the threshold of entry is too high. I played almost all corsairs and add-ons to them. Only in this hodgepodge I had to understand the gameplay settings and what they affect for 5 hours. The game is too loaded with new features like the construction of buildings (no settlements, namely buildings, through which, due to the curvature, you can pass as if they are not physically, but only visually)

3-unfinished. All these features require work. A lot of work. However, no one did this and is unlikely to be in the next couple of years. Most likely the project will be abandoned altogether. As it was written on the developers website, they added all this only at the request of the players and added a lot .And some things were done by the players themselves, who do not really understand how to implement it. It would be possible to cut out all this garbage, but no. Apparently the developers consider this a "highlight" of their mod

4 and the last one is bugs
Bugs are everywhere. From simple ones, like jambs with animations to fatal ones that prevent you from completing a quest, leaving a location, loading a game or even crashing your game. It is in the topic of bugs on the forum that new posts are still being created. You need to be a patient person, to pass at least one line of words with 27 bugs of varying severity.

Comparing this mod and the return of the sea legend, I will give preference to the latter. They are different, but vml is much more stable and does not rape your brain. Of course, the main problem of the mod from Alexus is the lack of global quests and, again, incompleteness. But there it is justified by moving to the engine of the third corsairs.
You can play horizons and even have fun. Not all features are superfluous here, I would like to see some in other parts of the corsairs, but the problems described above will most likely make people pass by.

PS The rusifier is generally atas) .It is unfinished like the game itself, after which there are pieces of English text (quite often, I must say). I generally keep quiet about typos and grammar)
And here the Google auto-translate:

I promised a clearer translation.Although it's still not perfect,but better,that nothing...

About the choice of the model in the freeplay-you can choose both the skin and the starting ship, if the cheat mode is enabled

About the lines of goldbug and Rogers-in both you have to follow the instructions even more than,TEHO.Without guides i cannot complete the goldbug quest where need find excel file in game resources....I drop it,on quest with gunpowder crafting for chinese.

Rogers storyline was not so hardest,but i do not complete it,cause i got bug with missing gunpowder

With your opinion aboth the Horatio story i ablosutely agree.And again, it did not pass because of a bug on lightouse in the end,where your character must change,but it doesnt.

Sparrow storyline was also on the verge of being abandoned by me because of a bug with a missing "interceptor".But i just use google and redact gamefiles.finally.I was able to finish at least one

Now i tell you about storylines,which doesnt was in this video.

Yohan and Bartolomeu storylines intersecting.Main concept and gameplay....and they have stealth in them....obligatory stealth,when you need to throw knifes in soldiers from a well-defined distance.

let me try to describe it.In the night, the hero with a limited number of these knives must get somewhere, for which you need to kill all the enemies

You need to throw a knife(which is equipped here instead of a gun with its own animation) from the distance at which the knife will kill soldiers,but the soldier will not notice you(looks like soldier doesnt notice the knife in him back)
if them see you-you'll have to start over.Even if you kill everyone the door will be closed
when enemy dies from the poison, go to the next one.

that stealth is required at least twice in the line of Yogan and the same amount in the line of Bartholomeu.

The Devlin Opera is not complete and is missing if you you won't install it

About Ardent story...Well it seems like original Hawk story.thankgod for the freeplay in it.

The mod is good,but a few things spoil it

1-Using engine for things,is something, that was not originally intended for this(stealth, some storylines, and other obscenity)

2-The entry threshold is too high.I've played almost all of the corsairs and their addons.And only in this mod I had 5 hours to understand the gameplay settings and what they affect The game is too overloaded with new mechanics and other stuff.like the construction of buildings(no settlements,bulidings.Phantom bulidings)

3-Mod just unfinished.I think the mod will be abandoned sooner or later...As it was written on the website of the developers they added all this things only at the request of the players and added a lot.

