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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Ship names should normally be transliterated, not translated. That is, they should be converted to Cyrillic alphabet, using letters which make the same sounds as English. That is what you did in "ships_name_ru.c", and in the "storyline_strings.txt" for "Ardent" and "Hoist the Colours". In due time, other storylines will need the same done with their ship names.

But there is no ship with a name like "Volcano" in "Hornblower" that I know. The French ship which you have to sink early on is Téméraire. If you continue past the original end of the story, to the extension "Hunt the Traitors", you will encounter another French ship, Méduse. I've uploaded "storyline_strings.txt" again into post #438, along with some more ship names from the character files.
1)Passing the Bartholomew storyline at this point, I am not approached in the Guibert Daudet tavern.
Sail to Alice Town, Eleuthera
Go to tavern, - Guibert Daudet walks up and talks to you – Auto transfer to Plantation at night – Clothes Changed - QB Update
2)In the officer's menu there is a continuous spelling. I did not find these words to put a space, probably this is in the code.
3)Exit Translation.
4)Buccaneers camp tavern has not yet been translated, you asked then at the expense of the store - it is translated.
5)For some reason, characters who speak on their own behalf lose the translation of their name.
6) Bocht Van Hato - not translated.
7)House. - not translated, apparently because of the dot.
8)Darien Beach. - not translated.
9)Mixteca Bay. - not translated.
10)Townhall - not translated.
11) Devil Creek - not translated.
12) Citadel Rock - not translated.
13) Akellani native - not translated.
14) died from gangrene on - For some reason it is not translated, although it seems to be in the files, maybe the wrong path.


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1: Was Guibert Daudet not there, or did he just stand still and not talk to you?
2: That is from "Enc_Officer_dialog.h". Line 32 in English is "At your service, ". Case "hired" adds your title to that, plus line 189, "? Any orders?" The completed sentence in English would be "At your service, captain? Any orders?" You have added "капитан!" to the end of line 32, and that is why it appears where it should not.
3: The attached "interface_strings.txt" includes a translation of "#stown_name# Exit". That part should work right away.
4: Check "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Hispaniola.c", line 4624. This was originally "Buccaneers Camp tavern", and it will remain that for the rest of this game. The line should now be "#stown_name# tavern", which is translated and which will fill in "#stown_name#" as "Buccaneers Camp", but this will only work when you start a new game.
5: Was Charles Baxter's name translated when you talked to him before the fight?
6: "Bocht Van Hato" was indeed not translated. It's now included in this version of "interface_strings.txt" but you will need to translate it.
7: Where is that?
8.9: Fixed in this version of "interface_strings.txt" - missing "." in both of them.
10: Where is that? It looks like either Alice Town or Puerto la Cruz, but both their labels should be either "#stown_name# townhall" or "#stown_name# Residence", both of which are translated.
11, 12: usual problem of "Sail To" targets not being translated. I still do not know why.
13: I'm not sure where that name is set. I'll need to try to find it.
14: That was originally just "died from gangrene." without the ship's name. It is now "died from gangrene on", and the program then adds the ship's name. Attached "interface_strings.txt" now has "died from gangrene on" on line 636. You will need to translate it, and bear in mind that the ship's name will be added onto the end.


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7: Where is that?
This is in Point-au-Pitre near the brothel when the quest was taking place and there was a person standing next to whom you needed to talk.
4: Check "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Hispaniola.c", line 4624. This was originally "Buccaneers Camp tavern", and it will remain that for the rest of this game. The line should now be "#stown_name# tavern", which is translated and which will fill in "#stown_name#" as "Buccaneers Camp", but this will only work when you start a new game.
Here I have it, maybe I started the plot before the update, I don’t remember anymore ...
Was Charles Baxter's name translated when you talked to him before the fight?
Yes, the name has been changed. This problem was also encountered in the plot of Jack Sparrow when he spoke on his own behalf.
1: Was Guibert Daudet not there, or did he just stand still and not talk to you?
No, he does not appear at all in the tavern. Added save! The quest book says what you need to go to Elystown on Eleuthera.


