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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Yes, the initial check for "Hard Labours of an Assassin" locks all doors until Ambroz Bricenos has talked to you. If you decline the quest, everything should unlock right away. If you accept the quest, doors probably won't open until Ambroz Bricenos has walked out of the front door.

Try again, and if the door to the room is still locked, quit the game and upload "compile.log".
He comes out, but the doors don't open! This only happens if you agree to the quest.


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Try again with this version of "PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_side.c".
The only thing is that now the front door to the tavern is open when I need to go upstairs. It would be nice to make it so that I could not leave, but could enter the upper room.
Also, after I ended up in the residence and the witness proved my innocence, there was no dialogue with the governor (Lines 29-31 for example Salvador Allende_dialog.h), but there was a quest entry. After I left the residence and entered it, this dialogue appeared again. Perhaps this happened because I was too far away from the governor and he could not talk to me. Another time, as I was passing, he spoke.
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The only thing is that now the front door to the tavern is open when I need to go upstairs. It would be nice to make it so that I could not leave, but could enter the upper room.
Also, after I ended up in the residence and the witness proved my innocence, there was no dialogue with the governor (Lines 29-31 for example Salvador Allende_dialog.h), but there was a quest entry. After I left the residence and entered it, this dialogue appeared again. Perhaps this happened because I was too far away from the governor and he could not talk to me. Another time, as I was passing, he spoke.
"Salvador Allende_dialog.h" is just a copy for a different governor who has nothing to do with this quest - "Salvador Allende" is the ID of the governor of Santo Domingo. The governor of Sao Jorge is "Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto", so you want "Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto_dialog.h". (This is not uncommon. Characters in towns added in the mod are often just clones of characters in stock game towns. Deleting unused dialog such as all the lines for Artois Voysey and Dirty Garry would require going through "Salvador Allende_dialog.c" and changing all the "DLG_TEXT" lines to account for the reduced "Salvador Allende_dialog.h", and the modder had more important things to do with his time! You'll find other governor dialog files with the same lines.)

I didn't even realise the governor could initiate the second part of the dialog. After the witness has said what he saw, I always talk to the governor to get to the next part.
I also discovered that if I choose the option where I have to kill the soldiers, then when I go outside, I will never be able to go into the tavern again. (I checked this without my changes and Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern")].reload.l4.disable = false; - did not help.) In the second option, where I talk to the governor, the tavern is open.

I made changes to the cases "artois_before_room_on_second_floor" and "Blaze_arrest" which lock the front doors when talking to the innkeeper about the man and unlock when I get into the room above.

(9179 line) : Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern")].reload.l1.disable = true;
(9189 line) : Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern")].reload.l1.disable = false;


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I also discovered that if I choose the option where I have to kill the soldiers, then when I go outside, I will never be able to go into the tavern again. (I checked this without my changes and Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern")].reload.l4.disable = false; - did not help.) In the second option, where I talk to the governor, the tavern is open.
That is correct. Short version: fight the soldiers, the tavern door locks. Go and rescue Artois and go to sea. Next time you visit Sao Jorge, the tavern should be open again.

Long version:
Choosing to fight the soldiers leads to case "artois_fight_in_tavern_upstairs". Killing all the soldiers triggers case "Open_Locators":
        case "Open_Locators":
            Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_tavern_upstairs")].reload.l1.disable = false;

            Pchar.quest.fight.win_condition.l1 = "location";
            Pchar.quest.fight.win_condition.l1.location = "Conceicao_town";
            PChar.quest.fight.win_condition = "Blaze_fight_the_world";

            Pchar.quest.artois_captured.win_condition.l1 = "location";
            Pchar.quest.artois_captured.win_condition.l1.location = "Conceicao_town_exit";
            PChar.quest.artois_captured.win_condition = "artois_captured";
That sets two triggers. The second is when you go to the jungle outside town and fight the pirates to rescue Artois. But first you go to the town itself, and that triggers case "Blaze_fight_the_world":
            pchar.quest.escape_from_conceicao.win_condition.l1 = "location";
            pchar.quest.escape_from_conceicao.win_condition.l1.location = "conceicao";
            pchar.quest.escape_from_conceicao.win_condition = "escape_from_conceicao";

