If steam frigates are the matter, they are too modern for Joseph aswell, so Ferdinand VII would be more appropriate. In any case my main point was that Joseph Bonaparte was never recognized as king by the Spanish colonial authorities who proclaimed Ferdinand instead, and those are the ones we are dealing with in the game.You'll probably find similar issues in all periods, as kings did not have the foresight to die in the years at which our periods end.In general I'd probably leave Joseph Bonaparte on the throne, the reason being you can occasionally see steamships in "Napoleonic" and they only started appearing late in the period, so in general we're depicting a time in which he'd have been the king.
But if I can figure out how to change a king from within the game, specifically within a "StartStoryline.c", then Charles IV will be king of Spain when you're playing "Hornblower". That's set fairly early in the period (1798, to be exact), right in the middle of Charles IV's reign. And "FreePlay" could probably have something added so that you get the right king depending on whether you're playing before or after Joseph Bonaparte takes the throne.
I know inaccuracies are bound to happen as periods and rulers can't be exactly matched but, even if not perfect, I think Charles IV or even Ferdinand VII are slightly better options for this particularly complex case (a good foreshadowing of the clusterfu@k that Spanish politics would be for the remainder of the 19th century

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