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Another missed point - baldewyn coffier_dialog.h (139 line).


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In "baldewyn coffier_dialog.c", case "line_money":
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[137] + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false) ;
Add the "." to the end:
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[137] + GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false) + ".";
In the Sabine Matton quest, after talking to Sabine Matton I have no dialogue with Arnaud about the quest. There is only a task to transport cargo and it’s time to leave.


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1)In the quest "Sinking The Vogelstruijs", after I am teleported to the ship, I talk to my officer and a fight breaks out. So, if I don’t put my sword away, then the captain won’t speak to me and he can be easily killed. The quest breaks at this point.
I also noticed that in the passage there is some kind of option through the jungle, but the officer immediately teleports me to the ship after leaving the residence.
2)The same thing happens in the quest "The Silver Train", after the murder of the aborigines in the jungle. I can go to other locations.


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1: @Bartolomeu o Portugues: this can be handled at least two ways. One is to make "Skipper" immortal, force the player to put his sword away at case "birdboarding3", then make "Skipper" mortal at case "birdboarding4" so you can duel him. The other is to move this code:
            pchar.quest.toadmiral.win_condition.l1 = "NPC_Death";
            pchar.quest.toadmiral.win_condition.l1.character = "Skipper";
            pchar.quest.toadmiral.win_condition = "birdhold";
... to case "birdboarding3", so that if you kill the captain before he has a chance to talk to you, you still go to the hold. Case "birdboarding3" is triggered by wiping out the rest of the crew so you still need to kill all of them and "Skipper" before you can go to the hold.

I also noticed that in the passage there is some kind of option through the jungle, but the officer immediately teleports me to the ship after leaving the residence.
Which passage? If you mean "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.h", that file is also used for the dialog for the crew you meet during the Rogue and Gambler beginnings.

2: Which other locations?
You can safely return to the bay and sail away, and also get to the location with Konrad Kulczycki (who will not appear there unless you talk to Elizabeth)
That's fair enough. You can move around if you like but you won't progress the quest until you have talked to Elizabeth Swann. You can leave the island if you like, then return to complete the quest. There are probably other sidequests which do something similar.

That quest was written by @Thomas the Terror .
He hasn't been around for ages... :(
In that case, let's try the first option - make the captain immortal, make the player put the sword away to talk to him, then make the captain mortal for the duel.


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In that case, let's try the first option - make the captain immortal, make the player put the sword away to talk to him, then make the captain mortal for the duel.
It was the second part of his unfinished Tales of a Chevalier storyline.
I split it off to be a general side quest when we introduced the Free Play mode.
That's fair enough. You can move around if you like but you won't progress the quest until you have talked to Elizabeth Swann. You can leave the island if you like, then return to complete the quest. There are probably other sidequests which do something similar.
You probably don't understand, Elizabeth won't talk to me if I have a sword out. This way I can go to another location and nothing will happen, and only when I return back without the sword will she speak. An entry appears in the journal and this is the only moment that will save a beginner, because you cannot press f2 with a sword in your hand.


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In "quests_side.c", case "leaveindians", add this:
LAi_SetFightMode(PChar, false);

That should force you to put your sword away after the Indians are defeated.
In "quests_side.c", case "leaveindians", add this:
LAi_SetFightMode(PChar, false);

That should force you to put your sword away after the Indians are defeated.
Update: that works, and I also moved the reload unlocking commands from case "leaveindians" to case "meetprisoner". That way, you can't leave the jungle until Elizabeth has talked to you. The 'LAi_SetFightMode(PChar, false)' command is not strictly necessary because Elizabeth Swann waits until you have put your sword away, but it may avoid confusion. A player who does not know the mechanism may fail to sheath the sword and then wonder why it is impossible to move to another location; with that command in place, the sword is automatically sheathed and Elizabeth Swann talks immediately.

@Bartolomeu o Portugues: as this is your quest, have you any objections to these changes? If not, how about doing the same to the versions of the quest in the "Bartolomeu" and "Hoist the Colours" storylines?
Something strange is happening in the Artois Voysey quest. After talking with the innkeeper, he says to go upstairs to the room, but it is locked. The only way to get there is to rent a room and the quest will continue.


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Which storyline are you playing? Have you any other sidequests active?

Talking to the tavern keeper should trigger quest case "artois_before_room_on_second_floor":
        case "artois_before_room_on_second_floor":
            AddQuestRecord("artois", 5);
            Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern")].reload.l2.disable = false;
            Pchar.quest.Blaze_arrest.win_condition.l1 = "location";
            Pchar.quest.Blaze_arrest.win_condition.l1.location = "Conceicao_tavern_upstairs";
            PChar.quest.Blaze_arrest.win_condition = "Blaze_arrest";
            pchar.quest.Voysey_lost = "2";
That adds questbook line 5, unlocks the door to the room, and sets a trigger for the arrest scene when you enter the room.

Presumably the trigger is set because when you rent the room and go upstairs, the arrest scene happens. So either you have a version of "quests_side.c" which somehow lost the line 'Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern")].reload.l2.disable = false;', or something else has locked the room again.
Which storyline are you playing? Have you any other sidequests active?
Free game, completely new. Character Hilda Sparre. The arrest will happen if I rent a room in a tavern.. The doors are just closed. Even before this, a merchant from the quest Hard Labors of an Assassin approached me, perhaps this led to the closure. Added a save before entering the tavern, if necessary.


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Yes, the initial check for "Hard Labours of an Assassin" locks all doors until Ambroz Bricenos has talked to you. If you decline the quest, everything should unlock right away. If you accept the quest, doors probably won't open until Ambroz Bricenos has walked out of the front door.

Try again, and if the door to the room is still locked, quit the game and upload "compile.log".