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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

I don't have Russian translations for the texts on the loading screens. That's your job! But if you provide the translations, in proper Cyrillic letters, I can copy them onto the screens as I did for that "Start New Game" screen.

The font used for English and Spanish is Dolphin Bold. It does not include Cyrillic characters, so it can not be used for Russian. That is why I used a different font for the Russian "Start New Game" screen.
That is, I just write in Russian text in the comments for each boot screen, and you paste it?

Translated file RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt, thanks @EugeneFox , I've tweaked it a bit and now it's ready...


  • storyline_strings.txt
    34.8 KB · Views: 89
That is, I just write in Russian text in the comments for each boot screen, and you paste it?
Write the Russian translations here, along with the English originals so I know which one is for which screen. Then I'll paste them into the screens.
Made all the videos for the Jack Sparrow line. I only changed the code: (barbossa_speach; jack_exit_DMC; jack_entrance; elizabeth_falls); Didn't find the rest.
I added a link to google drive, tell me you can download it there? You cannot download large files on yandex disk without a program. Subscribe for the best.


  • quests_reaction.c
    489 KB · Views: 75
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I can download the files from Google Drive. There is a problem, though. Some filenames are wrong. For example, "Arabella's guard_dialog.h" is "Arabella_s guard_dialog.h" in the Google Drive version. Any other filename containing ' also has it replaced by _ in the Google Drive version.

But I was able to download the whole lot from Yandex as well, including all the videos.
As for loading screens, here is a link to Russian screens, maybe you haven't seen them
Maybe just add those that are not, so as not to waste time. The Russian version has 438 files, while the English version has 592
Here is an example of the old one. Pick a font for it...