            Locations[FindLocation("Conceicao_town")].reload.l3.disable = true;
This sets a trigger when you go to sea and also locks the tavern. Additionally, if you have poor "Luck" skill, case "Blaze_fight_the_world" sets some more soldiers to fight you. You either fight them and probably all the town guards as well, or you try to run somewhere else - you can't just run back into the tavern because the door is locked.

If you have high enough "Luck" to not have to fight more soldiers, the tavern door is still locked but there's nothing stopping you from going straight to the jungle to rescue Artois.

Either way, when you go to sea, case "escape_from_conceicao" unlocks the tavern. When you return to Sao Jorge, you should be able to enter the tavern again.

And if you went to sea before going to the jungle to rescue Artois, you have four days to return to the island, get to the jungle and rescue him. Otherwise he is lost forever.
1) The name "Shuggy Garry" is not translated in the Nigel Blythe quest.
2)In the Jacinto Arcibaldo Barreto_dialog.h file, line 26 - the #saddr# variable does not work.
3)After talking with Bucho in the Hard Labors of an Assassin quest, you can accidentally skip the dialogue with Bampfield by pressing the attack button. There is no delay. (case Hit_killed_Bucho)
4) A stranger, the owner of the house, appears in Amerigo Vieira's room, is this how it should be or should he disappear for the duration of the quest?
5)Vito Leone doesn't attack me after I told him I would kill him. (case Hit_kill_Vito)
6)In the dialogue with Vito Leone in line 57 it was written that 2 people will be for me, but this does not happen and they all attack me. (case Hit_kill_Mateus)


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1: Attached are "PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_side.c", "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\characters_names.txt", containing fixes for Shuggy Garry and several other characters in the "Natividad Incident" and "Crystal Skull" sidequests. Most of the new names are at the end of "characters_names.txt" needing to be translated. Also check lines 1052 and 1055, where native names Growling Bear and Kicking Raven are now translated as full names instead of single words - I copied the translated single words to make the complete names.

2: In "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Jacinto Arcibaldo Barret_dialog.c", at case "garri_4", add this:
Preprocessor_Add("addr", GetCharacterAddressForm(NPChar, ADDR_CIVIL, false, false));

3: Yes, and you can skip the dialog in several other assassinations, starting with Ambroz Bricenos. Mateus Santos should still pay you and you can avoid the -10 reputation loss.

4: In "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SideQuestLocations.c", at the bottom the definition of "Hit_house2" just before the 'n = n+1;', add:
Locations[n].vcskip = true;

5: No, partly because he's trying to convince you that it is pointless, but mainly because he's standing on a church bench and can not attack from there.

6: No, this is what Vito says in English:
Your recent activities have kept your employer preoccupied, and while his attention has been focused upon you it has escaped his notice that two of his most trusted subordinates have been suborned. They will make certain that your target has no more guards about him, when you attack his house, than you'll be able to handle.
Two of Mateus' assistants are now working for Vito and have arranged for some of Mateus' guards to be missing. So there are fewer enemies than there were when you went to Mateus Santos' house earlier.


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4: In "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SideQuestLocations.c", at the bottom the definition of "Hit_house2" just before the 'n = n+1;', add:
//Reload map
Locations[n].reload.l1.name = "reload1";
Locations[n].reload.l1.go = "Conceicao_town";
Locations[n].reload.l1.emerge = "reload15";
Locations[n].reload.l1.autoreload = "0";
Locations[n].reload.l1.label = "#stown_name#";
Locations[n].vcskip = true;
n = n + 1;

Locations[n].vcskip = true; - It didn’t help, people are still walking around the house. Maybe a new game is needed?
Yes, a new game is needed for that command to take effect.

