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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

1: Try this version of "quests_reaction.c". For those characters, "Indian" was indeed not translated. They are fantoms, created at the time of the battle, so if you have a savegame from before the battle, they should be translated when you replay the battle.
2: This version of "villain_dialog.c" uses 'XI_ConvertString' on any title which can be used for Piers or Valerie Downing. And this version of Russian "common.ini" has "Mr." added for when you address Piers by his English title. I've already translated that line by copying it from "Mister". But also included is "Madame", for when you play as Helen Ardent, you're talking to Valerie Downing, and she's married. French "Madame" is not quite the same as English "Madam", so it may need to be translated differently. "Madam" stresses the first syllable, "MAdam". French stresses the second syllable, "maDAME". So I have not translated "Madame" - look for it on line 1547.


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1: Try this version of "quests_reaction.c". For those characters, "Indian" was indeed not translated. They are fantoms, created at the time of the battle, so if you have a savegame from before the battle, they should be translated when you replay the battle.
2: This version of "villain_dialog.c" uses 'XI_ConvertString' on any title which can be used for Piers or Valerie Downing. And this version of Russian "common.ini" has "Mr." added for when you address Piers by his English title. I've already translated that line by copying it from "Mister". But also included is "Madame", for when you play as Helen Ardent, you're talking to Valerie Downing, and she's married. French "Madame" is not quite the same as English "Madam", so it may need to be translated differently. "Madam" stresses the first syllable, "MAdam". French stresses the second syllable, "maDAME". So I have not translated "Madame" - look for it on line 1547.
New version with some changes in translation.


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I finished editing for the male character of the Ardent storyline. Some moments:
1)The place of the ship's parking is not translated "Rocky Shore" - quest_John Clifford Brin_dialog.h (line 9)
2)I decided to ask my wife what is happening now and she answered me that nothing is important, while skipping the place itself (Santiago). - Gov MR_dialog.h (line 44)
3)Also why the governor gives me 0 acres of land. And I tried it with the English governor. The title appears, but the land is 0, strange...
4)Fort St Louis - not translated. It may not have been added to the translation files.
5)HMS - Not translated, it looks like you added something like that when I played Hornblower's story, but it doesn't work.
6) I also caught an interesting bug with sound. Now when I go to any location, I have the sound of alarm bells. It all started after I saved the team from the fort and left it, after which I went to the port gate where the bells sounded. I ran to the ship despite the fact that the guards were aggressive and now this sound is made with every transition. And after loading the save, the same bug is triggered. It seems only if after the bell you go back to the city, then the bug will not happen. I have attached the save before exiting the fort and other files.


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1: Try this version of "quest_John Clifford Brin_dialog.c".
2: That is correct. Normally it should just say "((( Your wife tells you that nothing very important has happened. )))". The line is split because the same file will also be used if, instead of marrying someone as part of a storyline, you talk to a random governor's niece or daughter and charm her into becoming your mistress. So the English version of "Gov MR_dialog.h" has these lines 43-45:
"((( Your ",
" tells you that ",
"nothing very important has happened. )))",
There is no mention of the town name. At a guess, the lines "tells you that" and "nothing very important has happened" are split in case someone ever wrote code for something important to happen. The whole idea of marrying or charming governors' relatives is taken from an older game, "Pirates!" by Sid Meier. Sometimes the wife or mistress would tell you where the Spanish treasure fleet or silver train were, then you could try to attack them. PoTC does not have a specific treasure fleet so your wife can not tell you where it is. But there is now a sidequest "Silver for Cartagena" which can be triggered by talking to your wife or mistress enough times.
3: What rank are you?
4: Known problem - for some unknown reason, sail-to destinations are not translated even though the place names appear in "interface_strings.txt".
5: "Hornblower" may have "HMS" in some dialog or questbook texts because it is about a naval officer. Random ship name prefixes are indeed not currently translated. The attached "PROGRAM\Ships\Ships.c" and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\common.ini" should correct that, provided you first translate the prefixes starting at line 1188. (You'll also see the same problem with American ships if you play "Hornblower" or any other game set in "Revolutions" or "Napoleonic" periods. American navy ships have the prefix "USS". That should also now be translated by these two files.)
6: Yes, sounds are sometimes not updated. You might have also noticed something similar a lot earlier in the story when you stole the snow brig.


