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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

4) After the capture, the name of the city became untranslatable.

5) 548 and possibly 549 danielle_dialog.h - translation does not work.
In addition, here Danielle ran up in the morning and talked to me, I couldn’t talk to her anymore at this point, when I replayed it to check several points. I manage to destroy the British fleet at night and after moving to the port, and then at the lighthouse there is a conversation with Clement, but Danielle doesn’t talk to me (she doesn’t appear in the location and it says at the top that Bridgetown has been captured by England). In the end, I got tired of beating people on enemy ships and didn’t replay it. I also attach a save on the pier...

6) One thing that also confused me was that the quest log said that I sank the ship of a man who stole papers from a priest. And immediately after this there was a message about his boarding. I captured it and I understand that the priest should tell me, give me the papers. But what happens if I sink it? Will there be a different dialogue or the same one? The screenshot shows that lines 7, then 9 and 8 are used in standard\QUESTBOOK\search_danielle.txt.
4: That is an intentional feature of the way town names are displayed. If you own a town, its name is not translated. This is because you can rename the town and the translation files won't include your new name! When Britain recaptures Bridgetown later in the story, the name is back to normal. But it does mean that if you rename the town, the name will not display when Britain recaptures it. In "quests_reaction.c", case "Story_VoyageToKhaelRoaBegan", just above this line:
CaptureTownForNation("Greenford", ENGLAND);
Add this:
SetTownName("Greenford", "Bridgetown");
Load your savegame in which you have captured the town and are in the tavern. Rename the town - you can change it to Russian for "Bridgetown", or change it to anything else you like. Perhaps call it "Nathaniel Town". Then see if it returns to Russian for "Bridgetown" after you fight Silehard's fleet.

5: Indeed Danielle does not appear when you go to the lighthouse after defeating Silehard's battleships. But that is not where those lines are used. You also go to the lighthouse after you have attacked the fort, captured the town and rescued Clement. Danielle does appear at the lighthouse and this is when those lines are used. Load your savegame in which you are about to attack the fort and watch the dialog when you go to the lighthouse.
I completed Nathaniel's story to the end. In the temple, why didn’t I play 2 videos Idol.wmv and Temple.wmv. I also noticed that some ships begin to sail away from me when my health is low. This happened with the pirates who accompanied Sailhard when I was on Manovar and happened with the Black Pearl after using the artifact.
She just ran away from me and I had to reboot. In general, the story will become passable after fixing all these problems above. Now I'll probably start Woodes Rogers.
Do you have the video files? If so, in which folder?

Can you not use Sail To to catch the ships?