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1: I'll try your save game. It's labelled as being in Puerto la Cruz - did you save that before or after going to Alice Town tavern?
5: In "Hoist the Colours", which character failed to translate his name?
7: There are indeed some locations in Point a Pitre labelled as "House." But "House." is already translated in "interface_strings.txt", so I don't know why the label is not being translated here. It is not even a new addition - the translation for "House." is even in the version of "interface_strings.txt" in the 2022 installer. What about the brothel itself - is its label correctly translated?
5: In "Hoist the Colours", which character failed to translate his name?
It was Jack Sparrow. There were also problems with Norington, but I don’t know, maybe it’s gone. There was also the same problem with Norington in the scene where Jack steals the ship from the pier, and they are on their ship watching it.
7: There are indeed some locations in Point a Pitre labelled as "House." But "House." is already translated in "interface_strings.txt", so I don't know why the label is not being translated here. It is not even a new addition - the translation for "House." is even in the version of "interface_strings.txt" in the 2022 installer. What about the brothel itself - is its label correctly translated?
Brothel translated correctly.
1: I'll try your save game. It's labelled as being in Puerto la Cruz - did you save that before or after going to Alice Town tavern?
I saved up to the entrance to the tavern. I also added a save that was made earlier to see the full picture. It's in Martinique. Or one more save earlier in Puerto Rico, before arriving in martinique.

I also found that Cellar in tavern is not translated.


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I've updated "interface_strings.txt" in post #443 to include "Cellar in #stown_name# tavern", both with and without a full stop at the end. Check the translation - I took a guess by copying "Cellar" and "in #stown_name# tavern" from other strings already translated.

Attached here is "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c" which should fix the name translations. A couple of places change your name and did not translate it; they do now. You would probably also notice that when you become Barbossa for the battle between Interceptor and Black Pearl near the end, your name in the character interface was not changed - it is now.

And now I'm really puzzled as to why "House." is not being translated. The one odd thing about that location is that the definition calls a function in "MAXIMUS_functions.c". But if that was what broke the translation, it should have broken the brothel because that also uses a function in "MAXIMUS_functions.c".


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And now I'm really puzzled as to why "House." is not being translated. The one odd thing about that location is that the definition calls a function in "MAXIMUS_functions.c". But if that was what broke the translation, it should have broken the brothel because that also uses a function in "MAXIMUS_functions.c".
I loaded this save again, went to this house and it has the same problem as in redmond with Woods Rogers' house. First it translates to fractions of a second, and then it becomes English.
What about this? : Passing the Bartholomew storyline at this point, I am not approached in the Guibert Daudet tavern.


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I also found untranslated text, copied it and pasted it into shipslog_strings.txt. I don't know if this is correct or not... I honestly don’t remember what it was in the plot, but I screened it.


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I loaded this save again, went to this house and it has the same problem as in redmond with Woods Rogers' house. First it translates to fractions of a second, and then it becomes English.
What about this? : Passing the Bartholomew storyline at this point, I am not approached in the Guibert Daudet tavern.
I don't know why the houses in Pointe a Pitre on Guadeloupe do not translate for you. There are three of them and they all worked for me:
house1.jpg house2.jpg house3.jpg

But I do know why you do not see Guibert Daudet in the tavern. That's the wrong tavern! You're in Puerto la Cruz. You need to sail to Alice Town, which is difficult because you have no map of Eleuthera so you can't use Sail-To to get there. And Alice Town is not visible from the sea - there is no port or fort to be seen. You will need to sail along the west coast and try to find a landing spot. I loaded your save in Puerto la Cruz, sailed to Alice Town, went into the tavern, and...