For an immediate fix to your current game, download this version of "PROGRAM\console.c". In the game, press F12. You should get a message on screen "Executed Console" and when you next go into Amerigo Vieira's house, nobody else should be there.


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Quest: The Captain of Kralendijk
1) Willem Voigt_dialog.h line 21 - the word woman (#sperson#) has no translation.
2) Laurens-Jan Revenboer - Name not translated.


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1: "Willem Voigt_dialog.c", case "confirm_story": change:
Preprocessor_Add("person", PChar.sex);
Preprocessor_Add("person", XI_ConvertString(PChar.sex));

2: I've uploaded "quests_side.c" and "characters_names.txt" again into post #770.
@Grey Roger when do you plan to release a patch?
I have 8 side quests left to check. Usually 4 take me about 10 days, but I'll try to get them done before the new year.

I also uploaded my translation to GitHub, maybe it will be easier for you to download it as an archive there:
Old link:

1) Thomas O'Reily_dialog.h line 236 - #snation# is not translated.


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@Grey Roger when do you plan to release a patch?
I have 8 side quests left to check. Usually 4 take me about 10 days, but I'll try to get them done before the new year.
Whereas I'll try to release the next update early in the new year.

I also uploaded my translation to GitHub, maybe it will be easier for you to download it as an archive there:
Old link:
The Yandex link works fine.

1) Thomas O'Reily_dialog.h line 236 - #snation# is not translated.
Try this version of "Thomas O'Reily_dialog.c". 'GetNationDescByType' was not being translated in two places - the other is line 68, which will only show up if you're doing the "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily" sidequest and have bad reputation.


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1)Quest Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily. Bart_Cooke_dialog.h Line 17 - #spronoun# is not translated.
2)I had no dialogue with Orable with smuggling after completing the quests Cargo for Thomas O'Reily and Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily. So I had to create a new hero to complete Patric and the idols.
3)When choosing the option to fight Turpin, an error appears (turpin cabanel_dialog.h line 31):
ERROR - Quest name turpin_cabanel_fight NOT found in ANY function
4)After killing the crowd from the church, the pharmacist is supposed to talk to me, but this does not happen. The character is simply frozen in place. Loading saves doesn't help.
5)I don't know if this guy should even open a dialog box? Because there is no point in translating it. By the way, where can you sell albatrosses if the pharmacy is closed?
6)When I entered the warehouse from the main entrance and waited for my team, the sailor spoke to me twice before defeating the Indians and said that it was good that I survived the battle. This quest is very unfinished, I don’t even want to go through it...
7)An error was made in the English file apothecary_quest.h line 130, which leads to the fact that the name of the city is not displayed.
"Are you ready to go back to #SGreenford#?", - Must be #sGreenford#
8)Cartagena town. - Does not translate.
9)After teleporting from Cartagena to Bridgetown, 20 days pass and the team's payment day appears, which spoils the dialogue window with Robert Cook.
10) I can leave the location while the leader is bringing me a gift in the form of a tomahawk and this breaks the quest. It would also be great to make him run instead of walk because it takes a long time without speeding up. (Quest for the Crystal Skull) (case crysskull_Carib_Chief_fetches_reward)
11) I discovered a bug in the Edgar Attwood Adventures quest. If after this point | Sail to Bridgetown, Barbados – on jetty talk to self – Edgar must be active officer with you – go to tavern – Auto-walk to Edgar – he talks to you – defend his honor – Fight. – Keep Edgar alive | talk to Edgar in the tavern, then go back to the port,
They will write to me again that he left the ship.
12)This captain in the Edgar Attwood Adventures quest on the prison ship does not attack me in the captain's cabin, in addition, if I hit him, my reputation will be taken away. His name is Jack Greenfield. In addition, I had to raise a pirate flag under the fort in order to capture this ship. Isn't it possible to make this ship hostile, but at the same time he floated away from you?


