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WIP Spanish translation

Now that I started translating quests, I realize I'm gonna spoil for myself many of the quests I haven't played yet. Oh well:shrug
Now that I started translating quests, I realize I'm gonna spoil for myself many of the quests I haven't played yet. Oh well:shrug
Or you could play them through and then translate them? May not work very well with all the different paths though.
Next time. The public examinations here are a big convoluted system. Few people get it right the first time.
Many of the questbook entries are written with only male characters in mind. I'm trying to translate them as gender neutral whenever I can, but that's even harder in Spanish than it is in English as our adjectives have gender too, so I have to find neutral words or twist the phrases with passive voice. Sometimes it's impossible though.
I assume you're referring to the Sidequest Questbook entries? Or perhaps those of the Standard Storyline?
@Grey Roger will probably run into this for the Ardent storyline as well. Maybe he's got some tips and tricks?
Yeah, the sidequests mostly. In the Standard storyline, the player character is male only, right? So I shouldn't worry for that or any of the other storylines with fixed protagonists. The general ones (and Ardent, when I get to it) are where the fun is.:p
In the Standard storyline, the player character is male only, right?
You can change the starting character model for the Standard Storyline. But it won't make sense at all, mainly because Danielle's involvement.
So no need to worry about that one. :no
A useful command to learn is 'Preprocessor_AddQuestData(string label, string text)'. You put a label such as "#sperson#" into the text, then find the quest code in which that text is added to the questbook and put something like this around it:
if (PChar.sex == "man") Preprocessor_AddQuestData("person", "man");
else Preprocessor_AddQuestData("person", "woman"); 
AddQuestRecord("do_the_thing", 3);
Then, when that piece of code is added, line 3 will be added to the questbook with "#sperson#" replaced by "man" or "woman" as appropriate.

There's also 'Preprocessor_Add(string label, string text)' which does something similar for other text such as dialogs. Have a look at this. Specifically, look at case "node_Rys Bloom_4" in "Laurence Wellman_dialog.c" and line 47 of "Laurence Wellman_dialog.h". Laurence Wellman is the Port Royale port master and you talk to him about Rys Bloom. At the moment he is looking for a worthy man to vouch for Bloom and you ask him if you are a worthy man. With this version, he's looking for someone worthy to vouch for Bloom and you ask if you are a worthy man / woman depending on whether you are in fact a man or woman.


  • Laurence Wellman_dialog.c
    5.4 KB · Views: 325
  • Laurence Wellman_dialog.h
    4.3 KB · Views: 318
With this version, he's looking for someone worthy to vouch for Bloom and you ask if you are a worthy man / woman depending on whether you are in fact a man or woman.
Do you know if those files are actually in the current modpack?
I seem to remember you posted them before, but I don't remember actually adding them.
Just to be sure, would you mind adding them into your next Ardent upload?
I did post them before. They weren't ready in time for the last "Ardent" update, but will certainly be in the next one.
Interesting. I will still try to sort everything I can in the text files themselves, if for nothing else, to make it easier for me. But it's good to know the option is there. I miss the M&B method, just slapping a {man/woman} in there and job done :D
If you do end up making changes to the code itself (such as adding some of those preprocessors as @Grey Roger suggested) that affect also the way it works in English, be sure to post those files here as soon as possible.
Then we can add them to the main mod so at least that will remain compatible in the future. :doff
Interesting. I will still try to sort everything I can in the text files themselves, if for nothing else, to make it easier for me. But it's good to know the option is there. I miss the M&B method, just slapping a {man/woman} in there and job done :D
That is effectively what the preprocessor commands allow you to do. ;) Though it can be a bit easier to use gender-neutral phrasing, it's nicer if you can adapt the dialog to be specific. It means there's at least some minor difference between playing a male or female character beyond simply having a different character model.

You shouldn't need to bother about "Ardent" as it's set up to allow you to play your choice of male or female lead character, so I'm already arranging for dialogs (and a few storyline events) to account for that. Rather than editing files yourself, if you find one I've missed, please let me know, then I'll see how best to correct it.
@Pieter Boelen , I have spoken with @Homo eructus by a private conversation, and I decided to help him with his work of translating the game into spanish language, as I am too from spain :) I'm not the greatest modder, but I will be sure to contribute or help him as much as I can.
That's very awesome, that is! I most definitely commend you for joining in. :onya