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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

The fact is that not all names depend on this sign, for example, the name Miguel. Without the "ь" at the end, it just doesn't sound right. He kind of softens the word. Miguel' - Мигель
I was not suggesting changing all names! All I want is a way to distinguish male Daniel from female Danielle.

Is it correct to put "ь" on the end of Даниэль for Danielle and leave it off for Daniel? That is what you seemed to suggest in post #391. If so, all I intend to do is remove the "ь" from "Characters_names_ru.c", line 9, 3rd name; line 154, 1st name; line 596, 4th name; line 729, 1st name; line 779, 13th name; and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Bartolomeu\characters_names.txt", line 128.

All other names, including Miguel, can stay as they are unless you change them.
I also made the same code for Captain Keene_dialog.c and the sounds work too!


  • Captain Keene_dialog.c
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Is it correct to put "ь" on the end of Даниэль for Danielle and leave it off for Daniel? That is what you seemed to suggest in post #391. If so, all I intend to do is remove the "ь" from "Characters_names_ru.c", line 9, 3rd name; line 154, 1st name; line 596, 4th name; line 729, 1st name; line 779, 13th name; and "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Bartolomeu\characters_names.txt", line 128.
Yes, you need to delete, I already deleted them and attached the files


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Here are the .c files with the code to play Russian audio..
Some files have sound files that are not in the English folder, here is an example:

Black Charlie Hammond_dialog

Captain Murray_Dialog


Lt. Chadd_dialog


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Two locations are not translated and something can be seen with the file of this character (Havana_Crewmember_dialog.с), because firstly this character is not in the clothes of a monk, secondly, he says one phrase: line 24, after that, according to the plot, I have to get to Boca de Yuman, but Nothing happens.

SAVE HERE – before exiting town-hall

Exit town hall – crewmember dressed as priest standing outside tavern talks to you ( might need to walk towards him to trigger )


Go to Boca de Yuman by land through jungle – crew appear – ( This path not possible still W.I.P. cannot get to Boca de Yuman )

OR Go to ship and sail to Boca de Yuman – Transported to Shipdeck – boarding in progress – crewmember talks to you – fight & kill smuggler crew and captain – transported to cargo hold – talk to self – go to gunpowder storage – talk to self – transported to sea – watch Vogelstruijs sink – QB Update.


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Two locations are not translated and something can be seen with the file of this character (Havana_Crewmember_dialog.с), because firstly this character is not in the clothes of a monk, secondly, he says one phrase: line 24, after that, according to the plot, I have to get to Boca de Yuman, but Nothing happens.
Location "Village Church": find line 1139 in the attached version of "interface_strings.txt".
Location "Buccaneers Camp Tavern": go to Buccaneers Camp and find the store - is the label there correctly translated? If so, rather than add specific lines to "interface_strings.txt" for the tavern and the upstairs room, I'll edit "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Hispaniola.c" to change both labels to use "#stown_name#" instead of "Buccaneers Camp" - this is already done for the store.

The character is indeed no longer in the clothes of a priest and neither are you. There used to be a bug which meant that if you had chosen not to pay the jailer and had escaped to the church, crew who had changed into priest clothes remained in priest clothes long after the escape. This has been fixed.

The walkthrough is incomplete. You should sail to Boca de Yuman but do not land. You are playing the sidequest "Sinking the Vogelstruijs", so when you sail near to Boca de Yuman, look for the Vogelstruijs and attack it. When you have done enough damage, that is when you will be transported to the deck for the boarding.

I've updated the walkthrough to remove the bit about the crewmember being in priest's clothes, and added a bit to say that you should attack the ship.


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Last edited:
Here is a loading file that I included earlier but had missed to translate.


  • prison2 russian.7z
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The walkthrough is incomplete. You should sail to Boca de Yuman but do not land. You are playing the sidequest "Sinking the Vogelstruijs", so when you sail near to Boca de Yuman, look for the Vogelstruijs and attack it. When you have done enough damage, that is when you will be transported to the deck for the boarding.

I moored in Boca de Hubon and went to Port-au-Prince, handed in a task from the governor, then got out, talked to the man and went back, but when I went out to sea, I couldn’t use the fast teleport and, accordingly, the ship was nowhere to be found and don't get into Boca de Yuman


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I moored in Boca de Hubon and went to Port-au-Prince, handed in a task from the governor, then got out, talked to the man and went back, but when I went out to sea, I couldn’t use the fast teleport and, accordingly, the ship was nowhere to be found and don't get into Boca de Yuman
That is correct, you can not use fast teleport ("Sail To"). You need to sail to Boca de Yuman manually. It should be somewhere near the southeast corner of Hispaniola. Look for a pinnace.
I also wanted to ask, I found untranslated dialogues with cheats enabled, added lines at the end and wrote
link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[57];
link.l2.go = "ass_part4";
link.l3 = DLG_TEXT[58];
link.l3.go = "ass_part5";
link.l4 = DLG_TEXT[59];
link.l4.go = "ass_fire";
link.l5 = DLG_TEXT[60];
link.l5.go = "back_diablo";
link.l6 = DLG_TEXT[61];
link.l6.go = "El_Morro";
But for some reason, after line 58, the game does not see the text
I'm doing something wrong, please explain how it works)
Attached Russian and English version


