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WIP Spanish translation

I think I'll start with the ship types list. It's the most enjoyable and probably one of the most difficult too because the exact equivalences are very hard and sometimes impossible to find. But it's the most beautiful topic to research.

For example, what was the reason to change the name of the galeoth for Spanish gunship/Espadina gunship? I've never heard of any type, class or individual ship called Espadina and gunship doesn't look to me like an accurate term for the Age of Sail, while galiot seems to fit the model nicely. The Spanish term "galeota" mostly refers to the Mediterranean galiot, as in small galley, but I found references for "galeota holandesa" (Dutch galiot), refering to the kind of ketch-rigged ship with rounded fore and aft we're dealing with and I think that'l be the best Spanish name for her, although I'd like to know the reason of the current name, to be sure.
I think I'll start with the ship types list. It's the most enjoyable and probably one of the most difficult too because the exact equivalences are very hard and sometimes impossible to find. But it's the most beautiful topic to research.
Then the file you need is common.ini that I think is in the RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\English folder.

For example, what was the reason to change the name of the galeoth for Spanish gunship/Espadina gunship? I've never heard of any type, class or individual ship called Espadina and gunship doesn't look to me like an accurate term for the Age of Sail, while galiot seems to fit the model nicely. The Spanish term "galeota" mostly refers to the Mediterranean galiot, as in small galley, but I found references for "galeota holandesa" (Dutch galiot), refering to the kind of ketch-rigged ship with rounded fore and aft we're dealing with and I think that'l be the best Spanish name for her, although I'd like to know the reason of the current name, to be sure.
Have a look at the Documentation\Ship Recognition Guide.pdf file. I think there might be some mention of it in there.

I seem to vaguely remember that the Galeoths weren't really very historical, especially not in the Caribbean.
So someone in the past decided to change the names so at least they'd sound a bit better.

There are some ship names that differ between Arcade and Realistic Game Modes.
The Galeoth might be one of them, but I'm not entirely sure of that.
I don't know. I'd rather have an accuratelly named ship in an inaccurate setting (so are the xebecs) than an inaccurate name in a still inaccurate setting. Two wrongs don't make a right, though I get what was the intention now. The only thing I can think of that would keep the sense that the name change was aiming for (that of being a civilian ship converted by the Spanish into a well armed coastal patrol vessel) but still be fairly accurate, would be something like Queche guardacostas (Coast guard ketch).

The guide will be very useful for the ships I've never seen ingame;). Still I may have to download the model viewer to be able to quickly check all the different versions ans variants.

Edit: The link for the GM Viewer in this thread appears to be broken. In fact it looks like all dropbox links in there have stopped working.
Tools, Tutorials and Information | PiratesAhoy!
Nevermind. Didn't read everuthing. Apparently they're temporarilly disabled due to high traffic.
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I don't know. I'd rather have an accuratelly named ship in an inaccurate setting (so are the xebecs) than an inaccurate name in a still inaccurate setting. Two wrongs don't make a right, though I get what was the intention now. The only thing I can think of that would keep the sense that the name change was aiming for (that of being a civilian ship converted by the Spanish into a well armed coastal patrol vessel) but still be fairly accurate, would be something like Queche guardacostas (Coast guard ketch).
All I can say is that it made sense to the person who did it at the time. Easy enough to change though. :shrug

Nevermind. Didn't read everuthing. Apparently they're temporarilly disabled due to high traffic.
No, they're not. Last weekend we moved a whole bunch of stuff to another server, but we didn't update all the links (because I don't even remember where all the links are).
You can now find the tools here: http://www.piratesahoy.cloud/?cd=Tools
All I can say is that it made sense to the person who did it at the time. Easy enough to change though. :shrug
I don't mean any disrespect, I know it's hard to try to apply real-world classifications to a video game which has to be much more specific. Compromises have to be made.