And the 4-its bugs.Bugs everywhere.From simple,like models animations to fatal, which do not allow you to complete the quest, exit the location, load the game or even crash your session.it is necessary to be a patient person to pass at least one storyline without getting 27 bugs of varying severity

Comparing this mod and the Sea legend is back I will recommend SLIB

They are different, but "slib" is much more stable and does not force your brain.Of course the main problem of AlexusB project is the same incompleteness.But this is justified by removing the game to new version of storm engine

you can enjoy,when you plaing in New horizons.Really.Not all innovations are superfluous here.The most of them i wanna see in other corsairs.But the problems,what i describe spoil everything

P.S. Russifier is pretty good ).But is unfinished as well as the game itself, and he have pieces of English text ( often, I must say).I don't say anything about typos and grammar at all)
To anyone wanting to work on the Russian translation, have a look here:
Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update:19th May 2021]
This includes all the English files in their current form. If you want to translate any part of the game into Russian, that should give you what you need to start.

Some of the game has already been translated into Russian. All current Russian translation of PoTC:NH can be found in the current update:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates_190521.zip
Some of the game has already been translated into Russian. All current Russian translation of PoTC:NH can be found in the current update:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates_190521.zip
Ideally we should have a look at what is done in those separate and more complete Russian translation files.
Wished a merge of some kind would be possible...

I promised a clearer translation.Although it's still not perfect,but better,that nothing...
Thanks! :cheers

About the lines of goldbug and Rogers-in both you have to follow the instructions even more than,TEHO.Without guides i cannot complete the goldbug quest where need find excel file in game resources....I drop it,on quest with gunpowder crafting for chinese.

Rogers storyline was not so hardest,but i do not complete it,cause i got bug with missing gunpowder
Gold-Bug and Woodes Rogers indeed have some pretty complex puzzles.
I haven't tried them myself, so not sure how self-explanatory (or not) they are.

@Jack Rackham: Does that gunpowder bug sound familiar to you?
I assume it has been fixed somewhere between 2018 and now?

With your opinion aboth the Horatio story i ablosutely agree.And again, it did not pass because of a bug on lightouse in the end,where your character must change,but it doesnt.
@Grey Roger: How about this bug?
Do you remember it being fixed by any chance?

Sparrow storyline was also on the verge of being abandoned by me because of a bug with a missing "interceptor".But i just use google and redact gamefiles.finally.I was able to finish at least one
And same question here, I suppose...

I recall @Grey Roger managed to successfully play through all storylines in the more recent versions of the mod.
But he did have to make some fixes along the way, which are now included of course.

Yohan and Bartolomeu storylines intersecting.Main concept and gameplay....and they have stealth in them....obligatory stealth,when you need to throw knifes in soldiers from a well-defined distance.

let me try to describe it.In the night, the hero with a limited number of these knives must get somewhere, for which you need to kill all the enemies

You need to throw a knife(which is equipped here instead of a gun with its own animation) from the distance at which the knife will kill soldiers,but the soldier will not notice you(looks like soldier doesnt notice the knife in him back)
if them see you-you'll have to start over.Even if you kill everyone the door will be closed
when enemy dies from the poison, go to the next one.

that stealth is required at least twice in the line of Yogan and the same amount in the line of Bartholomeu.
I think @Bartolomeu o Portugues was inspired by Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and tried to make something similar working.

The Devlin Opera is not complete and is missing if you you won't install it
Though @BathtubPirate has recently started doing some new work on it again. :cheers

1-Using engine for things,is something, that was not originally intended for this(stealth, some storylines, and other obscenity)
Obscenity! :rofl

It's true that our modders have bee VERY creative; and really searching for the limits of what the game engine is willing to do.
Some experiments worked well... some less so.

2-The entry threshold is too high.I've played almost all of the corsairs and their addons.And only in this mod I had 5 hours to understand the gameplay settings and what they affect The game is too overloaded with new mechanics and other stuff.like the construction of buildings(no settlements,bulidings.Phantom bulidings)
New Horizons is indeed a pretty massive mod.
The tutorial is both boring and not comprehensive.
And a manual would hardly be read... :facepalm

Actually, if you understand it all in 5 hours, that's actually not such a bad job!
My thinking is always that you can learn as you play.
You don't need to understand every game mechanic right at the start.
As long as you can figure them out by the time you it becomes relevant.