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This is line 1720 in common.ini. It depends somehow on the rank whether he will give me land or not?
Yes, you should only be getting land at rank 7, which would be line 1725 of "common.ini". If you'd been making plenty of use of the free Letter of Marque which you got much earlier in the story, you ought to be at that level after the free promotion for defeating the Dauphin Royale.

However, this version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\DIALOGS\Javier Balboa_dialog.c" checks if you have received some land and if not, it does not add the part about land being awarded.

Normal governor dialog already checks whether you have received any land before adding dialog to tell you about it, so the English governor should not tell you that you received 0 acres.


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I started the story as Nathaniel Hawk to fix some spelling mistakes from the previous translator.
1) The ships that captured the city are not translated. (Belette, Cleopatre, Semillante)
2) Something with line 177 of the shipslog_strings.txt file, since it is not translated.
Visited the local merchant, sold off our cargo and refilled our supplies. The trade earned me{Посещен местный торговец, продан наш груз и пополнены запасы. Торговля принесла мне}


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1: Have you translated the ship names in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\standard\storyline_strings.txt"? Attached is the English version showing the names of all ships given to characters in the storyline. You'll need to start a new game for the translations to take effect because the ship names are in the character definitions. Those are read at the start of the game.
2: A quote mark had been wrongly copied into the text on line 177 of "shipslog_strings.txt". The attached version should be correct.


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Woman - Mildred Backer is not translated. Everard Gordon_dialog.h (80 line) The Jack Sparrow folder also has this file, perhaps it is not translated there either.


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Woman - Mildred Backer is not translated. Everard Gordon_dialog.h (80 line) The Jack Sparrow folder also has this file, perhaps it is not translated there either.
Translate that line. But don't bother about it in the "Jack Sparrow" folder, it is never used.

Often when a line is just someone's name, it's really a character's ID and the "dialog.c" file will try to find the character's name. For example, line 46 of "Everard Gordon_dialog.h" is "Counterspy" and line 228 of "Everard Gordon_dialog.c" finds the name of character "Counterspy":
Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[43] + GetMyName(&Characters[GetCharacterIndex(DLG_TEXT[44])]) + DLG_TEXT[45];
(Programming starts counting from 0, and line 1 of "Everard Gordon_dialog.h" is the header. So line 2 is the first line of text, which is DLG_TEXT[0].)

But line 80 really is the woman's name. Line 367 of "Everard Gordon_dialog.c":
d.Text = DLG_TEXT[77] + DLG_TEXT[78] + DLG_TEXT[79];
So if you translate "Mildred Backer", Everard Gordon should then use your translated name.

Most of Everard Gordon's dialog files in the "Jack Sparrow" folder are copied from the normal files. But Jack Sparrow does not involve a French invasion of Speightstown. The Jack Sparrow version of "Everard Gordon_dialog.c" has no line referring to DLG_TEXT[78]. So it does not matter if this "Mildred Backer" is translated. Everard Gordon will not say anything about her in this storyline.
1) Is it possible to somehow change the name "Горожанин" (citizen) to "Горожанка", since this is a female character. Or are these names the same as those of those robbers who want to burn the old man?

2) 43-44 lines in danielle_dialog.h file - the time of day does not change visually at night when we go to the governor. When we are in the bedroom it is already night time and then in the bay it is visually night. I have also included a save file if needed.

3) When the fort is captured, Daniel is present with me at the fort, but disappears at the port. (After the capture, the quest continues, although it looks broken, she must attack from the jungle.). I also attach a save file.

4) After the capture, the name of the city became untranslatable.

5) 548 and possibly 549 danielle_dialog.h - translation does not work.
In addition, here Danielle ran up in the morning and talked to me, I couldn’t talk to her anymore at this point, when I replayed it to check several points. I manage to destroy the British fleet at night and after moving to the port, and then at the lighthouse there is a conversation with Clement, but Danielle doesn’t talk to me (she doesn’t appear in the location and it says at the top that Bridgetown has been captured by England). In the end, I got tired of beating people on enemy ships and didn’t replay it. I also attach a save on the pier...

6) One thing that also confused me was that the quest log said that I sank the ship of a man who stole papers from a priest. And immediately after this there was a message about his boarding. I captured it and I understand that the priest should tell me, give me the papers. But what happens if I sink it? Will there be a different dialogue or the same one? The screenshot shows that lines 7, then 9 and 8 are used in standard\QUESTBOOK\search_danielle.txt.


