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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

Most of that will be fixed when you translate some new lines in this version of "interface_strings.txt":
Lines 3-4: for deleting profiles
Lines 1175-1190: locations including the ones you found
Line 1321: "You unlocked the perk:"
Lines 1373-1388: directions for reporting things sighted at sea
Lines 2346 to end: text on worldmap

I don't know why "Sir George Nugent" is not being translated. That is the normal name for the governor of Kingston in "Napoleonic" period, assigned in "PROGRAM\Periods.c" and translated in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\periods_strings.txt". Check your version of "periods_strings.txt" - look for "Sir George" and "Nugent" separately.


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Last edited:
Most of that will be fixed when you translate some new lines in this version of "interface_strings.txt":
Lines 3-4: for deleting profiles
Lines 1175-1190: locations including the ones you found
Line 1321: "You unlocked the perk:"
Lines 1373-1388: directions for reporting things sighted at sea
Lines 2346 to end: text on worldmap
Translated and uploaded: Корсары 2 Новые горизонты (перевод AkrimalS)
I don't know why "Sir George Nugent" is not being translated. That is the normal name for the governor of Kingston in "Napoleonic" period, assigned in "PROGRAM\Periods.c" and translated in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\periods_strings.txt". Check your version of "periods_strings.txt" - look for "Sir George" and "Nugent" separately.
Everything seems to be in order, I don't know what's wrong
I've found out why "Sir Charles Nugent" is not being translated. No governor names are being translated! As a first attempt at a fix, I've started modifying "PROGRAM\Periods.c", e.g.:
    period.Towns.Redmond.gov.name = "Sir George";
    period.Towns.Redmond.gov.lastname = "Ayscue";
... becomes...
    period.Towns.Redmond.gov.name = GetTranslatedPeriod("Sir George");
    period.Towns.Redmond.gov.lastname = GetTranslatedPeriod("Ayscue");
And that worked.

However, that involves going through all the governor names in "Periods.c" and adding 'GetTranslatedPeriod' to them. Before going that far, I want to see if I can find out where the name is transferred to the governor. Those lines set attributes for the period, not for the governor character. If I can find where governors are set to use his period name, I can translate them there, adding 'GetTranslatedPeriod' to a few commands rather than to every single governor name.
As you asked - translation of ship names.
Put that into "PROGRAM\Ships". Download this file and put it into "PROGRAM\Ships" as well. Then start a new game, go to sea, find a random ship and see if its name is translated.

If ships now have no names, or if the game crashes, upload "error.log".


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Put that into "PROGRAM\Ships". Download this file and put it into "PROGRAM\Ships" as well. Then start a new game, go to sea, find a random ship and see if its name is translated.

If ships now have no names, or if the game crashes, upload "error.log".
It seems to work!


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Now put this into "PROGRAM\Towns" and start a new game. Function 'AddTown' tries to translate governor names from "Periods.c" but it uses 'TranslateString'. This does not look at "periods_strings.txt". I've changed 'AddTown' to use 'GetTranslatedPeriod' instead. And now:


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I couldn't get past Hornblower's thread yesterday. After talking at the lighthouse with Lieutenant Qualp in Bridgetown, Lieutenant Bush is nowhere to be found. Here is the save and compile.log..

Also, the surname Sawyer is not translated.


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After you talked to Quelp, did you go up to the lighthouse? Did you also talk to Sharpe? The last dialog you should have had with Sharpe before going back to Bridgetown would be in "Richard Sharpe_dialog.h", lines 226-229. In English:
Richard Sharpe said:
This makes no sense at all, and yet again if our Mr. Quelp is involved, things don't go according to plan.
Horatio Hornblower said:
Well we aren't going to find any answers here.
Richard Sharpe said:
No, and right now we don't have the resources to follow it further. We will have to wait for better times. I must take my men back or we'll be up for desertion! I will be keeping an eye on Mr. Quelp though. See you again sometime Horatio.
Horatio Hornblower said:
Yes, take care. I suppose I should go back to Bridgetown, but it seems the game is over for now.
If you have not had this dialog then nothing will happen in Bridgetown.

