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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Those are defined in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\SideQuest.c". Make sure you have the one from post #636. That one definitely works - I tested it by starting a FreePlay as a Dutch character. That begins in Kralendijk, where Rian Dekkers, Janneke Blinkerhof and Lisebet Schefold are the women standing outside the town hall.

If you still get those messages, post "compile.log" and "error.log".
Yes, I downloaded storyline_strings.txt, but forgot about SideQuest.c and CommonQuest.c. I'm sorry...
The old "SideQuest.c" shouldn't have failed to create the characters. The only effect of not downloading those files should be that the ship names are still not translated.
1) After I give Ignatius Pell the clothes and club, nothing happens... And the character just freezes in place, this person does not accept it as a quest item, he only puts on the clothes. Loaded a save! Go up and talk to him.
What should I do about this? I can’t continue the plot and have started translating the tips for now.


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I was wrong about any saber. (a bad jumpstart I made)

No the game checks for these things given to Pell:
blade10 (Piranha) which I see you've got
flintlock pistol also ok
at least 1 gunpowder + 1 pistolbullet

According to your pictures the last items are not given to Pell
@Grey Roger, here's a small fix. I have removed the club Tookerman was equipped with. It was only confusing when Pell didn't accept it.
There are enough clubs for the 4 maroons in the locked chest anyway.


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1) Names in the story are not translated:
"Servant", "Caesar", "Swift", "Stapleton", "Russel"
2) Problem with names that take words from common.ini and interface_strings.txt :
"John King" - translated as king, but for the surname it is better to make a transcription. (1887 line 'common.ini')
"James white" - The word 'white' refers to the choice of sails. For some reason, the game takes the last name with a small letter, although it is already in characters_names.txt and the last name is correct there. (536 line 'interface_strings.txt')
"Maltese soldier" - About the same as with James white (1541 line 'common.ini')
3) More locations without translation:
"Kitchen - staff only", "Private", "Executioner. Leave me alone", "Opium house. Closed auction days.", "Brothel open all days except Mondays.", "Magasin is swedish for warehouse. Stay away - the owner.", "Eleuthera Cavern", "Armory"
4)At the top of the logs, the name of the card that I found in a piece of gunpowder after pouring the cognac was not indicated, although it was translated in the inventory.
5) Edward Teach's icon did not appear in the passenger menu when I played as him on the ship. It's in the character menu.
6) Some items have a blue glow, as if they are missing texture.


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About the blue glow on some blade items. It used to be a problem with some blades in combination with pistols. (The texture file EnvAmmo.tga or Env.tga.)

I tested in my latest updated game and all was ok.
Could it be that you are using an older version of the game?

bladespade.jpg bladeanchor.jpg
1) Names in the story are not translated:
"Servant", "Caesar", "Swift", "Stapleton", "Russel"
2) Problem with names that take words from common.ini and interface_strings.txt :
"John King" - translated as king, but for the surname it is better to make a transcription. (1887 line 'common.ini')
"James white" - The word 'white' refers to the choice of sails. For some reason, the game takes the last name with a small letter, although it is already in characters_names.txt and the last name is correct there. (536 line 'interface_strings.txt')
"Maltese soldier" - About the same as with James white (1541 line 'common.ini')
3) More locations without translation:
"Kitchen - staff only", "Private", "Executioner. Leave me alone", "Opium house. Closed auction days.", "Brothel open all days except Mondays.", "Magasin is swedish for warehouse. Stay away - the owner.", "Eleuthera Cavern", "Armory"
4)At the top of the logs, the name of the card that I found in a piece of gunpowder after pouring the cognac was not indicated, although it was translated in the inventory.
5) Edward Teach's icon did not appear in the passenger menu when I played as him on the ship. It's in the character menu.
6) Some items have a blue glow, as if they are missing texture.
1: "Caesar": should be translated from "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt" - the general file, not the "Woodes Rogers" one. 'TranslateString' is supposed to check that file but there was a bug, now fixed, in "PROGRAM\Dialog_func.c". Attached is the newest version with the correction.

"Servant": should be translated, it's in "characters_names.txt".

"Stapleton": there's a typo in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\WoodesRogers\characters_names.txt", which has key text "Stapelton" instead of "Stapleton". A similar typo prevents "Russel Stapleton" from being translated.

