I moored in Boca de Hubon and went to Port-au-Prince, handed in a task from the governor, then got out, talked to the man and went back, but when I went out to sea, I couldn’t use the fast teleport and, accordingly, the ship was nowhere to be found and don't get into Boca de Yuman
Update: I tried this myself - started as Jean de la Croix, chose not to pay the jailer, escaped to the church, then sailed to Port au Prince. In 1690 Portugal is neutral to both France and Holland as it did not take part in the war at that time. So I used a Portuguese flag to sail to Kralendijk, visited the smuggler's house, then returned to Port au Prince still under a Portuguese flag when I went to see Contre-Amirale Beauregard. I saved game just before talking to him. This proved to be very useful. After talking to him, I met my crewmember, then sailed round the island to near Boca de Yuman where I found the
Vogelstruijs. It's not right next to the beach but if you sail from either Port au Prince or Boca de Hubon, you should see the ship before you get close to Boca de Yuman. Holland is at war with France so I used a French flag to start the battle, did enough damage to trigger the boarding scene, then completed the mission.
Remember how I said I was under a Portuguese flag when I returned to the Contre-Amirale? When I left the town hall, the crewmember tried to address me as a Portuguese captain:

The Portuguese word for "Captain" is "Capitão". For some reason, the letter "ã" causes trouble, so it is represented in the game by "Ý" and is supposed to be converted back when the game picks a section of the font texture file to represent the letter. This is where it gets weird. "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c" uses a switch based on your nation to set some preprocessed variables, and for Portugal, it does this:
Preprocessor_Add("hello", DLG_TEXT[43]);
Preprocessor_Add("captain", DLG_TEXT[44]);
Preprocessor_Add("mygod", DLG_TEXT[45]);
Preprocessor_Add("assault", DLG_TEXT[46]);
Preprocessor_Add("yes", DLG_TEXT[47]);
"DLG_TEXT[44]" is line 46 of "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.h":
For some reason the "Ý" has not been shown as "ã". But the font file used for dialogs is fine and so is the code which uses it because if I start a game as a Portuguese privateer, use cheatmode to be promoted to rank 5, and then talk to the Portuguese governor until he introduces me to his niece, the niece then addresses me as "Capitão-Tenente" and the letter is shown correctly. So, in "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c", I replaced the line for "captain" with:
Preprocessor_Add("captain", TranslateString("","CapitÝo"));
And now:
Attached is "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c" with the correction, along with "interface_strings.txt" with the translation for "CapitÝo". It also now uses 'GetServedNation()' instead of 'sti(PChar.nation)' to find your nation so that your crewmember will address you according to your real nationality, not the nationality of whichever flag you happen to be using. But since "Sinking the Vogelstruijs" is now a sidequest available to anyone, you can start a FreePlay game as a Portuguese character and test it.