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1: When does this happen?
2: I'll take a look at that. There is supposed to be code in place to change the time.
3: Danielle should help you capture the fort, then she takes command of the fort. She should join you again after you defeat Silehard's fleet.
4: I'm not sure why that happens. I'll need to continue from one of your savegames, try to follow the game in Russian, then see if there is anything odd about the tavern at that point.
5: What is wrong with those lines? They're supposed to be part of a sentence from line 547, line 548 or line 549, and line 550, depending on whether you have only your own ship:
"I'll make necessary repairs and provisions for the ship. It would also be a good time to set the fort into some usable state.
Or if you have other ships with you:
"I'll make necessary repairs and provisions for the fleet. It would also be a good time to set the fort into some usable state.

Danielle does not need to talk to you at the lighthouse. Clement talks, you should have the first line of the questbook "Sail to Cozumel with Danielle and Aurentius", and then you're supposed to walk to your ship. The ship should already have been moved to the lighthouse. Danielle should now be an officer even if she has not appeared at the lighthouse; she should appear at the next place you land, or in your cabin. She should certainly appear when you arrive at Cozumel.
6: The line about the ship being sunk is triggered by Ferro Cerezo being killed. The line about the ship being captured is triggered by you boarding the ship. But even if you capture Ferro Cerezo alive, the game behaves as if he has been killed. This is true for any captain you capture and is necessary to make sure that quests triggered by defeating an enemy trigger correctly. So if you capture the ship, you get both questbook lines.

Padre Domingues does indeed have different lines depending on whether you captured or sank the ship. In "padre Domingues_dialog.h", line 8 is what you say if you sank the ship, leading to lines 65-72. If you boarded the ship, you say line 9, leading to lines 73-87; this includes a choice to give the letters to Padre Domingues freely, or to blackmail him first.
1: When does this happen?
This happens in the Rescue Researcher quest. The character is female, so it is desirable that the name be "Горожанка". File - greenford_citizen_01_dialog.h.
I'll take a look at that. There is supposed to be code in place to change the time.
Time changes, as I understand it, but visually there is no night.
Danielle should help you capture the fort, then she takes command of the fort. She should join you again after you defeat Silehard's fleet.
In the original game, she attacked the city from the jungle, but did not fight me in the fort. She only appeared in the city from the side of the gate where the prison was and ran to fight. Now, on the contrary, she is present in the fort with me, but since the pier she has not been there. She appears only after I talk to the commandant and capture the city.
Is this how it should be?
What is wrong with those lines? They're supposed to be part of a sentence from line 547, line 548 or line 549, and line 550, depending on whether you have only your own ship:
So I have to translate them, okay. But the thing is that this dialogue no longer appears in the game. As I wrote the night after the conversation with Clement, Danielle does not appear when she first spoke to me.
Padre Domingues does indeed have different lines depending on whether you captured or sank the ship. In "padre Domingues_dialog.h", line 8 is what you say if you sank the ship, leading to lines 65-72. If you boarded the ship, you say line 9, leading to lines 73-87; this includes a choice to give the letters to Padre Domingues freely, or to blackmail him first.
This is all clear, but in the quest log it wrote to me that I first sank the ship and the next message that I captured it. I captured it by boarding and took my old bark for myself and sank it. Why did they write to me that I sank this pinnace?
This happens in the Rescue Researcher quest. The character is female, so it is desirable that the name be "Горожанка". File - greenford_citizen_01_dialog.h.
The character is defined in "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\characters\init\TempQuest.c":
    ch.old.name = "citizen";
    ch.old.lastname = "";
    ch.name = TranslateString("","citizen");
    ch.lastname = "";
    ch.id        = "greenford_citizen_01";
    ch.model = "TownGirl5";
    ch.sex = "woman";
There is more to the definition, but the important line here is 'ch.name = TranslateString("","citizen");'. Change "citizen" to "citizen_F".

Then, in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\standard\characters_names.txt", below the translation of "citizen" on line 100, add a new line for "citizen_F".

Time changes, as I understand it, but visually there is no night.
I'll see if I can correct that, but it's not important because you're not on the beach for very long before you transfer to the bedroom.

In the original game, she attacked the city from the jungle, but did not fight me in the fort. She only appeared in the city from the side of the gate where the prison was and ran to fight. Now, on the contrary, she is present in the fort with me, but since the pier she has not been there. She appears only after I talk to the commandant and capture the city.
Is this how it should be?
Yes. She might have got to the fort by a different route but she has to be there fighting at the same time as you. If she had captured the fort without you, you would not need to attack it from the sea! After that, she disappears because she stays inside the fort to take command there.