In Capture_Greenford.txt all 2 lines are written to the task log, although they are almost identical. As I understand it, it must be one of two
I've still to test it but I think I've fixed this one.
1) Not translated: Hmm, let's arrange them in some order…
2) Not translated: I'll use the rope to assemble the raft!
3) Not translated: Room in Redmond tavern
4) Storyline\WoodesRogers\characters_names.txt. Is it possible to swap words for the Russian language? Line 62 and 63 so that it is "Crew Rogers'" (Офицер Роджерса), but not "Rogers' Crew" (Роджерса Офицер).
5)The same as in point 4 for the head of a black beard. Lines 210 and 211 - Must be "head Blackbeard's" (Голова Чёрной Бороды), but not "Blackbeard's head" (Чёрной Бороды Голова). Also in the second part of the cheat menu there is no exit dialog, that is, line 5 of the Teach head_dialog.h file, as was done in part 1.
6) Also, if it is possible for this rebel girl to make a separate name for the woman. For a man it is a "Бунтовщик", and for a woman it is a "Бунтовщица".
1, 2: The attached version of Russian "interface_strings.txt" now has them on lines 1848 and 1850, needing to be translated.
Edit: file deleted, new version in a later post with more additions
3: @Jack Rackham: is there a reason why, in "QuestsLocations.c", "JRH_tavern_upstairs" has the label "Room in Redmond tavern" instead of the normal "Room in #stown_name# tavern"? It has the "townsack" attribute so the town name should be correctly filled. If it does need its own label then that will need to be added to "interface_strings.txt".
4,5: @Jack Rackham: in "TempQuest.c", how about changing all instances of:
ch.name = TranslateString("", "Rogers'");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("", "Crew");
... to...
ch.name = TranslateString("Rogers'", "Crew");
When 'TranslateString' is given two arguments like that, it first tries to translate the combined phrase such as "Rogers' Crew". If that is then added to "characters_names.txt", translators can use "Crew Rogers" or whatever else works in their languages. The same would need to be done for:
ch.name = TranslateString("","Blackbeard's");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("","head");
... and...
ch.name = TranslateString("", "Swedish");
ch.lastname = TranslateString("", "Guy");
The same has already been done for a lot of other descriptive names, such as street merchants, for the same reason.
6: For character "mutineer_23", the name would need to change to "Mutineer_F". In English that would just translate as "Mutineer"; in Russian (and possibly Spanish), it would translate to a feminine form. (Look at post #555 where we did the same for female "Citizen".)
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4: That is an intentional feature of the way town names are displayed. If you own a town, its name is not translated. This is because you can rename the town and the translation files won't include your new name! When Britain recaptures Bridgetown later in the story, the name is back to normal. But it does mean that if you rename the town, the name will not display when Britain recaptures it. In "quests_reaction.c", case "Story_VoyageToKhaelRoaBegan", just above this line:
I captured the fort and renamed it "Nathaniel's Colony" (Колония Натаниэля). After I recaptured the fleet, the name to Bridgetown did not change (it is simply not defined). But at the same time, at sea during a fast transition, the name is displayed.
5: Indeed Danielle does not appear when you go to the lighthouse after defeating Silehard's battleships. But that is not where those lines are used. You also go to the lighthouse after you have attacked the fort, captured the town and rescued Clement. Danielle does appear at the lighthouse and this is when those lines are used. Load your savegame in which you are about to attack the fort and watch the dialog when you go to the lighthouse.
Yes, I'm sorry. For some reason it seemed to me that these lines were after the victory over the fleet.
Do you have the video files? If so, in which folder?

Can you not use Sail To to catch the ships?
They are in a folder along the way RESOURCE\VIDEOS. I also tried to upload them to RESOURCE\VIDEOS\standard\Russian, there is the final video, which is played in Russian, but it did not help.
In the battle with Manowar, my fast transition was blocked. In theory, it opens only after drowning all enemies.


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3: @Jack Rackham: is there a reason why, in "QuestsLocations.c", "JRH_tavern_upstairs" has the label "Room in Redmond tavern" instead of the normal "Room in #stown_name# tavern"? It has the "townsack" attribute so the town name should be correctly filled. If it does need its own label then that will need to be added to "interface_strings.txt".
4,5: @Jack Rackham: in "TempQuest.c", how about changing all instances of:

3. Guess it's ok with "Room in #stown_name# tavern"
4, 5. Ok.
I captured the fort and renamed it "Nathaniel's Colony" (Колония Натаниэля). After I recaptured the fleet, the name to Bridgetown did not change (it is simply not defined). But at the same time, at sea during a fast transition, the name is displayed.
Did you also make the change to "quests_reaction.c" that I suggested? Did you also go to the lighthouse after defeating the fleet? Britain should recapture the town after you talk to Clement, and if you have added the line 'SetTownName("Greenford", "Bridgetown");' where I suggested, that is also when the town should change back to Bridgetown.

For some reason, town names are not translated in fast travel at sea.

They are in a folder along the way RESOURCE\VIDEOS. I also tried to upload them to RESOURCE\VIDEOS\standard\Russian, there is the final video, which is played in Russian, but it did not help.
Try putting them in "RESOURCE\VIDEOS\standard". Not the "Russian" sub-folder. The command which is supposed to play the temple video is:
PostVideoAndQuest("standard\temple", 100, "Story_Escaped_from_temple");
So it should look for the file in the "standard" folder. This video has no voices so it does not need a Russian version.

