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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Try this version of "PROGRAM\CCCdirectsail.c". Function 'GetBearingFromShip16' returns various directions such as "dead ahead", "astern", "on the port bow" etc., but does not translate them, and neither do the various calls on the function. So all sorts of sightings - island, sail, random floating object - should all have shown untranslated directions. I've added 'TranslateString' into 'GetBearingFromShip16', so all such reports should now show translated directions.
I'd swear I had done something similar to that. Must have gotten lost

Ah, yes, in my may 20 files. Only I went the hard way instead of the smart way and slapped TranslateString in front of all the bearings
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In general, I went through the story of Bartholomew. It was very interesting! Only I don't understand why the last quest is not displayed in the questbook with a continuation about that figurine thrown out in the port of Martinique.
I also did not understand how to shoot with a long rifle that Queiroz gave to the left mouse button, it does not shoot.
And yet I didn’t understand it all the same, Nathaniel Hauck at the end or Charles Baxter, because in the questbook - this is the only thing that was written in it, it says that this is Nathaniel.
A few more questions follow:
1)On the ship, when talking with Sebastian Ortega, for some reason, a different name is written - Philemon Sanabria. Who is this?
2)Soldier - not translated.
3)The name is pirates - I wanted to change it for a long time, because it is incorrectly translated, but I do not know where it is. I also saw this in the story of Jack Sparrow when he was left on the island and in the story of Hornblower when we cut off the replenishment of the water to the French. The fact is that it is in the plural, but you need the singular.
4)Charles Baxter is not translated. The ship surrendered after shelling with buckshot and I boarded, but I read that it was impossible for the ship to surrender, you need to kill everyone.
5)There is an extra space in the code here. This is in SeaSection.txt (4-5 lines)


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In general, I went through the story of Bartholomew. It was very interesting! Only I don't understand why the last quest is not displayed in the questbook with a continuation about that figurine thrown out in the port of Martinique.
If you mean the sidequest in which you fight Charles Baxter again, it's all an optional sidequest and does not affect the main story. You're supposed to think that the story of the figurine is over, it's safely at the bottom of the sea and you can continue with the rest of the story. You have to find the sidequest without help from questbooks!

I also did not understand how to shoot with a long rifle that Queiroz gave to the left mouse button, it does not shoot.
What would you press to fire a normal pistol? Press the same to fire the rifle.

And yet I didn’t understand it all the same, Nathaniel Hauck at the end or Charles Baxter, because in the questbook - this is the only thing that was written in it, it says that this is Nathaniel.
That is "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Bartolomeu\QUESTBOOKS\zombie.txt". Change that to say "Charles Baxter".

A long time ago, the pirate which Bartolomeu captured at Nevis and then fought again at Concepcion was Nathaniel Hawk. And in other storylines, the "Peter Blood" sidequests were about Bartolomeu. The problem is that Nathaniel Hawk has his own storyline starting in 1750, while Bartolomeu's story starts in 1660, making it impossible for the two characters to meet. So the sidequests were changed to use Peter Blood, while the storyline was changed to use Charles Baxter. I don't know why that questbook still says "Nathaniel Hawk" in Russian - the English version says "Peter Blood" (and so does the Spanish version).