And yep, that "BuildingSet" feature you mention is WEEEIIIRD.
Can be fun for players who want to use it; but it is also famously imperfect.
That is why you can disable it in the Game Preferences menu; along with various other more complex systems.
The "buildings" even specifically explain to you that they KNOW they're imperfect.
Along with various hilarious excuses.
You have to see the humour in it, really; @CouchcaptainCharles who made it was quite the funny guy. :rofl

3-Mod just unfinished.I think the mod will be abandoned sooner or later...
Of course it is unfinished; because we keep working on it!
And I assume it will eventually be abandoned; but that could still be a while.
We've been going for 18 years already. And with an engine upgrade hopefully in the near-future, there may yet be more to come.

As it was written on the website of the developers they added all this things only at the request of the players and added a lot.
Not entirely sure what you mean by that. Most features added were done simply become someone stepped in and made it.
We do try to take into account player feedback; but mostly everyone just makes what they want; and we aim to make it all work together.

And the 4-its bugs.Bugs everywhere.From simple,like models animations to fatal, which do not allow you to complete the quest, exit the location, load the game or even crash your session.it is necessary to be a patient person to pass at least one storyline without getting 27 bugs of varying severity
Can't claim perfection, that's for certain.
But especially quest bugs I suspect are because the Russified version is several years old.
As far as I am aware, most things should be working relatively well these days.
Or at least... playable enough.

Comparing this mod and the Sea legend is back I will recommend SLIB
What is SLiB like?
I know it exists; but since it's purely Russian, I haven't a clue what the gameplay and/or stories are like.

"slib" is much more stable and does not force your brain
Not all innovations are superfluous here.The most of them i wanna see in other corsairs.
I wonder what it is that hurts your brain. But I can understand if the number of features is overwhelming.
The way I see it, "New Horizons" isn't really a mod; but more several games in one.
There should be "something for everyone". But not everything is for everyone.

This is why there are so so many customization options:
The idea is that as player you can create the game experience you yourself want;
rather than whatever game experience the developers give you.
If there is a feature you don't like, that's fair enough: either use an existing toggle, or ask us and we can add a toggle for whatever you cannot yet switch off.

Same with the storylines: they're all very different and I doubt most people would like each and every one equally.
But you don't have to. Different people like different things; and as long as different people find something to like, that works.
With your opinion aboth the Horatio story i ablosutely agree.And again, it did not pass because of a bug on lightouse in the end,where your character must change,but it doesnt.
@Grey Roger: How about this bug?
Do you remember it being fixed by any chance?
I've a vague memory that after the lighthouse scene, you became William Bush for the purposes of a cut-scene and never changed back. That was fixed long ago. In any case, if you're playing a version of the game in which that still happens, there's a trivially easy fix - press F2, choose a "Hornblower" outfit and rename yourself. But if you're playing that ancient version then you're missing out on a lot of new stuff.

Sparrow storyline was also on the verge of being abandoned by me because of a bug with a missing "interceptor".But i just use google and redact gamefiles.finally.I was able to finish at least one
And same question here, I suppose...
I do remember fixing various bugs in "Hoist the Colours" but the lack of an "Interceptor" wasn't one of them. But if we're talking about an ancient version in which Hornblower remains Bush then I've no idea what condition "Hoist the Colours" is in.

About Ardent story...Well it seems like original Hawk story.thankgod for the freeplay in it.
Interesting comparison. If anything, "Ardent" is the opposite of "Tales of a Sea Hawk". That one starts you off as a privateer, then you turn against the governor and become a pirate. "Ardent" is more or less the other way round. ;) Though what you do as a privateer and pirate in the two stories is very different! (Of course, if this is a long obsolete version of Build 14, "Ardent" is probably incomplete and buggy as well.)
Gold-Bug and Woodes Rogers indeed have some pretty complex puzzles.
I haven't tried them myself, so not sure how self-explanatory (or not) they are.
Do it!