No, they're not. Last weekend we moved a whole bunch of stuff to another server, but we didn't update all the links (because I don't even remember where all the links are).
You can now find the tools here: http://www.piratesahoy.cloud/?cd=Tools
I came upon this code for the nations names and I'm wondering which strings are used for what ingame because the structure of Spanish is more complex than English and different uses will need different constructions (prepositions or plural forms). I'm guessing "adj" strings are for adjectives, and "gen" for genitive? "cap" I suppose refers to captain of the different nations, but that's all I can tell.
; RM
string = Russian,"Russian"
string = English,"English"
string = French,"French"
string = Spanish,"Spanish"
string = Pirates,"Pirates"
string = Dutch,"Dutch"
string = Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = American,"American"
string = British,"British"
string = 1England,"England"
string = 1France,"France"
string = 1Spain,"Spain"
string = 1Pirate,"Pirate"
string = 1Pirates,"Pirate"
string = 1Holland,"Holland"
string = 1Portugal,"Portugal"
string = 1Britain,"Britain"
string = 1America,"United States"

string = 1English,"English"
string = 1French,"French"
string = 1Spanish,"Spanish"
string = 1Pirate,"pirate"
string = 1Pirates,"pirates"
string = 1Dutch,"Dutch"
string = 1Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = 1British,"British"
string = 1American,"American"

string = 2English,"English"
string = 2French,"French"
string = 2Spanish,"Spanish"
string = 2Pirates,"Pirates"
string = 2Pirate,"Pirate"
string = 2Dutch,"Dutch"
string = 2Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = 2British,"British"
string = 2American,"American"

string = 3England,"England"
string = 3France,"France"
string = 3Spain,"Spain"
string = 3Pirate,"Pirate"
string = 3Holland,"Holland"
string = 3Portugal,"Portugal"
string = 3Britain,"Britain"
string = 3America,"the United States"
string = 3no nation,"Pirate"

string = 4English,"English"
string = 4French,"French"
string = 4Spanish,"Spanish"
string = 4Pirate,"pirates"
string = 4Pirates,"pirates"
string = 4Dutch,"Dutch"
string = 4Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = 4British,"British"
string = 4American,"American"

string = 5English,"English"
string = 5French,"French"
string = 5Spanish,"Spanish"
string = 5Pirate,"pirates"
string = 5Pirates,"pirates"
string = 5Dutch,"Dutch"
string = 5Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = 5British,"British"
string = 5American,"American"

string = pEnglish,"England"
string = pFrench,"France"
string = pSpanish,"Spain"
string = pPirates,"Pirate"
string = pDutch,"Holland"
string = pPortuguese,"Portugal"
string = pBritish,"Britain"
string = pAmerican,"American"
string = pno nation,"Pirate"

string = pEngland,"England"
string = pFrance,"France"
string = pSpain,"Spain"
string = pPirate,"Pirate"
string = pHolland,"Holland"
string = pPortugal,"Portugal"
string = pBritain,"Britain"
string = pAmerica,"United States"

string = capEnglish,"English"
string = capFrench,"French"
string = capSpanish,"Spanish"
string = capPirate,"pirate"
string = capPirates,"pirates"
string = capDutch,"Dutch"
string = capPortuguese,"Portuguese"
string = capBritish,"British"
string = capAmerican,"American"
string = capno nation,"pirates"

string = swbritish,"British"
string = swenglish,"English"
string = swfrench,"French"
string = swspanish,"Spanish"
string = swdutch,"Dutch"
string = swportuguese,"Portuguese"
string = swamerican,"American"

string = s_w_british,"British"
string = s_w_english,"English"
string = s_w_french,"French"
string = s_w_spanish,"Spanish"
string = s_w_dutch,"Dutch"
string = s_w_portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = s_w_american,"American"

string = sw_british,"British"
string = sw_english,"English"
string = sw_french,"French"
string = sw_spanish,"Spanish"
string = sw_dutch,"Dutch"
string = sw_portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = sw_pirate,"pirate"
string = sw_american,"American"

string = gen_England,"England"
string = gen_Britain,"Britain"
string = gen_France,"France"
string = gen_Spain,"Spain"
string = gen_Pirate,"Pirates"
string = gen_Holland,"Holland"
string = gen_Portugal,"Portugal"
string = gen_america,"United States"

string = adj_English,"English"
string = adj_British,"British"
string = adj_French,"French"
string = adj_Spanish,"Spanish"
string = adj_Pirate,"Pirates"
string = adj_Dutch,"Dutch"
string = adj_Portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = adj_American,"American"