So I have to translate them, okay. But the thing is that this dialogue no longer appears in the game. As I wrote the night after the conversation with Clement, Danielle does not appear when she first spoke to me.
As it happens, I'm playing this storyline myself. I'll try to remember to watch for this when I'm at the lighthouse after the battle with Silehard's fleet, and see if Danielle should appear.

This is all clear, but in the quest log it wrote to me that I first sank the ship and the next message that I captured it. I captured it by boarding and took my old bark for myself and sank it. Why did they write to me that I sank this pinnace?
The line about sinking the pinnace is triggered when you kill Ferro Cerezo. You might have killed him in a duel in his cabin.

But even if an enemy captain surrenders and you take him prisoner, he is killed. This is necessary for a lot of quests to work. A copy of the captain is made. It is this copy who appears as your prisoner.

So the real Ferro Cerezo always dies. Therefore the questbook line about sinking the pinnace always appears.

I have an idea about how to prevent the questbook line about sinking the ship from appearing if you board it, but I'll need to test it.
Added a female character to both the Russian and English versions characters_names.txt


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Yes. She might have got to the fort by a different route but she has to be there fighting at the same time as you. If she had captured the fort without you, you would not need to attack it from the sea! After that, she disappears because she stays inside the fort to take command there.
Then it would be more correct to make Danielle appear from the other opposite door, and not together with Nathaniel. I think we need to change the spawn locator, otherwise it’s somehow illogical that she leaves from the same door.
I completed Nathaniel's story to the end. In the temple, why didn’t I play 2 videos Idol.wmv and Temple.wmv. I also noticed that some ships begin to sail away from me when my health is low. This happened with the pirates who accompanied Sailhard when I was on Manovar and happened with the Black Pearl after using the artifact.
She just ran away from me and I had to reboot. In general, the story will become passable after fixing all these problems above. Now I'll probably start Woodes Rogers.

In Capture_Greenford.txt all 2 lines are written to the task log, although they are almost identical. As I understand it, it must be one of two


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Last edited:
Added a female character to both the Russian and English versions characters_names.txt
I had already added it to my copies of "TempQuest.c" and English "characters_names.txt". ;) But thanks for the Russian version.

Then it would be more correct to make Danielle appear from the other opposite door, and not together with Nathaniel. I think we need to change the spawn locator, otherwise it’s somehow illogical that she leaves from the same door.
That might be difficult because the fort attack is just the standard procedure, the same as if you were attacking any fort without it being part of a storyline. Officers, including Danielle, are placed automatically near you. It might be possible to move a locator to have Danielle appear by a different door, in which case one of your officers would always appear at the same door in any other fort attacks.

But this version of "quests_reaction.c" should fix the problem when you go with Danielle to Silehard's bedroom and you still see daylight after you are supposed to have waited for night. At case "wait_for_night_in_shore", this:
LAi_Fade("", "to_secret_oxbay_shore_complete2");
... does not update the screen even though the time has been set to 23:00. It is now replaced by:
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Redmond_shore_01", "reload", "reload1", "to_secret_oxbay_shore_complete2");
I tried it, it works. The game does a full reload back to the beach, which means you see the reload picture. If you had officers with you, they appear, and so does Danielle, who then talks again, then you teleport to the bedroom as usual.

In Capture_Greenford.txt all 2 lines are written to the task log, although they are almost identical. As I understand it, it must be one of two
One line is added when Danielle says you need to plan the assault and you agree to return to the ship. The other is added when you want to start the attack, either right away or when you return to the lighthouse later. I'll try adding a check so that the second line is only added if the questbook is not already open.


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1) Not translated: Hmm, let's arrange them in some order…
2) Not translated: I'll use the rope to assemble the raft!
3) Not translated: Room in Redmond tavern
4) Storyline\WoodesRogers\characters_names.txt. Is it possible to swap words for the Russian language? Line 62 and 63 so that it is "Crew Rogers'" (Офицер Роджерса), but not "Rogers' Crew" (Роджерса Офицер).
5)The same as in point 4 for the head of a black beard. Lines 210 and 211 - Must be "head Blackbeard's" (Голова Чёрной Бороды), but not "Blackbeard's head" (Чёрной Бороды Голова). Also in the second part of the cheat menu there is no exit dialog, that is, line 5 of the Teach head_dialog.h file, as was done in part 1.
6) Also, if it is possible for this rebel girl to make a separate name for the woman. For a man it is a "Бунтовщик", and for a woman it is a "Бунтовщица".


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