In the battle with Manowar, my fast transition was blocked. In theory, it opens only after drowning all enemies.
Next time, bring a frigate to the battle. Give the manowar to an officer - as you've found, it is too slow to chase enemy ships, but when the story is complete, you can use it to attack forts. Personally I usually try to take a flushdeck frigate from the French. It is the same type of frigate which you had in the second mission, "Escort a ship with troops to Barbados and then meet an agent". It sometimes appears in random French groups on the worldmap.

Otherwise complete the sidequest "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean" sidequest. This ends with you capturing the Satanist frigate Mefisto.
Did you also make the change to "quests_reaction.c" that I suggested? Did you also go to the lighthouse after defeating the fleet? Britain should recapture the town after you talk to Clement, and if you have added the line 'SetTownName("Greenford", "Bridgetown");' where I suggested, that is also when the town should change back to Bridgetown.

For some reason, town names are not translated in fast travel at sea.
Everything is working! I didn't notice you posted code. But I noticed another problem that the Russian names of the colony are not displayed in the log after talking with the old man (The colony... was captured by the nation of Britain)
1) Not translated: No, this is not the right picture! ✓
2) Not translated: Wonder what kind of import that is! ✓
3) Not translated: You need oxygen! ✓
4) Not translated: Get some wood first! ✓
5) Not translated: Redmond tavern ✓
6) Not translated: Officers only! ✓
7) I think it would be better for this guy who gives me water to change his name to bartender or innkeeper, rather than leaving him the name of all the other officers. ✗
8) After I poured the rum into the barrel, I should have seen the key in the inventory. In the screenshot there is an empty item with no description that you can select. I assume this is the key? ✗
9) This is the moment where Charles opens the door. All doors here should be closed, as written in the walkthrough, but I can go to Woods Rogers' office. ✗
10) As I understand it, Woods Rogers and Grandma Rogers are combined into characters_names. Is it possible to make a separate name or use Rogers' line 63. Grandma Rogers' (Бабушка Роджерса). And anyway, why the hell is grandma grandpa? ✗


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1, 2: Added at lines 2336 and 2337 of the attached "interface_strings.txt". I can not see where these lines are written in the code so I do not know if they will be translated in the game even if you translate them in this file.
3,4: Added at lines 1979 and 1980, needing to be translated.

There are a lot more lines needing to be translated. There are lines 1848 and 1850 ("I'll use the rope to assemble the raft!" and "Hmm, let's arrange them in some order...") from a previous post. Lines 1980-1983 and lines 2296-2335 I found while looking for more on-screen messages in "SL_utils.c" and "quests_reaction.c".

5: The attached "PROGRAM\Storyline\WoodesRogers\Locations\init\QuestLocations.c" replaces "Redmond tavern" with "#stown_name# tavern" on two lines. This should make them show the actual town name rather than the stock game "Redmond". You will need to start a new game for it to work.

6: Where is that? I can't find a location with that name, either in "QuestLocations.c" or "Redmond.c".

7-10: These would probably be best answered by @Jack Rackham.

Also attached are "PROGRAM\Storyline\Woodes Rogers\characters\init\TempQuest.c" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Woodes Rogers\characters_names.txt". I have not done anything to Grandma Rogers but these files should turn "Rogers' Crew" into a single phrase which you can translate. And also "Rogers' Former Crew", which I spotted while looking for all of Rogers' crew. Again, you will need to start a new game for these files to do anything.


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6) Not translated: Officers only! ✗
This is the room that opens with the lever in the library. It is located behind the shelf with history; there is also a stove and items for making rum.
1, 2: Added at lines 2336 and 2337 of the attached "interface_strings.txt". I can not see where these lines are written in the code so I do not know if they will be translated in the game even if you translate them in this file.
3,4: Added at lines 1979 and 1980, needing to be translated.
Added new versions of interface_strings.txt and characters_names.txt

1) There is also a mistranslation of Charles Vane's command. As I understand it, the game takes the name of Charles himself and the words crew. Is it possible to make a separate name for them? ✓
2) I also noticed an interesting thing: when the skeleton on the gallows gets up and takes his skull, his name becomes untranslatable. This is probably again due to the fact that he became a different character. ✓
3) Why does this man have a woman's photo))) ✗


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1: "TempQuest.c" with all the names of Charles Vane's Crew now changed to 'TranslateString("Charles Vane's", "Crew")'; "characters_names.txt" with "Charles Vane's Crew" added and translated by copying "Crew" and "Charles Vane's" from other lines - check that line 84 is correct.

