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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

True, TranslateString is not working for "TossItemInterface" in PROGRAM\INTERFACE\items.c. The actual line is there too, so I guess an easy fix could be to apply TranslateString to it instead and change the key in interface_strings from "TossItemInterface" to "Are you sure you want to toss this item?". Probably

            SetFormatedText("MSC_TEXTWINDOW", TranslateString("", "TossItemInterface"));
            SetFormatedText("MSC_TEXTWINDOW", "Are you sure you want to toss this item?");
Edit "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\items.c". Lines 1610 and 1611:
            SetFormatedText("MSC_TEXTWINDOW", TranslateString("", "TossItemInterface"));
            SetFormatedText("MSC_TEXTWINDOW", "Are you sure you want to toss this item?");
It seems to me that the second line replaces the first with untranslated text. Delete or comment out line 1611, then see what happens.

Edit: @Homo eructus was typing about the same time as me and came to a similar conclusion.
Here's items.c and the Spanish and English interface_strings. @AkrimalS will have to do the same for the Russian file because I don't think my version is up to date with the latest changes.


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Yes, deleting the line 1611 : SetFormatedText("MSC_TEXTWINDOW", "Are you sure you want to toss this item?"); solved the problem.


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Some bugs:
1) (33:33) Streamer starts and ends a conversation with Thomas Terror. (38:20) Then he speaks to him again and he again tells the same thing. It seems to me that here you need to make an empty dialogue with a dash.
2) (1:57:51) Thomas Terror will be constantly standing on the pier? I don't think it should be. He had to go to the tailor and disappear from the location.
3) (2:18:53) Streamer sailed to Nevis and talks to an excise agent. (2:20:57) He kills her and wants to loot - he presses a quick action, so he is transferred to the ship. Then he goes ashore, and she stands alive. What happened?
4) (2:29:17) Annamaria repeats the same thing after the conversation. Perhaps you need to make some kind of entry in the quest log and restrict this dialogue to it.
5)There is also a bug when the governor gives a frigate, then all the cargo from the old ship disappears, and does not move to the new ship.
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1, 4: there are probably other similar dialogs which repeat until you have advanced the quest. That way, if the player clicks too quickly and doesn't see the important part, he can simply talk to the character again.
2: Indeed Thomas the Terror should walk to a locator and disappear:
        case "Thomas leaves at Oxbay":
            LAi_SetActorType(characterFromID("Thomas the Terror"));
            LAi_ActorGoToLocator(characterFromID("Thomas the Terror"), "goto", "goto7", "", 35);

            RemoveCharacterCompanion(pchar, characterFromID("Thomas the Terror"));
However, this player is in the habit of using fast travel to rush around. Thomas may not have had time to reach that locator before the player disappeared first. And on that note:
3: What happened is that the player used a quick action to disappear to the ship. Fast travel like that often breaks quests, and not just by characters being left standing where they should not be.
5: That is not a bug - it's not the governor's job to look after your cargo! And this is not the only place where it happens. Whenever you're given a new ship, you lose the old ship along with anything it carried. If you play FreePlay as a naval officer, you will get a new ship whenever you are promoted, so before going to a governor to collect your promotion, sell all cargo from your existing ship.
For some reason, the no captain selected line is not translated into me by the exchange of ships, although it is in common.ini 227 line.
Also about Hornblower's story. In the story where we go to play cards at night in the pharmacist's house, after talking with Bush, it is written in the task log that we have already played cards. We need to move this entry in the journal to the moment when we will already play them.


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It's working in Spanish.
Make sure the key string in the Russian common.ini is correct. This is the Spanish one.
string = no captain selected,"ningún capitán seleccionado"
For some reason, the no captain selected line is not translated into me by the exchange of ships, although it is in common.ini 227 line.
Try this version of "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\kam_shiptransfer.c". Some places had "(" + XI_ConvertString("no captain selected") + ")", others just had "(no captain selected)", so it would only translate sometimes. This version has "(" + XI_ConvertString("no captain selected") + ")" and should always translate it.

Also about Hornblower's story. In the story where we go to play cards at night in the pharmacist's house, after talking with Bush, it is written in the task log that we have already played cards. We need to move this entry in the journal to the moment when we will already play them.
If the Russian translation says that you have already played cards then it is the translation which is wrong. The English version of "Old Friends - New Enemies.txt" says:
text.t2=I am taking Mr. Bush to a card game at the Apothecary's house.