2: "King", "White": replaced with "King1" and "White1" in "TempQuest.c", then translated as "King" and "White" in "characters_names.txt".
"Maltese soldier": probably works better with a small letter for "soldier".

"Swift": added along with some more to lines 437 onwards in the attached version of "characters_names.txt". Also check line 217 and 220, where "Blackbeard's Head" and "Swedish Guy" are now translated as complete names rather than separate first and last names.

3: One place has a label "Private.", others have "Private" (without the full stop). Only "Private." is translated. I've added "Private" and "Armory". @Jack Rackham: where do the other location names come from? They're not in "QuestLocations.c" or "quests_reaction.c".

4: Which item is that? What is it called in the inventory?

5: When you play as Teach, what is the name of your model? That should not be translated, so it should be easy for me to check.


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5) Edward Teach's icon did not appear in the passenger menu when I played as him on the ship. It's in the character menu.
Yes you are right the picture was missing. Here it is now.
Teach icon.jpg


  • portrait 536 size 128 23-11-02.7z
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About the blue glow on some blade items. It used to be a problem with some blades in combination with pistols. (The texture file EnvAmmo.tga or Env.tga.)

I tested in my latest updated game and all was ok.
Could it be that you are using an older version of the game?
This is a shovel - "itmname_bladespade", Anchor - "itmname_bladeanchor_big", barrel - itmname_bladebarrel_gpS
Here are 2 saves before taking these items. I have the latest version, these fixes may not have been included in the update.


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4) I was wrong about the id of the item picked up.
It's called "gpmap" and is directly after the pick up switched to mapBB2A.

@Grey Roger I've made a small change so the incomplete sentence "you have found an itemname_!" is not logged.


  • itemLogic.c
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Yes, you certainly need to translate the profile name and possibly the rest as well. Here are the saves with translated names. These should work; they worked for me.

@Jack Rackham: could you re-upload the files which fix the problem? After loading these savegames, the barrel, spade and anchor show the same problem for me when I have the basic short pistol equipped, but not if I equip one of the quest pistols. You can't leave the armory until you've collected both barrels, one of which takes the place of a pistol, but you can then re-equip the short pistol.


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I've tested your save game now @AkrimalS. And it is as @Grey Roger says: a special "blade"item + a standard pistol gives the shiny metal look.
I tested to lift out EnvAmmo.tga (which the standard pistols use) from the game and all works fine. (expect some error messages) So it's hard to tell what EnvAmmo does.

Then tested all combos of standard/special blades/guns and all cases work perfect without EnvAmmo.tga
I cannot see any changes in pistol1 or blade1 for.ex.

This was a problem a long time ago but I don't remember how the fix was done.

no EnvAmmo.jpg
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The reason I thought it worked yesterday in my game was that I tested with the flintlock pistol not for.ex with pistol1.
We managed to translate and adapt the main storylines and only side quests remained! Thank you @Grey Roger and @Jack Rackham for your help, I couldn't have done it without you!
Let's move on to Woods Rogers' latest problems:
1)Untranslated names:
Sйrgio Soares Gomes - It is already in characters_names.txt, but for some reason it is not translated.
King David
Crimson Pirate

2)Locations and logs:
No, the Gold Coins are too heavy - the crew will take them to the ship.
An item has been removed from your inventory
Townhall office
Kristiania Usurerhouse. Closed today because of the naval visit.
Kristiania Blacksmith. Closed today because of the naval visit.
Kristiania Apothecary. Closed because of illness.
Kristiania prison. Vistors not allowed.

3) The ship is not transferred:
Den svenske islandsfararen
4)There is a problem with displaying letters when I use flags to display the word PIRATE
The letters E, S are taken from the wind directions, you can see it from below, I wrote it out. Also I think we need to add this to the walkthrough because it's not there! I believe that these letters should not be translated at all!
Unknown flag - U
Flag of Tich - T
Rackham Flag - R
Dutch flag - D
English flag - E 433 {"B"}
French flag - F
Portuguese flag - P
Spanish flag - S 437 {"Ю"}
Prussian flag - P
Swedish flag - S 437 {"Ю"}
Irish flag - I

Also please add an explanation for Woodes Rogers Part 2 - (09) Alchemy End at the line:
Page 11 - Mix Mixture6 + Sulfur + Calcium Oxide + Antimony (Located in a secret laboratory). Heat one in the crucible.
I'm very stupid here and I think that many... I started looking for this in old rooms.


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