  • 1.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 125
These loading screen files need to be changed or they are new:
Town... | Город... (Buccaneer)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Buccaneer_camp_exit)
Gambling House | Казино (Casino)
Brave Black Flag | Храбрость Под Чёрным Флагом (Character_BraveBlackFlag)
Master & Commander | Хозяин Морей (Character_JackAubrey)
Cabin | Каюта (Deck_CabinFDM)
Gun Deck | Орудийная Палуба (Deck_Deck1)
Gun Deck | Орудийная Палуба (Deck_Deck2)
Crews Quarters | Каюта Команды (Deck_Seadogs)
De Foe's Home | Дом Дефо (defoes_cabin)
House of Gilbert Downing | Дом Гилберта Даунинга (Downing_House)
Governor Edens Estate june 1718 | Поместье Губернатора Идена, Июнь 1718 г. (Eden_estate)
Guards quarters | Караульное Помещение (GB_Bessop_tavern) - Is this a security room?
Bishops Hostel | Пристанище Епископа (GB_Bishops_hostel)
Сharcoal Oven | Угольная Печь (GB_charcoal)
storeroom | Кладовая (GB_charcoal_storeroom)
Cathedral | Кафедральный Собор (GB_Charleston_church)
Charleston port | Порт Чарльстон (GB_Charleston_port)
Charleston | Чарльстон (GB_Charleston_town)
Chinatown | Китайский Квартал (GB_Chinatown)
Restaurant | Ресторан (GB_chinese_restaurant)
Fort prison | Тюрьма Форта (GB_Fort_prison)
Harbour master | Начальник Порта (GB_harbour_master) (In the old version, this translates as Legrand's Hut. Is this correct or not?)
Legrands backyard | Двор Леграна (GB_Legrands_backyard)
Salpeter barn | Амбар с Селитрой (GB_salpeter)
SPRING 1717 | ВЕСНА 1717 г. (Hornigold_shore)
Satanists Lair | Логово Сатанистов (Inside_Animists_Cave)
Bathhouse | Баня (Inside_bathhouse)
Bathhouse stairs | Вход в Баню (Inside_bathhouse_stairs)
Cartographer | Картограф (Inside_cartographer)
Chapel | Часовня (Inside_chapel)
Cloister Library | Библиотека Монастыря (Inside_Cloister_Library)
Tia Dalmas hut | Хижина Тиа Далмы (Inside_Dalma_hut)
Room | Комната (Inside_Den_Room)
Diningroom | Обеденная (Inside_diningroom)
Bedroom | Спальня (Inside_estate_bedroom1)
Bedroom | Спальня (Inside_estate_bedroom2)
Office | Кабинет (Inside_estate_office)
Kitchen | Кухня (Inside_Flamhouse_Kitchen)
Office | Кабинет (Inside_Flamhouse_Office)
French East India Company | Французская Ост-Индская Компания (Inside_FWIC_Office)
Admiralty | Адмиралтейство (Inside_Havana_Admiralty)
Guardhouse | Караульное Помещение (Inside_Hut)
Hotel room | Комната Гостиницы (Inside_JinoHotelRoom)
Cave | Пещера (Inside_Kidnap_Cave)
Kitchen | Кухня (Inside_largehouse1)
Order of Malta | Мальтийский Орден (Inside_Maltains)
Secret room | Секретная Комната (Inside_Maltains_Secret)
Archives | Архивы (Inside_PaP_Archives)
Casa de Contratacion | Каса-Де-Контратасьон (Inside_Residenc_CdC)
Residence | Резиденция (Inside_ResidencA1)
Residence | Резиденция (Inside_ResidencA2)
Residence | Резиденция (Inside_ResidencA3)
Sewer | Канализация (Inside_Sewer)
Tavern | Таверна (Inside_Tavern_1_white)
Wine cellar | Винный Погреб (Inside_wine_cellar)
LandHo (An interesting loading screen, I liked it more in the Russian version, probably leave it that way)
LATER... | ПОЗЖЕ... (later)
Mansion | Особняк (Mansion_Inside)
Captain Murphys House | Дом Капитана Мерфи (murphy_house_loading)
Native Village | Деревня (Native_village) - Not really sure
Citadel Rock | Цитадель в Скале (Outside_Citadel_Rock)
Swamp | Болото (Outside_Colombia_Swamp)
Swamp | Болото (Outside_Dalma_swamp)
Indian Village | Индейская Деревня (Outside_indian_village)
Jungle | Джунгли (Outside_Jungle_Bart)
Shore | Берег (Outside_Mona)
Shore | Берег (Outside_Shore_11)
Entrance Hall | Вестибюль (poker_entre)
Entry fee 20000 win the trophy | Стартовый взнос 20000 - Выиграй Приз! / Большой Тёркс (poker_invite1)
Entry fee 20000 win the trophy | Стартовый взнос 20000 - Выиграй Приз! / Большой Тёркс (poker_invite2)
Cardroom | Карточный Зал (poker_room)
Ardent | Ардент (Quest_Ardent)
Devil ship | Дьявольский Корабль (Quest_Devil)
Devlin Opera | Сага Девлинов (Quest_DevlinOpera) - Interesting art in the Russian version, but wrong translation.
Travelling Worlds | Исследуя Мира / Основано на Книгах и Играх о Ведьмаке (Quest_Geralt)
Hoist the Colours | Поднять Флаг (Quest_JackSparrow)
Cursed Vengeance | Одержимый Местью (Quest_StrantonFamily) - As I remember correctly this is the son of a blacksmith who takes revenge and he is obsessed with revenge
(Sea) - Perhaps it is worth changing the picture in the Russian version, it is of poor quality
shipwreck | Кораблекрушение (sfsi_wreck)
Slave camp | Лагерь Рабов (Slave_Camp)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Smuggler_Lair_Exit)
(Storm) - Perhaps it is worth changing the picture in the Russian version, it is of poor quality
CHARLESTOWN MAY 1718 | ЧАРЛЬСТОН, МАЙ 1718 г. (Teach_ship) - Is this CHARLESTOWN which is on Nevis or not ? If yes then "ЧАРЛСТАУН".
BATH JUNE 1718 | БАНЯ ИЮНЬ 1718 г. (Teach_tavern)
(Town_Cartagena_Cloister_Outside) - The Russian version has the wrong picture, but the translation is correct
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Cartagena_Exit)
New Cloister | Новый Монастырь (Town_Cartagena_New_Cloister_Inside) - Is it a monastery or a gallery?
New Cloister | Новый Монастырь (Town_Cartagena_New_Cloister_Outside)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Conceicao_Exit)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Conceicao_Exit_Spain)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Exit)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Exit_Spa)
Port | Порт (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Port_Spa)
Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Port2.tga rename to Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Port2_Nap.tga
Town | Город (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Port2)
Town | Город (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Port2_Spa)
Town | Город (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Town_01_Spa)
Town | Город (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Town_02_Spa)
Town | Город (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Town_03_Spa)
Town | Город (Town_FalaiseDeFleur_Town_04_Spa)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Greenford_Exit)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_IslaMuelle_Exit)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Oxbay_Exit)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_QC_Exit)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Redmond_Exit1)
Outskirts... | Окраины... (Town_Redmond_Exit2)
Abbey | Аббатство (wr_abbey)
Cell | Лестничная Клетка (wr_abbey_cell) - Perhaps the translation is not accurate
Lower cave | Нижняя Пещера (wr_BB_lower_cave)
Mountain tunnel | Горный Туннель (wr_BB_mountain)
Blackbeard's tower | Башня Чёрной Бороды (wr_BB_tower)
Blackbeard's tower | Башня Чёрной Бороды (wr_BB_tower_inside)
Upper cave | Верхняя Пещера (wr_BB_upper_cave)
Bell tower | Колокольня (wr_bell_tower)
Cannon Tower | Орудийная Башня (wr_cannon_tower)
Blockhouse | Блокгауз (wr_careen_blockhouse)
Captains Cabin | Каюта Капитана (wr_careen_capmd)
Cabin | Каюта (wr_careen_capsm)
Crews Quarters | Каюта Команды (wr_careen_crew)
Hold | Загон (wr_careen_donkeys)
Careen shore | Кренящийся Берег (wr_careen_shore)
Hold | Трюм (wr_careen_slaves) - If in the last translation there was a pen for animals, then in this case is it a hold or what?
Small chapel | Маленькая Часовня (wr_church_room)
Gun Deck | Орудийная Палуба (wr_corv_deck1)
Crypt | Крипта (wr_crypt1)
Crypt | Крипта (wr_crypt2_1)
Crypt | Крипта (wr_crypt2_2)
Dovecote | Голубятня (wr_dovecote)
Estate | Поместье (wr_Estate)
Secret Laboratory | Секретная Лаборатория (wr_farm_alchemy2)
Secret Storeroom | Секретная Кладовая (wr_farm_booty2)
Gun Deck | Орудийная Палуба (wr_gall_deck2_prow)
Gun Deck | Орудийная Палуба (wr_gall_deck2_stern)
Garden House | Садовый Домик (wr_garden_house)
Attic | Чердак (wr_hut_attic)
Islet | Островок (wr_isle)
Passage | Проход (wr_isle_hut1)
Hideout | Убежище (wr_isle_hut2)
Kristiania canyon | Каньон Кристиании (wr_Kr_canyon)
Kristiania center | Центр Кристиании (wr_Kr_center)
Kristiania downhill | Склон Кристиании (wr_Kr_downhill) - Maybe not right
Kristiania entrance | Вход в Кристианию (wr_Kr_entre)
Fort Waxholm | Форт Ваксхольм (wr_Kr_fort)
Fort commander | Командир Форта (wr_Kr_fort_commander)
Swamp | Болото (wr_Kr_green_swamp)
Indian camp | Индейский Лагерь (wr_Kr_indian_camp)
Jungle exit | Выход из Джунглей (wr_Kr_jungleX)
Cathedral passage | Кафедральный Коридор (wr_Kr_passage)
Kristiania port | Порт Кристиании (wr_Kr_port)
Store | Магазин (wr_Kr_store)
Kristiania suburb | Пригород Кристиании (wr_Kr_suburb)
Swamp | Болото (wr_Kr_swamp)
Swamp exit | Выход из Болота (wr_Kr_swampX)
Governor Walter | Губернатор Уолтер (wr_Kr_TH)
Townhall office | Кабинет в Резиденции (wr_Kr_TH_office)
Maynard room | Комната Мейнарда (wr_Maynard) - I don't know about the correctness of the person's name.
Estate garden | Сад Поместья (wr_maze)
Attic room | Комната на Чердаке (wr_mediumhouse2_attic)
Nueva Suecia high | Верхняя Новая Швеция (wr_NS_high)
Nueva Suecia inner | Центральная Новая Швеция (wr_NS_inner)
Nueva Suecia low | Нижняя Новая Швеция (wr_NS_low)
Tailor | Портной (wr_NS_tailor)
Textiles | Текстиль (wr_NS_textiles) - Not the fact that it is correct
Prison entrance | Вход в Тюрьму (wr_prison_alcove)
Antigua prison | Тюрьма Антигуа (wr_prison_bridge)
Elevator | Подъемник (wr_prison_elevator)
Guards Room | Комната Охраны (wr_prison_guard)
Prison office | Кабинет Тюрьмы (wr_prison_office)
Antigua prison | Тюрьма Антигуа (wr_prison_pier)
Antigua prison | Тюрьма Антигуа (wr_prison_port)
prison | Тюрьма (wr_prison2)
hall | Прихожая (wr_redhouse_hall)
Living room | Гостиная (wr_redhouse_livingroom)
Red House | Красный Дом (wr_redhouse_outside)
Refectory | Трапезная (wr_refectory)
Sailmaker | Парусный Мастер (wr_sailmaker)
Sewer | Канализация (wr_sewer)
Second surgeon | Второй Хирург (wr_surgeon2)
Gunsmith house | Дом Оружейника (wr_surgeon3_house)
Gunsmith shop | Оружейная Мастерская (wr_surgeon3_shop)
Teach room | Комната Тича (wr_Teach_room)
Tortuga carriage | Карета в Тортуге (wr_Tortuga_carriage)
Tortuga tower | Башня в Тортуге (wr_Tortuga_tower_inside)
Tortuga tower | Башня в Тортуге (wr_Tortuga_tower_outside)
Tower passage | Проход в Башне (wr_Tortuga_tower_passage)
Tower stairs | Лестница в Башне (wr_tower_stairsA)
Tower stairs | Лестница в Башне (wr_tower_stairsB)
Tower stairs | Лестница в Башне (wr_tower_stairsC)
Into the unknown | В неизвестность (wr_unknown1)
Into the unknown | В неизвестность (wr_unknown2)
Into the unknown | В неизвестность (wr_unknown3)
Wreck cabin | Разбитая Каюта (wr_wreck_cabin)
Wreck hold | Разбитый Трюм (wr_wreck_hold)
(zoom_archipelago) - Not in Russian files
(zoom_islet) - Not in Russian files
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As for loading screens, here is a link to Russian screens, maybe you haven't seen them
Maybe just add those that are not, so as not to waste time. The Russian version has 438 files, while the English version has 592
Here is an example of the old one. Pick a font for it...
That link is for an executable file. I'm not running that! Is there a zip file containing the files somewhere?