@Homo eructus: could you check the Spanish version? That has:
text.t2=He llevado al señor Bush a una timba de cartas en la casa del boticario.
Google Translate is not reliable so it may be its translation which is wrong; it translates that as:
I have taken Mr. Bush to a card game at the apothecary's house.


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In general, I went through the Assassin's line, in general, not bad, if you do not take into account those departures when leaving the residence.
It seemed to me that I found 2 wrong things:
1) In Havana, a residence is called a house, not a residence.
2) Roxanne's ship Light Pinas, but for some reason its icon is a barque. Did you forget to fix it?


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1: Check "interface_strings.txt" for the translation of "#stown_name# residence". Also check both "stown_name# townhall" and "stown_name# townhall." (with and without the full stop at the end) - are they being translated as "residence" or as "town hall"? English and Spanish both have different names for "residence" and "town hall".
2: All light pinnaces have that icon. There are only a few of these small icons, so not all ships have icons which look like the actual ship.
1) "Teniente" is not translated, also the word Felipe is taken from the common characters_names (line 192) and, in fact, is probably not needed in the ardent file.
2) Spanish_Captain2_dialog.c contains a hardcoded prompt: "HINT: The captain will be more willing to talk to someone who looks like a soldier."
3) Variables #sgov_kid# and #smerch_kid# are not displayed in the quest log. (2 line)
4)The Indian suggested that I learn the preliminary reloading of guns. But it doesn't show up in the logs. Where is the word used "Умение"?
Can it be moved to the left to look like this: Это улучшило ваше умение - Лидерство (It improved your skill - Leadership).
5)Is it possible to somehow swap the words in the name of Two Dogs Fighting? If it were possible to separate the translation of Two and Dogs, then for the Russian translation this name would sound more correct: Two Fighting Dogs (Два Дерущихся Пса)


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1: I'm surprised "Teniente" isn't already translated. Look for it in the attached version of "interface_strings.txt". The name "Felipe" was indeed copied from "characters_names.c", but when it's included in a character's definition 'ch.name = TranslateString("", "Felipe");' then it must also appear in the storyline's "characters_names.txt".
2: It's not hard-coded but the translation was not included. Again, look for it in the attached "interface_strings.txt".
3: Variables #sgov_kid# and #smerch_kid# are no longer used in that line. Originally they were to allow the same line to be used for when you play as Charles ("The daughter of the governor of Santiago has just got engaged to the son of a rich Englishman..." and for when you play as Helen ("The son of the governor of Santiago has just got engaged to the daughter of a rich Englishman...") Simply using variables for "son" and "daughter" didn't work in Spanish so there are now two separate lines. Look at line 1 of the English version of the file.
4: I do not remember any Indian telling you to learn about reloading guns. What are you doing here, and what is the English translation of both lines of text there? It's not dialog, it's something being sent directly to the screen with a 'logit' command.
5: Try the attached versions of "characters_names.txt" and "quests_reaction.c". Instead of:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Two Dogs")].name = TranslateString("","Two Dogs");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Two Dogs")].lastname = TranslateString("","Fighting");
... it now has:
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Two Dogs")].name = "";
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Two Dogs")].lastname = TranslateString("Two Dogs","Fighting");
And "characters_names.txt" now has entries for "Two Dogs Fighting" and "Two Dogs not-Fighting" as complete names, so you can translate them however you want.

In "interface_strings.txt", the following need to be translated:
Line 2301: HINT: The captain will be more willing to talk to someone who looks like a soldier.
Line 2308: Search party
Line 2327: Teniente

Edit: "Search party" line added.


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4)The Indian suggested that I learn the preliminary reloading of guns. But it doesn't show up in the logs. Where is the word used "Умение"?
Can it be moved to the left to look like this: Это улучшило ваше умение - Лидерство (It improved your skill - Leadership).
interface_strings (This is line 648) This has improved your{Это улучшило Ваш}
In the village of Taino, an Indian Waxing Moon (or something like that) approached me and said that he served on an English ship as a gunner and suggested that I study for 2000 preliminary reloading. I agreed, but the logs did not say that I studied the preliminary recharge (there was just an empty space)

Another question is how do I get rid of the monkey without killing it, since the reputation is lost?