I don't know why "Sawyer" is not being translated. It should be in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Hornblower\characters_names.txt". In my version of the Russian file, it's on line 43.
You need to go up to the lighthouse where the bodies are. Walk around - you have to hit a special spot on the ground before the next dialog happens. It is not marked so you just need to keep searching until Sharpe talks to you.
You need to go up to the lighthouse where the bodies are. Walk around - you have to hit a special spot on the ground before the next dialog happens. It is not marked so you just need to keep searching until Sharpe talks to you.
I ran around these corpses for about 5 minutes, then ran around the lighthouse and nothing happened. Then I got up from hopelessness to the door and turned to the corpses, and only then did this locator work. Why does it have such a small radius?
There's supposed to be a command to make it bigger but it doesn't work. I'll see if I can make the locator bigger when you need to go there to trigger the dialog.
At the moment I'm taking a break from fixing and probably for now I'll be making audio files of the Russian version. The plots of Jack Sparrow and Hornblower are in good condition, the only thing that I did not watch was the side quests.

Paste these lines into your quests_reaction.c to make Hornblower's Russian videos work.
1024 line - if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\RUSSIAN\Declaration of War", 100, "");
else PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\Declaration of War", 100, "");
1628 line - if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\RUSSIAN\Capture Le Reve", 100, "Back_to_the_Indy");
else PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\Capture Le Reve", 100, "Back_to_the_Indy");
3283 line - if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\RUSSIAN\Le Reve Capture", 100, "Go_to_Beach_for_Prison");
else PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\Le Reve Capture", 100, "Go_to_Beach_for_Prison");
4230 line - if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\RUSSIAN\SHIPWRECK_0001", 100, "Again_Back_to_the_Indy");
else PostVideoAndQuest("Hornblower\SHIPWRECK_0001", 100, "Again_Back_to_the_Indy");

And one video in the history of Hauk
3581 line - if(LanguageGetLanguage() == "RUSSIAN") PostVideoAndQuest("standard\RUSSIAN\ending", 100, "credits");
else PostVideoAndQuest("standard\ending", 100, "credits");

There are also a few more untranslated
1)The beach is not translated, apparently because of the point.
2)Mason says to call her Ellen and a new name appears.
3)Problem with Sawyer not solved?
4)At the wedding, I need to correct Maria's consent, it is not correct. Maria Mason_dialog does not have this dialog. Where to find it?


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1: Try the attached version of "interface_strings.txt". I've added a new entry for "Boca de Yuman.", and also one for "Boca de Hubon." which probably does the same.
2: Attached is "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Hornblower\characters_names.txt" with a new entry for "Ellen" on line 59, which you'll need to translate. The command to give Mrs. Mason the new name already has 'TranslateString', so you should see the translated version if you translate the name and then load a savegame from before the wedding.

Also attached are updated versions of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Gov MR_dialog.c" and Russian "shipslog_strings.txt". If you check your ship's log after the wedding at the moment, it will probably have an entry in English about the wedding. If you use these new files and then play the wedding again, the ship's log should be translated.
3. I have no idea why that happens. "Sawyer" is in "characters_names.txt".
4: During the wedding, Maria Mason uses "Gov MR_dialog.h". Look at line 63.


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1: Try the attached version of "interface_strings.txt". I've added a new entry for "Boca de Yuman.", and also one for "Boca de Hubon." which probably does the same.
2: Attached is "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Hornblower\characters_names.txt" with a new entry for "Ellen" on line 59, which you'll need to translate. The command to give Mrs. Mason the new name already has 'TranslateString', so you should see the translated version if you translate the name and then load a savegame from before the wedding.

Also attached are updated versions of "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Gov MR_dialog.c" and Russian "shipslog_strings.txt". If you check your ship's log after the wedding at the moment, it will probably have an entry in English about the wedding. If you use these new files and then play the wedding again, the ship's log should be translated.
3. I have no idea why that happens. "Sawyer" is in "characters_names.txt".
4: During the wedding, Maria Mason uses "Gov MR_dialog.h". Look at line 63.
All fixed and uploaded. You can download all files.
Here's "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\JackSparrow\storyline_strings.txt" with a lot of ship names added. If you translate them, quest ships should appear with translated names next time you play this storyline, including the ship you receive when you become Jack Sparrow and arrive at Cayman.


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here is the interface_strings file with the addition of Bullen Bay and the translated storyline_strings


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Here's another version of "interface_strings.txt". This one has the line "ALARM! AN AMBUSH!!!" (line 195) corrected to match the original text in "PROGRAM\CCCFunctions.c". Also added and needing to be translated is line 1063, "Smuggler's Home".


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Here's another version of "interface_strings.txt". This one has the line "ALARM! AN AMBUSH!!!" (line 195) corrected to match the original text in "PROGRAM\CCCFunctions.c". Also added and needing to be translated is line 1063, "Smuggler's Home".


  • interface_strings.txt
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