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WIP Spanish translation

Tradebook changes to the Spanish common.ini and a few shortened item descriptions that were clipping into the "ok" button in the store interface (there are many mre of those and some are unavoidable, like books and such that have long descriptions or quest items with relevant information, but I shortened just a few weapon flavor descriptions)


  • trade.zip
    48.3 KB · Views: 102
"common.ini": a few other things have changed. The translation for "FleutWarSat" should now be "Filibote de guerra satánica" in line with the Animists in "Strange Things Going On in the Caribbean" being renamed to Satanists everywhere else. Duplicate lines for "Nuestra Señora de las Nieves", "Isla de San Martín" and "Curaçao" are no longer needed because I finally fixed the bug which double-translates island names in ship berthing. The fixed version of "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\kam_shipberthing_miscfunctions.c" is attached.

"ItemsDescribe.txt": the name for "blade45" should really be "Espada 'Garra de Cangrejo'", unless there's a better translation for "'Crab Claw' sword". I'm not sure what "Espada de patillas" means; Google Translate says it's "Sideburn sword", which is probably wrong, but it certainly doesn't look like "'Crab Claw' sword". ;) The description for "Skillbook3" should say that it unlocks "Improved Damage Control" ("Control de daños mejorado"), not "Advanced Ship Defence" ("Defensa naval avanzada") - the perk was renamed some time ago but "ItemsDescribe.txt" was not updated to match.


  • common.ini
    83.4 KB · Views: 64
  • ItemsDescribe.txt
    72.5 KB · Views: 67
  • kam_shipberthing_miscfunctions.c
    11.9 KB · Views: 83
Crab claw sword is the English name for mostly Iberian swords with this type of double curved quilons. In Spanish those are called "patillas" (literally, "little legs"), so I renamed the sword accordingly. It was "Garra de Cangrejo" before, when I thought "Crab Claw" was a proper name, but as it's not an unique weapon, i think the generic type fits better.
"common.ini": a few other things have changed. The translation for "FleutWarSat" should now be "Filibote de guerra satánica" i
That would be "Filibote de guerra satánico", because "satánico" here qualifies the masculine "filibote" (the previous "satanista" is an ungendered word, despite finsihing with an a, so an understandable confusion).
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Crab claw sword is the English name for mostly Iberian swords with this type of double curved quilons. In Spanish those are called "patillas" (literally, "little legs"), so I renamed the sword accordingly. It was "Garra de Cangrejo" before, when I thought "Crab Claw" was a proper name, but as it's not an unique weapon, i think the generic type fits better.
View attachment 41782

I tried searching for "Crab claw sword" and found that they're Italian, not Iberian. In particular, the one in your picture is an Italian crab-claw infantry sword from about 1620.

Then I did a search for "espada de patillas" and found some swords which do look like crab-claw swords and some which don't, on this site:

In particular, this one doesn't look much like a "crab-claw" sword, it looks more like our "Spanish Nobility Longsword":

But a search for "Espada Garra de Cangrejo" turned up a few hits, almost all on an auction site which doesn't show the swords when I try to follow the links there, so I grabbed one of the pictures via DuckDuckGo:

As for "blade45", looking at the model, it seems a bit similar to "blade47", the light tizona.
Sword terminology is never exact from language to language or even within one language. "Patillas" are the second set of curved quilons that eventually turn into finger rings, but there are many stages in between. "Espada de patillas" is a very broad category.

I'm pretty comfident any Spanish instance of "garra de cangrejo" refered to a sword is product of a literal translation from English.

In the end, any will do. Sword terminology debates are exhausting, and in most cases the people that actually used swords called them just swords.
:rofl :onya

Easy does the trick.
As you wish. I'll edit "ItemsDescribe.txt" so that all swords are just called "Sword". And for good measure, all firearms will be either "Pistol", "Musket" or "Rifle". (I was considering renaming the whole lot "Pistol" but that means Sharpe would need to say "We don't use pistols. We use pistols.")

More seriously: in the current update, the Spanish version of "ItemsDescribe.txt" describes "blade45" as "Espada de patillas".

Less seriously: now I need to redesignate the basic sabre as "heavy sabre" so that I can include a light version...
As you wish. I'll edit "ItemsDescribe.txt" so that all swords are just called "Sword". And for good measure, all firearms will be either "Pistol", "Musket" or "Rifle". (I was considering renaming the whole lot "Pistol" but that means Sharpe would need to say "We don't use pistols. We use pistols.")
You bloody blighter! :whipa
I'd like to test Gov MR_dialog, because it has a lot of preprocessors and stuff I can't fully place just looking at the files. What's the quickest way for starting and progressing through the regular (non-storyline specific) governor's child romance?
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Enable cheatmode (at the bottom of "InternalSettings.h"). Start a FreePlay as a corsair - you may as well go Spanish, but really anything other than British, Pirate or Personal will do. (British corsairs start at Speightstown which has no governor, Pirates do things a bit differently, Personal does things very differently.)

Use cheatmode to rise through the ranks - press numeric keypad 9 a few times. Visit the governor and talk to him a few times until he presents a relative. You'll need to chat to her, go away for a while, return, chat to her, repeat until you can propose marriage or overwhelm her with wit and charm.

And then do it all again, only this time play as a female corsair so you meet the governor's nephew or son.
Also, there are a lot of untranslated log entries. I translated a bunch of them in my old 2017 files adding them to interface_strings but that got scrapped and instead @Maximus added a new shipslog_strings.txt file, but I don't know how that works in the PROGRAM side.
"PROGRAM\sulan_shipslog.c" makes use of function 'GetTranslatedLog' which is defined in "PROGRAM\MAXIMUS_functions.c". This searches, in sequence, "shipslog_strings.txt" and "interface_strings.txt". If neither of those produces a result, it tries calling 'TranslateString', which checks a whole lot of files (including "interface_strings.txt" again). If that fails as well, it returns the original string unmodified.
So if I add GetTranslatedLog to the logs in other files and add the entries to shipslog_strings that should maybe in theory possibly work?
Not knowing which files you have in mind, I don't know. Make backup copies of any files you change, then try it. If it works, upload the files. If it doesn't, put the backups back in place.