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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Quest - Sink the Pirate Corvette
The ship "Marauder" is not translated.


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Did you download "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt" from post #636? A lot of ship names are added to the end of "storyline_strings.txt" but need to be translated, and you'll need that version of "SideQuest.c" for the translations to work. And you'll need to start a new game.

The ship for that quest has other names for different periods. In "Colonial Powers" period, for example, it's "Fast Death". This is the ship you will face if you do the quest while playing "Tales of a Sea Hawk". With the files from post #636 translated, you should see the ship's name translated in any period.
Did you download "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt" from post #636? A lot of ship names are added to the end of "storyline_strings.txt" but need to be translated, and you'll need that version of "SideQuest.c" for the translations to work. And you'll need to start a new game.

The ship for that quest has other names for different periods. In "Colonial Powers" period, for example, it's "Fast Death". This is the ship you will face if you do the quest while playing "Tales of a Sea Hawk". With the files from post #636 translated, you should see the ship's name translated in any period.
Yes, I checked now and everything is translated. Apparently I started a free game before this file.
But I discovered that "Use Opium" has not been translated.


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You'll need this version of "PROGRAM\BATTLE_INTERFACE\LandInterface.c" which includes translation code for both "Use Opium" and "Use Hoasca". You'll also need this version of "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\commands_name.txt". Lines 81 and 82 need to be translated. Delete "(Russian)" from both lines. I only added that so that, when I tested opium and vegetal (hoasca) in Russian, they showed something different from the English text. This proved that they were being translated from the Russian file.

You won't need a new game. The changes should work with an existing saved game. To check hoasca, you'll either need to use "console.c" to give yourself vegetal (the item which translates as "hoasca"), or do the "Mysterious Plants" sidequest. Using "console.c" is a lot quicker and is how I tested both opium and vegetal.


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Did you have the end dialog with Pieter Boelen?
Pieter Boelen said:
"Thanks for your help, captain. Your assistance has been decisive. We couldn't have done it without you. You did much more than you bargained for, so it's only fair that I raise your reward. What do you say to 40000 gold coins?",
Player said:
"Oh! That is most kind of you. I have other things to do now, but I'm sure that with the help of the La Tortue pirates, you will be able to fend off any Spanish attack. I will take my leave of you now, but I hope we will meet again some day. Goodbye and good luck, Pieter!",

Did you get line 6 of the questbook? In English:
After a short journey to La Tortue, I've left Pieter at the port. I'm sure he will find all the help he needs there. He has also given me 40000 gold coins as a reward, two times more than we agreed upon. I have been talking to the Spanish officer, Diego Cordoba, during the voyage and it turns out that though he might be an honest soldier, he does have some friends at La Tortue who will take him back to Cuba, so I let him go here as I promised.
After that, the questbook should have closed.

And then Pieter Boelen should run away. If you did not wait long enough for him to complete his run, he's probably still at Tortuga trying to run. Go back there, wait a while - if you can see him running, wait until he disappears, otherwise wait at least 30 seconds (and don't go anywhere else during that time, stay in the port area). Then go to Bonaire. Pieter's move to Bonaire is triggered when he completes his run.
After that, the questbook should have closed.

And then Pieter Boelen should run away. If you did not wait long enough for him to complete his run, he's probably still at Tortuga trying to run. Go back there, wait a while - if you can see him running, wait until he disappears, otherwise wait at least 30 seconds (and don't go anywhere else during that time, stay in the port area). Then go to Bonaire. Pieter's move to Bonaire is triggered when he completes his run.
Perhaps this is the reason that he did not appear, I did not wait for him to run away.
P.S Yes, that was the reason...
Quest Help the Lady
"Armand Delacroix" doesn't translate for some reason. (Ines Diaz_dialog.h After line 167)