Also, I found that "No, this is not the right picture!" comes from "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\itemsbox.c" and was already translated in "interface_strings.txt" on line 1704. But that line translated "No, this is not the right picture.", ending with a full stop instead of exclamation mark, so it was not recognised. I've moved your new translation to that line.

2: A better question might be, have you seen any other skeletons named "Buccaneer"? There should have been one very early in the game, buried on the swamp island. And that one in the dungeon should be named "Buccaneer" all the time; he has two entries in "TempQuest.c", both with the name set to 'TranslateString("", "Buccaneer")', for when he has no skull and when he does have a skull. Anyway, "Buccaneer" is now added to this "characters_names.txt" - check line 130.

3: That picture is used whenever the game can not find the right 64x64 face picture. It may be a mistake with the entry for this character's model in "initModels.c", or else that model has no face picture. I don't know which of Rogers' Crew that is, so I don't know which model to check. @Jack Rackham, do you know?


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2: A better question might be, have you seen any other skeletons named "Buccaneer"? There should have been one very early in the game, buried on the swamp island. And that one in the dungeon should be named "Buccaneer" all the time; he has two entries in "TempQuest.c", both with the name set to 'TranslateString("", "Buccaneer")', for when he has no skull and when he does have a skull. Anyway, "Buccaneer" is now added to this "characters_names.txt" - check line 130.
Yes, I saw a pirate buried in the bay and on the gallows, and they translated this name. For the one hanging on the gallows, it became untranslatable after he took his skull, closed the hatch and locked me in a cage.
I’ll post the link to the Russian files again, otherwise it’s already somewhere far away : Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)
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Have you a savegame from just before the skeleton gets the skull? Or at least, while the skeleton is still on the gallows?
Have you a savegame from just before the skeleton gets the skull? Or at least, while the skeleton is still on the gallows?
Here you need to put a wooden plank so that the niche does not close with the chest and put a barrel to get the chest out.


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I can't see why that character's name has changed. The character is "wr_hanged". The version without the skull is "wr_hanged_body". Both are originally set to have their name as 'TranslateString("", "Buccaneer")'. If I start a new game and use 'DumpAttributes(CharacterFromID("wr_hanged"))', it shows that the complete skeleton does indeed have the translated name. But if I load up your savegame, "wr_hanged" has its name changed to untranslated "Buccaneer", though ""wr_hanged_body" still has the translated name.

@Jack Rackham: is there anything which happens to "wr_hanged" which could change the name? Or, is there a jumpstart which leads to a point near where you meet the skeleton?
is there anything which happens to "wr_hanged" which could change the name? Or, is there a jumpstart which leads to a point near where you meet the skeleton?
Not that I remember.
6) Not translated: Officers only! ✗
I finally found where this is used. It's in "quests_reaction.c", case "bladetalk_finished", which sets the label for the gunroom to "Officers only!".

Here's my latest version of Russian "interface_strings.txt". The line for "Officers only!" is on line 2335, just below the line for "Wonder what kind of import that is!". I've also removed a couple of duplicate translations of "Naval officers only!", which are for other places and which had three identical lines in the file. Also attached is "quests_reactions.c" with some 'TranslateString' commands added to various 'logit' lines to make the on-screen texts translatable.