string = d_british,"British"
string = d_english,"English"
string = d_french,"French"
string = d_spanish,"Spanish"
string = d_dutch,"Dutch"
string = d_portuguese,"Portuguese"
string = d_pirate,"pirate"
string = d_american,"American"

string = d_sw_british,"English goat"
string = d_sw_english,"English goat"
string = d_sw_french,"frogs eater"
string = d_sw_spanish,"Spanish peacock"
string = d_sw_dutch,"Dutch lout"
string = d_sw_portuguese,"Portuguese knee-boot"
string = d_sw_pirate,"dirty robber"
string = d_sw_american,"Yankee"
I came upon this code for the nations names and I'm wondering which strings are used for what ingame because the structure of Spanish is more complex than English and different uses will need different constructions (prepositions or plural forms). I'm guessing "adj" strings are for adjectives, and "gen" for genitive? "cap" I suppose refers to captain of the different nations, but that's all I can tell.
Unfortunately I have absolutely no clue.

The only way I know to find out the answer is using some of the tricks described here:
Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks | PiratesAhoy!
Most importantly #3.
With those unifnished multilanguage files you posted, I've been able to figure at least some stuff out. The Polish one is the only that goes that far in the file but at least I can differentiate when it's a genitive. Bless the half-Polish classmate I had in college. xD
Just a doubt, though: what does "Portuguese knee-boot" mean? That's no insult I ever heard of and no search sheds light on the matter to find a suitable translation or substitute.
Just a doubt, though: what does "Portuguese knee-boot" mean? That's no insult I ever heard of and no search sheds light on the matter to find a suitable translation or substitute.
Haven't the foggiest. It's probably made up. If you can't find a translation, just make up your own insult for the Portuguese.

I'm not even sure where those insult versions of the nationalities are used.
Don't remember seeing them in the game before....
Nevermind, I was looking for answers in English and, ironically, they were in Spanish. Apparently, Portuguese people wearing extravagant boots or something was a common stereotype back in the day, at least amongst Spanish writers.
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I've made some progress. Both common.ini and interface_strings are finished and they are two of the biggest boys to tackle in the TEXTS folder. I'm almost done with item_describe, although I'm having a hard time trying to translate the puns and aliterations in the book titles and descriptions :p (I give up with Fighting Forts: Fast fun filled fact files for fierce Fort Fighting for fortune and fame - fearful fortress fronts - fictitious forts and famous feints and forts I've fought by Fighting Francesco :rofl).
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I'm having a hard time trying to translate the puns and aliterations in the book titles and descriptions :p (I give up with Fighting Forts: Fast fun filled fact files for fierce Fort Fighting for fortune and fame - fearful fortress fronts - fictitious forts and famous feints and forts I've fought by Fighting Francesco :rofl).
The most important part is having some sort of description at all. The joke is bonus. You could also add a brand new joke instead to take its place.
I think there is nothing harder than translating humour, especially when that humour relies very much on the spefic language used. :doff

Fuertes que luchan: Fast diversión llena de archivos de datos para la lucha feroz de la fortaleza por la fortuna y la fama - frentes de miedo - fortaleza fortalezas ficticios y fintas famosos y fuertes que he luchado por Fighting Francesco

What's with the files under RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\HELPSECTIONS? I don't remember ever seeing those ingame and apparently they're not translated even in the Spanish files of the original game, so I guess they are unused even in the unmodded game? Besides, many of the inoformation they give about the UI and stuff is changed by the modpack anyway.
They are help texts that explain the elements of the UI and other game aspects. They have not been modified since 2003

They are help texts that explain the elements of the UI and other game aspects. They have not been modified since 2003

Can you upload them? I don't think I have them at all.
Here you go. As I said, they're not modified by the mod and even the base game doesn't seem to be using them because they didn't bother translating them for the multilanguage versions. Maybe, they were patched out or something and that's why they're in my disc but you don't have them?


    4.4 KB · Views: 261
Here you go. As I said, they're not modified by the mod and even the base game doesn't seem to be using them because they didn't bother translating them for the multilanguage versions. Maybe, they were patched out or something and that's why they're in my disc but you don't have them?
It's at least interesting to see them. Thanks. :doff