Harbour master | Начальник Порта (GB_harbour_master) (In the old version, this translates as Legrand's Hut. Is this correct or not?)
@Jack Rackham: in "QuestLocations.c", image file "GB_harbour_master" is used for location "GB_Charleston_harbour_master" with label "Charleston Harbour Master". Should the load image say "Legrand's Hut"? As far as I can tell from the file, Legrand's hut is a different location, with locations for inside and outside whose load pictures also say "Legrand's Hut".
That link is for an executable file. I'm not running that! Is there a zip file containing the files somewhere?

@Jack Rackham: in "QuestLocations.c", image file "GB_harbour_master" is used for location "GB_Charleston_harbour_master" with label "Charleston Harbour Master". Should the load image say "Legrand's Hut"? As far as I can tell from the file, Legrand's hut is a different location, with locations for inside and outside whose load pictures also say "Legrand's Hut".
Russian loading screens - I have uploaded them separately for you.
The problem with "Э" being replaced by "Г" is going to take some serious investigating. I can't see easily why it is happening.
I think I've solved it. Another experiment with "console.c" showed that while 'TranslateString("Edgar", "Attwood")' showed the correct letter, 'GetMySimpleName(CharacterFromID("Edgar Attwood"))' did not. That meant the problem was in 'GetMySimpleName'. This uses another function, 'FirstLetterUp', to make sure the first letter of the name is a capital. 'FirstLetterUp' uses 'ToUpperEng' to get the capital version of the first letter. And that's the cause of the problem.