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  • Divers_dialog.h
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When you add lines to a "dialog.h" file, you need to change the first line:
string DLG_TEXT[57] = {
File "Divers_dialog.h" defines an array "DLG_TEXT". That first line says it contains 57 lines. Since that is the first line of the file, line 2 is the first line to go into the array, line 3 is the second, and so on. Line 58 of "Divers_dialog.h" is the 57th line of text to go into the array. That is why the first line says 57.

You have added five new lines, up to line 63, which is the 62nd line of text in the array. So that first line in the file needs to change to:
string DLG_TEXT[62] = {
The corrected version in Russian is attached.

More generally:
Line 1 is the "DLG_TEXT" declaration. Line 2 is the first line of text. And in the "dialog.c" file, any "DLG_TEXT" line will have a number which is two less than the line number in the "dialog.h" file because programming counts from 0. So the second line in "dialog.h" is the first line of text, which is 'DLG_TEXT[0]'.


  • Divers_dialog.h
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I moored in Boca de Hubon and went to Port-au-Prince, handed in a task from the governor, then got out, talked to the man and went back, but when I went out to sea, I couldn’t use the fast teleport and, accordingly, the ship was nowhere to be found and don't get into Boca de Yuman
Update: I tried this myself - started as Jean de la Croix, chose not to pay the jailer, escaped to the church, then sailed to Port au Prince. In 1690 Portugal is neutral to both France and Holland as it did not take part in the war at that time. So I used a Portuguese flag to sail to Kralendijk, visited the smuggler's house, then returned to Port au Prince still under a Portuguese flag when I went to see Contre-Amirale Beauregard. I saved game just before talking to him. This proved to be very useful. After talking to him, I met my crewmember, then sailed round the island to near Boca de Yuman where I found the Vogelstruijs. It's not right next to the beach but if you sail from either Port au Prince or Boca de Hubon, you should see the ship before you get close to Boca de Yuman. Holland is at war with France so I used a French flag to start the battle, did enough damage to trigger the boarding scene, then completed the mission.

Remember how I said I was under a Portuguese flag when I returned to the Contre-Amirale? When I left the town hall, the crewmember tried to address me as a Portuguese captain:
The Portuguese word for "Captain" is "Capitão". For some reason, the letter "ã" causes trouble, so it is represented in the game by "Ý" and is supposed to be converted back when the game picks a section of the font texture file to represent the letter. This is where it gets weird. "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c" uses a switch based on your nation to set some preprocessed variables, and for Portugal, it does this:
        case PORTUGAL:
            Preprocessor_Add("hello", DLG_TEXT[43]);
            Preprocessor_Add("captain", DLG_TEXT[44]);
            Preprocessor_Add("mygod", DLG_TEXT[45]);
            Preprocessor_Add("assault", DLG_TEXT[46]);
            Preprocessor_Add("yes", DLG_TEXT[47]);
"DLG_TEXT[44]" is line 46 of "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.h":
For some reason the "Ý" has not been shown as "ã". But the font file used for dialogs is fine and so is the code which uses it because if I start a game as a Portuguese privateer, use cheatmode to be promoted to rank 5, and then talk to the Portuguese governor until he introduces me to his niece, the niece then addresses me as "Capitão-Tenente" and the letter is shown correctly. So, in "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c", I replaced the line for "captain" with:
Preprocessor_Add("captain", TranslateString("","CapitÝo"));
And now:

Attached is "Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c" with the correction, along with "interface_strings.txt" with the translation for "CapitÝo". It also now uses 'GetServedNation()' instead of 'sti(PChar.nation)' to find your nation so that your crewmember will address you according to your real nationality, not the nationality of whichever flag you happen to be using. But since "Sinking the Vogelstruijs" is now a sidequest available to anyone, you can start a FreePlay game as a Portuguese character and test it.