A few more questions follow:
1)On the ship, when talking with Sebastian Ortega, for some reason, a different name is written - Philemon Sanabria. Who is this?
2)Soldier - not translated.
3)The name is pirates - I wanted to change it for a long time, because it is incorrectly translated, but I do not know where it is. I also saw this in the story of Jack Sparrow when he was left on the island and in the story of Hornblower when we cut off the replenishment of the water to the French. The fact is that it is in the plural, but you need the singular.
4)Charles Baxter is not translated. The ship surrendered after shelling with buckshot and I boarded, but I read that it was impossible for the ship to surrender, you need to kill everyone.
5)There is an extra space in the code here. This is in SeaSection.txt (4-5 lines)
1: You fought a duel with Sebastian and killed him. For story purposes, you can pretend that he was only wounded, survived and was healed, which is why you meet him again on the ship. But a character who dies and respawns changes name, unless his definition includes the line:
ch.questchar = true;
Add it to Sebastian Ortega's definition in "PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\characters\init\Story.c".
2: What is that word after "Soldier"? As far as I can tell, it should not be there. The character definitions for all Portuguese soldiers set their first name to be 'TranslateString("", "Soldier")' and their last name to be "". "Soldier" is translated in "common.ini". If the soldier was killed and then respawned, he should have a completely new name, the same way as Sebastian Ortega.
3: That is probably from line 987 of "common.ini", which is translated as singular "Pirate" in English and singular "Pirata" in Spanish, so you could probably get away with making it singular in Russian. If you do change it, watch for incorrect singular "Pirate" when it should be plural "Pirates" in other places.
4: I don't know why his name is not translated. You do kill him in a duel earlier when you catch him at Nevis, but if that caused his name to become untranslated, you should have noticed it when you took him to Sao Jorge. There is no code to prevent Charles Baxter from surrendering, but even if there were, if the name is not translated then you would see it on his corpse.
5: There is a full stop at the start of line 5. English and Spanish both have a hyphen there so that the two lines form one sentence, e.g. "Can't load sugar - hold is full!" Line 4 is "Can't load". The code then inserts a space, the name of the cargo, and another space, before adding line 5, "- hold is full!" Can Russian not do the same?
2: What is that word after "Soldier"? As far as I can tell, it should not be there. The character definitions for all Portuguese soldiers set their first name to be 'TranslateString("", "Soldier")' and their last name to be "". "Soldier" is translated in "common.ini". If the soldier was killed and then respawned, he should have a completely new name, the same way as Sebastian Ortega.
Barros - that's most likely his name.
5: There is a full stop at the start of line 5. English and Spanish both have a hyphen there so that the two lines form one sentence, e.g. "Can't load sugar - hold is full!" Line 4 is "Can't load". The code then inserts a space, the name of the cargo, and another space, before adding line 5, "- hold is full!" Can Russian not do the same?
4: I don't know why his name is not translated. You do kill him in a duel earlier when you catch him at Nevis, but if that caused his name to become untranslated, you should have noticed it when you took him to Sao Jorge. There is no code to prevent Charles Baxter from surrendering, but even if there were, if the name is not translated then you would see it on his corpse.
I don’t remember exactly if it was Russian, maybe it didn’t exist at all. Here in the post I talked about the problem with him.

Added a line ch.questchar = true; for Sebastian Ortega


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1)Study of Mateus Santos - not translated.
2)Incomprehensible characters in the Elthing character menu.
3)Gunpowder Storage - Not translated in the quest with blowing up the ship.
4)Victim poisoned! - Not translated, but here I did not understand, I poisoned him or he me...
5) Room in tavern - It's in the camp where the Rock Brazilian people are.
6)To the Loanshark - not translated.
7)Vivienne Stewart - not translated.
8)Some words in the cheat menu are not translated: (for; Selected character is player; Selected character is officer)
9)Soldier - In addition to Bartholomew, there are also 2 soldiers in Elthing when there is an explosion.
10) When passing the quest A Kidnapping at the moment:
Go to village tavern – talk to Hans Delorme - then Nicholas Butcher talks to you – Transported outside at night - Nicholas Butcher talks to you – Kill guards – Enter house – Talk to Cesario De Rosas hiding upstairs
Exit house - Nicholas Butcher talks to you – he leaves with Cesario De Rosas – fight Roche’s Pirates – QB Update
Some man appeared in the house, whom my guys are killing, and after talking with Cesario De Rosas, I leave the house and nothing happens. Butcher doesn't talk to me. I tried to remove the passengers and not touch it and then the quest continued. Attached a save where you need to talk to a man in a tavern.
11) Visited ... Found some interesting new items - not translated.