The game can't handle genuine Cyrillic letters so it uses special characters to show them. But the special character used for "Э" in Russian is used for something else in English. The capital version of special character "Э" is the special character "Г".

But there are different versions of 'ToUpperEng' for different languages. Most of them simply check for accented characters in French, German etc., otherwise they pass the character on to 'ToUpperEng' to handle the common alphabet. 'ToUpperRus' handles the Cyrillic alphabet correctly. And 'ToUpper' checks which keyboard layout you're using, then calls the appropriate language function.

Put this file into the "PROGRAM" folder. Then see if Edward Pear and Edgar Attwood show their names correctly.


  • MAXIMUS_Functions.c
    152.2 KB · Views: 80
I think I've solved it. Another experiment with "console.c" showed that while 'TranslateString("Edgar", "Attwood")' showed the correct letter, 'GetMySimpleName(CharacterFromID("Edgar Attwood"))' did not. That meant the problem was in 'GetMySimpleName'. This uses another function, 'FirstLetterUp', to make sure the first letter of the name is a capital. 'FirstLetterUp' uses 'ToUpperEng' to get the capital version of the first letter. And that's the cause of the problem.

The game can't handle genuine Cyrillic letters so it uses special characters to show them. But the special character used for "Э" in Russian is used for something else in English. The capital version of special character "Э" is the special character "Г".

But there are different versions of 'ToUpperEng' for different languages. Most of them simply check for accented characters in French, German etc., otherwise they pass the character on to 'ToUpperEng' to handle the common alphabet. 'ToUpperRus' handles the Cyrillic alphabet correctly. And 'ToUpper' checks which keyboard layout you're using, then calls the appropriate language function.

Put this file into the "PROGRAM" folder. Then see if Edward Pear and Edgar Attwood show their names correctly.
The problem persisted even after starting a new game.


  • 1681727501285.png
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Did you download "MAXIMUS_Functions.c" into your "PROGRAM" folder?

Which keyboard layout are you using in the game? 'ToUpper' checks your keyboard layout, not your language, so you'll only get the correct characters if you have set the game to use Russian keyboard as well as Russian language.

This is so that anyone playing with, for example, a German keyboard, can type in the names for their character and ship, and these should then appear correctly even though there is no German translation.
Folder translated and uploaded RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\QUESTBOOK. There were serious improvements to the old translation, as it was incorrect
Above I have compiled a list of loading screens, take a look!
Folder translated and uploaded RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\QUESTBOOK. There were serious improvements to the old translation, as it was incorrect
Above I have compiled a list of loading screens, take a look!
Do you know the name of the font used for the screens from "horizons.corsairs-harbour.ru"? If I can't match that font then I'll need to use whatever I have. In that case I'll need translations for all load screens in plain Cyrillic text, then I'll just make Russian versions of the existing load screens.

But if I can use the same font as those Russian loading screens then I'll just re-label the screens which you translated.
Do you know the name of the font used for the screens from "horizons.corsairs-harbour.ru"? If I can't match that font then I'll need to use whatever I have. In that case I'll need translations for all load screens in plain Cyrillic text, then I'll just make Russian versions of the existing load screens.

But if I can use the same font as those Russian loading screens then I'll just re-label the screens which you translated.
https://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ I don’t know for sure, maybe on this site you can pick up the picture
The only thing I found similar is this font. Name in photoshop ( RUSWindlass )


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The only thing I found similar is this font. Name in photoshop ( RUSWindlass )
That looks better than anything I can find. The "B" isn't quite right but the "K" has the long tail. It will do unless you can find something more accurate.
Here's my next attempt at the "Start New Game" loading screen. Text "Начать Новую Игру..." now uses the "RUSWindlass" font with special effects copied from the standard loading screen template, and with the logo copied from one of the Russian loading screens.


  • new_game.jpg
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Here's my next attempt at the "Start New Game" loading screen. Text "Начать Новую Игру..." now uses the "RUSWindlass" font with special effects copied from the standard loading screen template, and with the logo copied from one of the Russian loading screens.
Well, it looks great, it fits. Only perhaps it should be translated as in this picture
New game... | Новая игра...


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