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10) As I understand it, Woods Rogers and Grandma Rogers are combined into characters_names. Is it possible to make a separate name or use Rogers' line 63. Grandma Rogers' (Бабушка Роджерса). And anyway, why the hell is grandma grandpa? ✗
What about grandma's name, can it be done?
1) Not translated: Gun deck ✓
2) Not translated: Redmond old mine ✓
3) Not translated: Friday`s room ✓
4) Not translated: You`ve received e new item ✗
5) Not translated: Rogers` storeroom ✓
6) Not translated: Rogers` secret laboratory ✓
7) Not translated: Port Royale Fort ✓
8) Not translated: Cave shore ✗
9) The name of the ship is not translated: "Marquis" ✗
10) freespace - What is this? Not translated. ✗
I corrected the first part and started the second, but I can't figure out where the first surgeon is in Tortuga...
11) _Abandon0.wav and _Abandon1.wav (or something like that) are not played in Russian when the galleon sinks in the story. ✗


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What about grandma's name, can it be done?
1) Not translated: Gun deck
2) Not translated: Redmond old mine
3) Not translated: Friday`s room
4) Not translated: You`ve received e new item
5) Not translated: Rogers` storeroom
6) Not translated: Rogers` secret laboratory
7) Not translated: Port Royale Fort
8) Not translated: Cave shore
9) The name of the ship is not translated: "Marquis"
10) freespace - What is this? Not translated.
I corrected the first part and started the second, but I can't figure out where the first surgeon is in Tortuga...
11) _Abandon0.wav and _Abandon1.wav (or something like that) are not played in Russian when the galleon sinks in the story.
Grandma Rogers should probably be left as it is.

1-3, 7: Now in "interface_strings.txt", line 1620-1623. ("Gun deck" should be translated - I copied it from the translation of "Cannons Deck".)
4: I can't find where this is used but it's almost certainly a typo and should be "You've received a new item".
5,6: Now in "interface_strings.txt", lines 1631-1633 - also includes "Rogers' secret storeroom" which will be needed.
8: The usual problem - for some reason, sail-to locations are not translated even though they are in the translation files.

@Jack Rackham: could you go through "quests_reaction.c" and add 'TranslateString' to each line which assigns a label? Also, the lines which assign the ship Marquis to the player will need the name translated. The word "Marquis" is already translated in "common.ini" as it's a noble title available to privateers after a lot of promotions.

The line which plays "OBJECTS\SHIPCHARGE\_Abandon0.wav" will need to be made conditional - if the language is set to Russian, it should play "RUSSIAN\OBJECTS\SHIPCHARGE\_Abandon0.wav" instead. (Something similar has been done for all the videos in "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and "Hornblower".)


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The line which plays "OBJECTS\SHIPCHARGE\_Abandon0.wav" will need to be made conditional - if the language is set to Russian, it should play "RUSSIAN\OBJECTS\SHIPCHARGE\_Abandon0.wav" instead. (Something similar has been done for all the videos in "Tales of a Sea Hawk" and "Hornblower".)
The best thing was to do everything in folders (English, Russian, Spanish), as it was done in VOICE, and do it for INTERFACE and OBJECTS. Is the trep folder with Russian phrases used somewhere or is it just lying there?

While I don’t know what to do in Woods Rogers’ story, I decided to go through the gold bug again, since the old saves were lost...
1) Not translated: Okay, the parchment is in place - now it`s only to wait for Jupiter and more wood. ✓
2) When changing to a character, be it Jupiter or Legrand, the name becomes untranslatable. This happens, for example, when Jupiter goes for firewood or when he comes and there is a change to Legrand whose name becomes untranslatable. ✓
3) Not translated: Fort Moultrie restaurant ✓
4) Not translated: Fort Moultrie hotel ✓


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I've uploaded "interface_strings.txt" again in post #578. It now includes:
"Okay, the parchment is in place - now it's only to wait for Jupiter and more wood." - line 2163
"Fort Moultrie restaurant", "Fort Moultrie hotel" - lines 1935 and 1936.

@Jack Rackham: in "quests_reaction.c", whenever the player switches to another character, could you translate the names, please? For example:
Pchar.name = "William";
Pchar.lastname ="Legrand";
... should become...
Pchar.name = TranslateString("","William");
Pchar.lastname =TranslateString("","Legrand");
Or would you like me to modify the code to add the translation?