I've solved the problem with "Akellani native". Attached is "PROGRAM\LandEncounters\LEnc_monsters.c" modified to make it translatable. "A rabid monkey" is handled the same way, though you probably won't see it because if you kill a monkey, there is no lootable corpse, you get 1 unit of leather in your hold. However, just in case it ever appears, I've fixed it as well. Also attached is "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt" with "Akellani native" and "A rabid monkey" at the end needing to be translated. (I copied "native" from another line and put it in front of "Akellani" in the translation, just to have something different to appear. Then I loaded a savegame from just in front of the temple, went in, killed the first Akellani I found, and the corpse was labelled with a Russian word plus "Akellani". So it works.)

I also found untranslated text, copied it and pasted it into shipslog_strings.txt. I don't know if this is correct or not... I honestly don’t remember what it was in the plot, but I screened it.
That is from FreePlay if you choose to be a Social Climber. But that line should already be in "shipslog_strings.txt" on line 31. The mistake is that the line in "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c" has the English spelling "favours", but the Russian translation has the American spelling "favors". Change line 31, leave the translation as it is, remove your new line, and see if that works.


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I don't know why the houses in Pointe a Pitre on Guadeloupe do not translate for you. There are three of them and they all worked for me:
There is another house, it is located to the right of the brothel.
But I do know why you do not see Guibert Daudet in the tavern. That's the wrong tavern! You're in Puerto la Cruz. You need to sail to Alice Town, which is difficult because you have no map of Eleuthera so you can't use Sail-To to get there. And Alice Town is not visible from the sea - there is no port or fort to be seen. You will need to sail along the west coast and try to find a landing spot. I loaded your save in Puerto la Cruz, sailed to Alice Town, went into the tavern, and...
Thanks, I found it, but I don't understand why it doesn't show up in sail to.

Also, after changing the character, it becomes untranslatable. This can be seen again from the same streamer in the timecode 1:03:22 - There Matthews is still in Russian like Hornblower. But as soon as they gave control back at 1:04:35 he was already in English and at 1:09:32 Thomas became English too. Well, accordingly, at 1:35:17 when the wedding took place, the name was displayed in English.


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There is another house, it is located to the right of the brothel.
And you probably can't go in. There are two reloads defined in Guadeloupe which don't go anywhere, such as:
    Locations[n].reload.l12.go = "";//House
    Locations[n].reload.l12.emerge = "reload1";
    Locations[n].reload.l12.label = "House.";
    Locations[n].reload.l12.disable = 1;
    Locations[n].reload.l12.name = "houseS3";
    Locations[n].reload.l12.autoreload = "0";
I've a vague memory that these caused more serious problems than just untranslated labels, so I'll comment them out. Only the houses which really are houses should have door icons.

Thanks, I found it, but I don't understand why it doesn't show up in sail to.
Because you have no map. Sail-To works the same way as fast travel on land. You have to find a place by walking to it, or ask a citizen for directions, before it shows up for fast travel. At sea, you have to find a port or beach by sailing to it before it will show up for Sail-To; or if you have a map of the island, all ports and beaches will show up.

Also, after changing the character, it becomes untranslatable. This can be seen again from the same streamer in the timecode 1:03:22 - There Matthews is still in Russian like Hornblower. But as soon as they gave control back at 1:04:35 he was already in English and at 1:09:32 Thomas became English too. Well, accordingly, at 1:35:17 when the wedding took place, the name was displayed in English.
Indeed the places where you change to a different character did not have "TranslateString" for the new character's names. The attached version of "quests_reaction.c" adds "TranslateString" at all the places where you switch to a different character. The character names are already translated.


