Red or brown?
How should he do it?
I would like to offer a third point of View, if you allow...
Let him do it the way he sees fit.
Despite the question of Historical accuracy which will possibly never be resolved with "absolute" answers, textures and colors are, as so often a matter of taste.
Unfortunately, we do not have any Photographs, or descriptions from eyewitnesses, or do we?
textures are a matter of taste...
Which, as i have just seen on an other forum (War plane Game and a Finnish Winter Map) does sometimes distract from the product itself, the modeling, the innovations and the progress.
The conclusion we had there, after a long winded post of the original Mod artist (must have taken him an hour to :nk )
It is impossible to please everyone.
I don´t like the Red. i like this Rich, full Brown he proposed. sh*t Brown. Lego Brown. Reminds me of my Lego Pirate ship.
but with Red interior Walls, does not look bad either.
With a "

" i would like to say:
Nightwatcher, in case of doubt, don´t listen to us... do as your stomach or your eye and ears tell you to.
Back to your Preview 43 picture...
I do not have your plans at hand, but i notice that there is some kind of "doorstep" between the main deck and the interior of the Forecastle, and i am scratching my head about it.
You sure it was like that, not simply a continuation of the planking? What is the sense of a doorstep where everyone kan trip over? Was it used to prevent Water to get under the door?
Another thing where, as a non-sailor i am wondering if it can be correct, is the fore Cannons (size). They do not have an awful lot of place to recoil back when fired, without hitting the square Frame behind them. seems weird to me...
The same thing goes for the Big Cannons on the Main deck. Lacking the Reference size with a Human, and knowledge of ship cannons, the Revenge itself, and about every other aspect, i lean out the window, and say:
they seem like F´n 24-28 pounders! They are BIG!
Could it be that the Man who drew the Plans of the Revenge was a little Optimistic on the Cannon size?
Even if i like the proportions, and these very nice long Barrels!
ok, now keelhaul me...