I have played both and remember only one point where you had to do something that I couldn't explain to myself. All other instances where I needed help were because of impatience or in rare cases small bugs.

The puzzles / the stories are often difficult but they're totally doable if you're paying attention, try things out and think a bit outside of the box. It DOES need time to get used to it and sometimes it can be a bit hard to keep track of what's happening with certain objects, levers etc. because of the graphical limitations of what can be shown and how.

Interesting comparison. If anything, "Ardent" is the opposite of "Tales of a Sea Hawk".
I also think Ardent is the closest to Sea Hawk, simply because of similar themes and motifs (war and colonial diplomacy, native history and mythology, romance, sassy protagonist) and mostly similar gameplay (compared to e.g. the stealth gameplay of Bartolomeu, the puzzle gameplay of Woodes Rogers or Hornblower feeling like reading a picture book at times). But that's simply an observation, I liked Ardent. ;)
@Jack Rackham: Does that gunpowder bug sound familiar to you?
I assume it has been fixed somewhere between 2018 and now?
No, I don't remember it but I use to fix reported bugs so I guess it's done.

Without guides i cannot complete the goldbug quest where need find excel file in game resources....
Yes there's an excel-file hidden in the GoldBug's questbook folder. It's there to help you solve the puzzle.

I have played both and...
Have you tried WR part 2? Lot's of new puzzles.
Yes there's an excel-file hidden in the GoldBug's questbook folder. It's there to help you solve the puzzle.
If I recall, the ingame storyline literally tells you to find that file; right?
So it's no secret it is there.
The excel file in Gold-Bug is both a great way to play even more "outiside of the box" as you literally have to leave the game and play it elsewhere and a great way to fully appreciate solving the cryptogram. I guess you could get there without it but it adds depth to the cryptogram as you're solving it yourself, not only as a player but as a person if that difference makes sense.
No, I don't remember it but I use to fix reported bugs so I guess it's done.
Apparently that was because the Ammo Mod was switched off.
Switching it on in mid-game didn't solve it.

I can't remember if and what we did to ensure that's always on...?
Maybe @Grey Roger just added the requirement to the storyline description?
Got the Russian version of PotC:NH running on my computer here.
It seems to be working; and it seems to be the 'Tuesday 16th May 2017' release of the mod.
It was as simple as:
1. Install original unmodded PotC
2. Download "Launcher": http://horizons.corsairs-harbour.ru/counter/counter.php?book=9
3. Put launcher in main game folder
4. Click on the lower-right button
5. When presented with a green/red "yes/no" question, keep selecting the green option until finished

There's also a "fix_.black_screen._ru_21.01.18.7z" that I'm not sure if it should be included manually or not.
Quick check with WinMerge looks VERY strange. The "fix" actually removes some code; as well as a bunch of "\" signs in coded file paths.
But it also adds two newly translated files.

The Russian translation also replaces the English language from the mod; rather than tying in with the existing translation system.
This will require some figuring out.

Trying now to install the Build 14 Beta 4.1 installer that Пираты Карибского Моря: Новые Горизонты - Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons points to.
Then I want to do a comparison between the clean version and the Russian version; and then see if I can compile 1 ZIP with all newly translated files in there.
Apparently that was because the Ammo Mod was switched off.
Switching it on in mid-game didn't solve it.

I can't remember if and what we did to ensure that's always on...?
Maybe @Grey Roger just added the requirement to the storyline description?
It's not in the storyline description but there is a note in "SettingsDescribe.txt":
NOTE: Ammunition required for certain storylines.
It may have been @Jack Rackham or I who put it there. In any case, it's only in the version of the file included in the update archive - it wasn't even in the May 2018 installer.