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Because you have no map. Sail-To works the same way as fast travel on land. You have to find a place by walking to it, or ask a citizen for directions, before it shows up for fast travel. At sea, you have to find a port or beach by sailing to it before it will show up for Sail-To; or if you have a map of the island, all ports and beaches will show up.
Unless you play in Arcade difficulty, which I recommend for this kind of testing runs unless you're testing specific realistic mode features
I loaded this save again, went to this house and it has the same problem as in redmond with Woods Rogers' house. First it translates to fractions of a second, and then it becomes English.
Normally a door's label is taken from the location to which the door leads. For example, one of the doors I found is defined:
    Locations[n].reload.l11.go = "Guadeloupe_House_02";
    Locations[n].reload.l11.emerge = "reload1";
    Locations[n].reload.l11.label = "House.";
    Locations[n].reload.l11.name = "brothel";
    Locations[n].reload.l11.autoreload = "0";
And the house itself:
    Locations[n].id = "Guadeloupe_House_02";
    locations[n].id.label = "House";
The door gets its label from that "locations[n].id.label" line in the house. This translates without any trouble.

The problem seems to happen where the door has no destination, e.g.:
    Locations[n].reload.l12.go = "";//House
    Locations[n].reload.l12.emerge = "reload1";
    Locations[n].reload.l12.label = "House.";
    Locations[n].reload.l12.disable = 1;
    Locations[n].reload.l12.name = "houseS3";
    Locations[n].reload.l12.autoreload = "0";
With no destination, the door takes its label from the "Locations[n].reload.l12.label" line. And for some reason that is not translated even though "House." is in "interface_strings.txt".

I have not been able to find where door labels are set to display so I don't know why these are not being translated. One solution would simply be to change the door label to "", so you'll still see a locked symbol and be able to knock on the door, but there will be no label.

@Jack Rackham: the reason the "Woodes Rogers" doors have the problem is that their destinations do not exist in any storyline other than "Woodes Rogers" - they're defined in "QuestLocations.c". In any other storyline, the door will therefore use its own label, behaving the same as the doors which go nowhere on Guadeloupe. Can we blank the door labels in "Redmond.c" so they don't produce untranslated text? The labels could be put back in "StartStoryline.c" if necessary.
A few more things:
1)Loanshark's Office
2)Head's House (Is this the governor's house or what?)
3)Fort James
4)Vera Cruz Tavern
5)Vera Cruz. Plaza de Armas
6)Vera Cruz port.
7)San Felipe Fort
8)astern (I found it in interface_strings.txt, but it's the capitalized version.)
9)Portuguese - not translated by code.
10)Before communicating with Lucia, the interface pops up and blocks the dialogue. I rebooted several times and nothing changed. This moment comes from the file blaze_dialog.h - line 307.


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1: See lines 757 and 844 of the attached "interface_strings.txt". "Loanshark's Office" was already translated but both Puerto la Cruz and Alice Town use "#stown_name# Loanshark's Office".
2: Where is that?
3: Usual problem of "Sail-To" destination not being translated - still haven't found out why.
4, 5, 6: see lines 1128, 1129, 1130 of "interface_strings.txt".
7: Added to line 1131 of "interface_strings.txt" but will probably still not be translated due to usual problem with "Sail-To" destinations.
8: What does the rest of that line say in English?
9: Probably wouldn't work with any other nation either. The attached "random_guards_group_dialog.c" should fix that by changing this:
sNation = " " + GetNationDescByType(GetCurrentFlag());
... to this:
sNation = " " + XI_ConvertString(GetNationDescByType(GetCurrentFlag()));
10: Does that happen with any other self-dialog?


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2: Where is that?
I do not remember exactly. I was checking house locators and I stumbled upon it, probably before the Spanish ambassador was rescued.
8: What does the rest of that line say in English?
Something like: Captain, Curacao in sight - maybe line 1349 in interface_strings.txt (in sight)
10: Does that happen with any other self-dialog?
I almost went through the story and did not notice it. Only in this moment...
Something like: Captain, Curacao in sight - maybe line 1349 in interface_strings.txt (in sight)
Try this version of "PROGRAM\CCCdirectsail.c". Function 'GetBearingFromShip16' returns various directions such as "dead ahead", "astern", "on the port bow" etc., but does not translate them, and neither do the various calls on the function. So all sorts of sightings - island, sail, random floating object - should all have shown untranslated directions. I've added 'TranslateString' into 'GetBearingFromShip16', so all such reports should now show translated directions.


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