I also have a lot of players complaining about combat in Hornblower. Wolf and Quelp's opponents are too strong and kill very often with one hit. Despite the fact that the plot is not aimed at the buildup of the hero.
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interface_strings (This is line 648) This has improved your{Это улучшило Ваш}
In the village of Taino, an Indian Waxing Moon (or something like that) approached me and said that he served on an English ship as a gunner and suggested that I study for 2000 preliminary reloading. I agreed, but the logs did not say that I studied the preliminary recharge (there was just an empty space)
That is because some of the Indians use the same dialog file, "Enc_Walker.c", that is used by some random people in towns, ports and taverns. It's nothing to do with the storyline and you're likely to have the same problem with those random town people. When you learn a skill, the dialog file calls function 'GotSkill' to tell you about it. The function includes these lines:
    Log_SetStringToLog(TranslateString("","For five hours are you being lectured on") + " " + XI_ConvertString(topic));
    Log_SetStringToLog(TranslateString("","This has improved your") + " " + XI_ConvertString(topic) + " " + TranslateString("","skill"));
If the character is teaching you about reloading guns then the skill is "Cannons". But "Enc_Walker.c" says:
So function 'GotSkill' takes "gunnery" to the variable 'topic', therefore it tries to show 'XI_ConvertString("gunnery")'. And "gunnery" does not appear in "common.ini", therefore it is not translated and does not show up on the screen.

Try the attached "common.ini" and translate line 541. But you'll need to talk to a lot of people in towns and ports before one of them chooses to teach you a skill and for that skill to be gunnery!

Another question is how do I get rid of the monkey without killing it, since the reputation is lost?
You will need to complete the sidequest "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean".

I also have a lot of players complaining about combat in Hornblower. Wolf and Quelp's opponents are too strong and kill very often with one hit. Despite the fact that the plot is not aimed at the buildup of the hero.
If they're having trouble with the duels against Wolfe and Quelp, I'm surprised they even got that far! There are plenty of other fights in the storyline before these duels.


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Line 2308: Search party
I didn't find this in your interface_strings.
If they're having trouble with the duels against Wolfe and Quelp, I'm surprised they even got that far! There are plenty of other fights in the storyline before these duels.
The fact is that they break through your block and immediately kill. If with Quelp you can still run around the lighthouse and shoot with a pistol, then this will not work with Wolf, because he is on a ship. The only thing that remains is to turn on cheats or drown him with guns.


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I didn't find this in your interface_strings.
Oops! I've uploaded it again in the same post, with your translations for the other two lines in place. I've also removed duplicate lines for "Exit from #stown_name#" and added "#stown_name# Sewer" at line 830.

The fact is that they break through your block and immediately kill. If with Quelp you can still run around the lighthouse and shoot with a pistol, then this will not work with Wolf, because he is on a ship. The only thing that remains is to turn on cheats or drown him with guns.
Again, if the players are that poor at combat then I don't know how they survived the battles on Martinique beach, Antigua outskirts, or Guadeloupe beach after being captured by Wolfe and then escaping. They could try editing "PROGRAM\Storyline\Hornblower\characters\init\story.c", finding the entries for "Lt. Uriah Quelp" and "Thomas Wolfe", and reducing their "Fencing" skill. Or they could try playing on "Landlubber" difficulty level.
Again, if the players are that poor at combat then I don't know how they survived the battles on Martinique beach, Antigua outskirts, or Guadeloupe beach after being captured by Wolfe and then escaping. They could try editing "PROGRAM\Storyline\Hornblower\characters\init\story.c", finding the entries for "Lt. Uriah Quelp" and "Thomas Wolfe", and reducing their "Fencing" skill. Or they could try playing on "Landlubber" difficulty level.
This is most likely a problem in automatic leveling, since there fencing at the time of the fight with Wolf is somewhere around 20%. I loaded up my saves to check, I have a normal POTC leveling and I distributed swordsmanship by 10 myself, so it was easy enough to kill him.
Since people don't really change options when loading a mod, they face a serious problem in killing these people.


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@Homo eructus: could you check the Spanish version? That has:

Google Translate is not reliable so it may be its translation which is wrong; it translates that as:
Yep, you're right

I'm almost done with translating Ardent, and that required a couple new lines in interface_strings. I'll upload them soon.


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