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I throw off the save to point 10, yesterday I didn’t notice that it didn’t load


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1: Included in the attached "interface_strings.txt" on line 993, copied from other lines - check that it's correct.
2: I can't read Russian so most of that is incomprehensible to me. ;) Switch the game to English and post a screenshot of the same screen.
3: The same problem as some other labels - the reload does not lead anywhere so it tries to use the reload's label, which does not translate. It is already on line 1030 of "interface_strings.txt".
4: Translated on line 149 but with an incorrect space before the exclamation mark - now removed.
5: Added to "interface_strings.txt", line 841, copied from "Room in #stown_name# tavern" with "#stown_name#" removed - check that it's correct.
6: Added to "interface_strings.txt", line 840 - needs to be translated.
7: Included in the attached "characters_names.txt" on lines 819 and 820, need to be translated.
8: "Selected character is" added to "interface_strings.txt", line 282, needs to be translated. Attached "PROGRAM\seadogs.c" uses 'TranslateString("","Selected character is")'
9: Not sure why the soldier isn't getting a whole new random name when he is killed. Try the attached version of "PROGRAM\Characters\CharacterUtilite.c" - at the very least, it ought to solve the problem of "Charles Baxter" not being translated after the duel.
10: That part of the story has never been a problem for me. There should be one pirate in the house whom you're supposed to kill before you talk to Cesario. Exactly what did Cesario say to you?
11: The string is already translated on line 249 of "shipslog_strings.txt" but you will need the latest version of "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\itemstrade.c" to use it - attached.


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Here are the latest files.
I can't read Russian so most of that is incomprehensible to me. ;) Switch the game to English and post a screenshot of the same screen.
I fixed this myself yesterday - this is the rank of Junior Lieutenant (like something like that), and the character set was due to the fact that there was incorrect English text in common.ini, which was translated.
10: That part of the story has never been a problem for me. There should be one pirate in the house whom you're supposed to kill before you talk to Cesario. Exactly what did Cesario say to you?
I understood what was the matter, if you enter the door before he stands at the door as in the screenshot, then the script will break.


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Unfortunately I won't be able to continue fixing the translation at the moment as I don't have enough time to play and fix it. This will last all of July and only in August will I be able to continue again. Minor fixes that I find, I may make and visit the site periodically. So don't really expect any big fixes from me.
If someone wants to fix branches that I haven't fixed yet: Ardent, Nathaniel Hawk, Woodes Rogers, Devlin Opera - I can create a separate branch with their files on Yandex disk and add you editors so that you can fix something in time my absence.
Thanks for all your hard work so far, @AkrimalS! :onya Even if you do no more, you've taken the Russian translation a long way forward, as well as spotting several problems which affect other translations as well - some of which I've managed to fix.

One fix I can make to "Ardent" right away is to rename a file. In "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN", you have a file "Emiliano de Guzmбn_dialog.h". That should be "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.h" - note the accent over the "a" in "Guzmán". If it does not match the filename of "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.c", it will not be found and the character's dialog will show up in English.
One fix I can make to "Ardent" right away is to rename a file. In "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN", you have a file "Emiliano de Guzmбn_dialog.h". That should be "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.h" - note the accent over the "a" in "Guzmán". If it does not match the filename of "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.c", it will not be found and the character's dialog will show up in English.
I'll fix it tomorrow
Thanks for all your hard work so far, @AkrimalS! :onya Even if you do no more, you've taken the Russian translation a long way forward, as well as spotting several problems which affect other translations as well - some of which I've managed to fix.
I'm not going to leave yet because the translation is not finished yet and the Devlin and Jack branches are still going on (although I don't see that it is going on, but they say that it will be). Just a little weaning for 1 month if nothing happens. I will make small corrections like you sent me and maybe I will go through the Assasin branch and fix it, but if there is time.
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One fix I can make to "Ardent" right away is to rename a file. In "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\RUSSIAN", you have a file "Emiliano de Guzmбn_dialog.h". That should be "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.h" - note the accent over the "a" in "Guzmán". If it does not match the filename of "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.c", it will not be found and the character's dialog will show up in English.
There are 2 options for the file, one of them to delete?
I changed the name and uploaded Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.h Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)