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Perhaps this is the reason that he did not appear, I did not wait for him to run away.
P.S Yes, that was the reason...
Understandable. You arrive at Tortuga port and Pieter Boelen talks to you almost immediately. You're still standing on the dock next to the ship. Unless you have something else to do on Tortuga, you'll probably go straight back to sea while Pieter is still running. I've now modified the quest to trigger Pieter's move to Kralendik tavern when you leave the area, not when Pieter leaves.
Quest Help the Lady
"Armand Delacroix" doesn't translate for some reason. (Ines Diaz_dialog.h After line 167)
"PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Ines Diaz_dialog.c", case "Estrella_Armand2":
        case "Estrella_Armand2":
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[165];
            link.l1 = "Armand Delacroix.";
            link.l1.go = "Estrella_Armand3";
The name is hard-coded in the "dialog.c" file and will not be translated. Replace the "link.l1" line with:
            link.l1 = GetMySimpleName(CharacterFromID("Armand Delacroix")) + ".";
Provided Armand's name is already translated - which it should be, it's in "characters_names.txt" - that should show the translated name in the dialog.
Understandable. You arrive at Tortuga port and Pieter Boelen talks to you almost immediately. You're still standing on the dock next to the ship. Unless you have something else to do on Tortuga, you'll probably go straight back to sea while Pieter is still running. I've now modified the quest to trigger Pieter's move to Kralendik tavern when you leave the area, not when Pieter leaves.
That twat of a Pieter!! :whipa
Another small bug: a man spawned in this place, and when Delacroix offered me a drink, I had to sit on him.


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That twat of a Pieter!! :whipa
It's not his fault. This isn't the only quest which triggers when a NPC moves to a locator and breaks if the player leaves before the NPC gets there. "Hard Labours of an Assassin" relies on Ambroz Bricenos leaving through the tavern door and I've been caught out the same way - I got to the door first, then went to see Mateus Santos, who tried to remind me that I had a contract in progress instead of offering me the first contract. So that quest is getting the same fix - the next part will be triggered by you leaving the tavern, rather than by Ambroz Bricenos leaving the tavern.

Basically, having a quest case triggered by a character moving to a locator is a really bad idea because it will break if the player leaves the area before the character gets there. The exception is if the plot specifically requires the character to lead you somewhere. The "Assassin" storyline version of the "Hard Labours" quest triggers the meeting with Mateus Santos when a character gets to a location - he's supposed to be showing you Santos' new home, so you really shouldn't be going anywhere else, nor going into the house before him!
Another small bug: a man spawned in this place, and when Delacroix offered me a drink, I had to sit on him.
"PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_side.c": at case "Story_gotoQC", add a line:
Locations[FindLocation("QC_tavern")].vcskip = true;
At case "Story_SitAndDrinkWithDelacroix", add a line:
That should block random characters from appearing in the tavern from the time you accept the quest from Estrella until the time you talk to Armand. After that, the block is removed so you can meet random tavern characters again.
Files with code correction.


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A few more errors:
1)Estrella's reputation as a man is exploited in disguise
string = iBloke, "Честный Парень", instead
string = wBloke, "Честная Девчонка"
2)If I leave the cave in combat mode and go to the end, the officers appear right in front of me. This would not have happened if Estrella had talked to me immediately after leaving the cave.
3)A small error that most likely has no effect. In the file isla muelle soldier_dialog.h (line 39) there is a period after the comma at the end of the sentence.


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1: This is because character "Estrella Disguised" is actively set to be a man in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\IslaMuelle.c". At a guess, that is to make sure the character uses the correct animation. Model "Animistse" is the same as the red-robed characters you see in "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean", which is male, so it uses the standard male animation. I've set "Estrella Disguised" to become female in "quests_side.c", which is after the character has set the model and animation.

2: Easily fixed by adding a line to disarm the player in "quests_side.c" when you arrive at the beach location.

3: It doesn't seem to do any harm now because that is the last line of dialog text. It could cause trouble later if anyone adds new dialog for Spanish soldiers. Remove the period.

The attached version of "quests_side.c" contains fixes for all the most recent bugs - male Estrella, combat mode after the cave, unwanted characters in the tavern when you meet Armand, Pieter Boelen not moving to Kralendijk if you leave Tortuga too quickly (and also "Hard Labours of an Assassin" breaking if you leave the tavern too quickly).


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I don't remember ever seeing a cart. There are a group of soldiers which you need to kill to complete the quest, and that's all. When you've killed them, Claire should talk to you, then you have to walk to the beach. You don't have a cart either, so it would not make sense for the soldiers to have a cart which you leave behind.
So it was somewhere in another quest with silver. It's strange why she's not here. It would be very plausible, and the team could take the cart ashore.