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  • interface_strings.txt
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Incidentally, you seem to have translated lines 36, 41, 46, 51 and 56 all as "Капитан". That defeats the whole point of this switch. The crewmember should address you in his language, not the language in which you are playing. If your character is French, he should call you "Capitaine"; if your character is Spanish, he should call you "Capitán"; if your character is English, he should call you "Captain". That is certainly what happens regardless of whether you are playing in English or Spanish. Can a similar distinction be made in Russian to use Cyrillic versions of the different words?
Incidentally, you seem to have translated lines 36, 41, 46, 51 and 56 all as "Капитан". That defeats the whole point of this switch. The crewmember should address you in his language, not the language in which you are playing. If your character is French, he should call you "Capitaine"; if your character is Spanish, he should call you "Capitán"; if your character is English, he should call you "Captain". That is certainly what happens regardless of whether you are playing in English or Spanish. Can a similar distinction be made in Russian to use Cyrillic versions of the different words?
It's pretty much the same in sound, but here's a slightly altered version


  • Havana_Crewmember_dialog.h
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  • interface_strings.txt
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It's pretty much the same in sound, but here's a slightly altered version
That's the point, they should not be the same sound! English "captain" is two syllables sounding like "kapten". Spanish is three syllables sounding like "kapitan". Portuguese is three syllables sounding like "kapitow". French and Dutch are close enough to each other, three syllables sounding like "kapitehn".

Lines 30-34 can be correct Russian. Those are for Pirate and Personal crewmembers so they should be correct for the player's language.
The quest The Apprenticeship will not spawn Pelagius Lizarraga. It all started with the fact that after I passed the quest, the game crashed with the error RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characters.c; line: 134
Cant create class: NPCharacter
Then I booted up again and turned in the quest, but I flew out after I left the Residence,
After a few tries, I got out. Having sailed to spacetown in the catacombs, I did not find this person where it was written in the tutorial. I did not go into the abbey and the crypt, as it was written that it was not necessary to go there.


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Found more lines in Bartholomew's code for cheat mode. I throw off the Russian and English versions.


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The quest The Apprenticeship will not spawn Pelagius Lizarraga. It all started with the fact that after I passed the quest, the game crashed with the error RUNTIME ERROR - file: characters\characters.c; line: 134
Cant create class: NPCharacter
Then I booted up again and turned in the quest, but I flew out after I left the Residence,
After a few tries, I got out. Having sailed to spacetown in the catacombs, I did not find this person where it was written in the tutorial. I did not go into the abbey and the crypt, as it was written that it was not necessary to go there.
I'm not sure which character is failing to be created. I've often seen that error message if I've been to Havana, and of course I need to go there a lot during "Assassin"! But it shouldn't crash the game.

The game does sometimes crash when I try to leave the Vice Admiral's residence, and also when I try to leave the Port Royale residence during "Tales of a Sea Hawk", so I always save game before leaving either of them.

Pelagius Lizarraga does spawn in Speightstown dungeon. You don't need to go into the abbey but you do need to be careful not to go there! I've put an arrow on this map showing a passage:
You need to go almost to the end to find Lizarraga, but do not go too far or you will enter the abbey.

The first part of the story which causes me any serious trouble is "The Alliance". From the walkthrough:
Sail to Sao Jorge, Concepcion – on Sao Jorge jetty Chico Cois talks to you.


Go to tavern – enter – transported to table - Chico Cois talks to you – transported to your ship’s deck - Chico Cois talks to you & gives you items – Quest Movie – Transported to French Ship’s deck - Weapons Changed
You can save game immediately after being transported to the French ship's deck. You are equipped with poisoned throwing knives and if you are lucky, you can use them to kill the soldiers without sounding an alarm. If they hit you even once, the alarm bell sounds and you can not continue to the hold - and that's when the saved game is very useful.

The story does work. I've completed it several times.
I'm not sure which character is failing to be created. I've often seen that error message if I've been to Havana, and of course I need to go there a lot during "Assassin"! But it shouldn't crash the game.

The game does sometimes crash when I try to leave the Vice Admiral's residence, and also when I try to leave the Port Royale residence during "Tales of a Sea Hawk", so I always save game before leaving either of them.

Pelagius Lizarraga does spawn in Speightstown dungeon. You don't need to go into the abbey but you do need to be careful not to go there! I've put an arrow on this map showing a passage:
View attachment 42463
You need to go almost to the end to find Lizarraga, but do not go too far or you will enter the abbey.

The first part of the story which causes me any serious trouble is "The Alliance". From the walkthrough:You can save game immediately after being transported to the French ship's deck. You are equipped with poisoned throwing knives and if you are lucky, you can use them to kill the soldiers without sounding an alarm. If they hit you even once, the alarm bell sounds and you can not continue to the hold - and that's when the saved game is very useful.

The story does work. I've completed it several times.
There is no one here, maybe something broke before that at the moment where the crew member comes up?


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Looking at the code, I can see that Lizarraga is not the only missing person. Where is Chico Cois? The same piece of quest code which puts Pelagius Lizarraga into the dungeon should also make Chico Cois your officer.

There is a time limit on this mission. If you take too long to get to Speightstown and back, the story ends and you have a new questbook entry, "Failure". Do you have this questbook entry?

Otherwise, can you show a screenshot of your questbook "The Apprenticeship"?