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3)When choosing the option to fight Turpin, an error appears (turpin cabanel_dialog.h line 31):
ERROR - Quest name turpin_cabanel_fight NOT found in ANY function
You can use the Windows Search Index to find all references to that quest case.
Maybe it exists in some other storyline file?
Or it was never made and nobody ever tried that option?

where can you sell albatrosses if the pharmacy is closed?
There is some code in place that when the Apothecary is killed in his side quest, you can deliver albatrosses to the tavern girl around the corner instead.
1: Easily enough fixed, and you can fix this sort of mistake too. The thing to remember is that the 'DLG_TEXT' index in "dialog.c" is 2 less than the line number in "dialog.h".
Line 1 in "dialog.h" is the DLG_TEXT declaration. Line 2 is the first line of text. But indexing starts from 0. So DLG_TEXT[0] in "dialog.c" is line 2 in "dialog.h".

]You found the problem in line 17, so look for DLG_TEXT[15] in "Bart_Cooke_dialog.c". You'll find that in case "node_1", which contains the line:
Preprocessor_Add("pronoun", GetMyPronounObj(PChar));
And there's the mistake. 'GetMyPronounObj' needs to be translated by 'XI_ConvertString':
Preprocessor_Add("pronoun", XI_ConvertString(GetMyPronounObj(PChar)));

2: That is correct. If you have completed "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily" then you know all about the smuggling ring in St. Pierre, so Orable Caron no longer needs to tell you about it. You can complete "Patric and the Idols" after "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily" - in fact, you have to do them in that order because if you meet Raoul Calmes and then tell Turpin Cabanel about him, Turpin Cabanel arrests both him and Andre Juliao. Thomas O'Reily will then tell you that he has not heard from his contact for some time and you can not do "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily".

3: Quest case "turpin_cabanel_fight" is in the "quests_reaction.c" file for "Tales of a Sea Hawk". I've moved it into "quests_side.c" so that should no longer be a problem after I upload the next update.

5: That's the figure for Roche Brasiliano - what's he doing in the "Mysterious Plants" sidequest? Anyway, he's a building, and buildings from the building kit are characters. You can't translate his dialog file because he doesn't have one. Try the attached version of "PROGRAM\dialog.c", which now checks if the character has a dialog file and quits at once if he doesn't.

7: Well spotted! The problem is also in the Spanish version. I'm correcting both versions in the next update.

8: "PROGRAM\Locations\init\SideQuestLocations.c": find the definition for "Cartagena_center_facade" and change:
locations[n].id.label = "Cartagena town.";
locations[n].id.label = "#stown_name# town.";
That won't do anything until you start a new game. To fix an existing game, put this into "console.c":
locations[FindLocation("Cartagena_Center_facade")].id.label = "#stown_name# town.";
In the game, press F12, then go to where you found the untranslated label.

10: Yes, it takes a long time, and if you're impatient then you don't deserve the tomahawk! Leaving without it shouldn't break the quest, you just don't get the reward. You should still return to Santo Domingo to talk to Avellán Constantino to complete the quest.

11: "Edgar Attwood_dialog.c" checks attribute "PChar.quest.Atwood" and if the attribute is not set, it starts the quest. But that attribute is only used to trigger the action in Bridgetown, then it is cleared. The attached "quests_side.c" sets "PChar.quest.Attwood" again just so that "Edgar Attwood_dialog.c" can find it. See if that helps.

12: Jack Greenfield has not been given any weapons. The attached "quests_side.c" should give him a sword at the same time as his ship is placed on the sea. That should allow him to fight you. As for the ship, Jack Greenfield doesn't know you're planning to attack him, so he has no reason to attack you unless you provoke him. Your real problem is that you need to be hostile to him, and that means you need to be hostile to Britain, in which case the fort is going to attack you. Perhaps you should have paid to release Edgar instead of choosing to rescue him by force!

4, 6, 9: Indeed this quest is bugged. @pedrwyth tried to fix it some time ago but apparently missed some problems.

Edit: "quests_side.c" deleted, a newer version is attached to a later post.


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