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There are 2 options for the file, one of them to delete?
Delete the bottom one. Its name is wrong and it's out of date. The correct one is "Emiliano de Guzmán_dialog.c" as that is what the character will use.
I'm stuck on this moment:
Sail to St Johns, Antigua – find Pelagius Lizarraga up in fort to the right of jetty – talk to him

Go to Naval HQ and talk to Port Admiral – ask if he has any tasks for you – ask for real task – accept job of sinking the Belleville off Guadeloupe – QB Update

After talking with Pelagius, no entry appears in the quest log. The walkthrough says that you need to go to the admiral's headquarters, but he says that he can't help. Serve the pirates!
I also tried waiting 2 months since he said he would say something, but nothing happened.
Also the nation is not translated in the dialogue.


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After talking with Pelagius, no entry appears in the quest log. The walkthrough says that you need to go to the admiral's headquarters, but he says that he can't help.
You need to scroll down to find the line "Admiral, I think you underestimate my abilities as Captain. I insist.. Let me prove I can REALLY work for you." That's line 119 in "antigua_portadmiral.h".

Also the nation is not translated in the dialogue.
What is the rest of that line in English?
At the moment where the ship is on fire in Hornblower's story, you need to block the movement to the ship, otherwise the quest will break.
3:46:24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFh_JLpo5qo
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

However, I have found the parts of "quests_reaction.c" which deal with the fireship and the conversation with the Duchess of Wharfedale. This version of "quests_reaction.c" should block fast travel as well as all reloads to the ship, and only unblock them after you have talked to the Duchess and left Naval HQ.


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What is the rest of that line in English?
This is line 25 in antigua_portadmiral.h - I am afraid that you can be of no possible service to me. If you truly wish to be of service then join the #snation_desc# navy, or at least obtain a #snation_desc# Letter of Marque.

1) Captain, a dismasted vessel has been sighted dead ahead - Not translated (but the direction is probably being translated - this is from the stream and it most likely does not have fixes for the directions installed.)
2) You find some ordinance on an abandoned ammo tender (1390 line interface_strings) - how to translate it correctly. As I understand this sunken ship when traveling on the high seas, but what do we find in it?
3)At the moment of swimming, some error in English came out: witch ship type Lugger2 has no boxsize!


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Antigua: try the attached version of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\antigua_portadmiral.c". It was missing 'XI_ConvertString' on line 78, which fills in #snation_desc# with the character's nation. Why does he want you to join the pirates, though? Have you attacked Antigua and conquered it for the pirates? Antigua is normally British, so he should ask you to join the British navy or get a British Letter of Marque.

1: I think that is in "PROGRAM\CCCdirectsail.c", and the phrases are wrong - what is in "interface_strings.txt" does not match what is in "CCCdirectsail.c", so they won't be translated. Try the attached version of "interface_strings.txt", and translate lines 1378-1381. Then try sailing around and see if any messages appear about things being sighted.
2: Ammunition, particularly explosive ammunition. Bombs and gunpowder for your cannons, grenades for you personally. The word should probably be "ordnance", not "ordinance". But don't change it - if "CCCdirectsail.c" says "ordinance" then the key in Russian should remain as "ordinance" to match.
3: Anyone who can't understand English won't be able to fix that. For that matter, those who can understand English haven't been able to fix it! I've seen that sort of message but have no idea what to do about it.

Edit: "antigua_portadmiral.c" removed, newer version attached to a later post


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Antigua: try the attached version of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\antigua_portadmiral.c". It was missing 'XI_ConvertString' on line 78, which fills in #snation_desc# with the character's nation. Why does he want you to join the pirates, though? Have you attacked Antigua and conquered it for the pirates? Antigua is normally British, so he should ask you to join the British navy or get a British Letter of Marque.
I don't know why he says to take a pirate privateering. I have no other options, I did not capture the city.


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