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WIP Spanish translation

At least Spanish navy officers had a very thorough scientific formation and many were accomplished scientists recognised at an international level; navigators, cartographers, astronomers, geographers and mathematicians, some were even members of the Royal Society, despite the almost constant state of war between Spain and Britain at the time, and other foreign scientific societies. If you look at a list of prominent Spanish scientists of the 18th century, half of them were in the navy. But maybe they lacked some of the more solider-like formation the British had sailing on active duty from an earlier age. In comparison, the Spanish must have loked like a bunch of neeerds.xD
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Back to bussiness, the most bizarre thing happens with the period names in the starting menu. They appear in English when you get to the screen but turn into Spanish as soon as you change the starting date. Alas, that means in the storylines with fixed starting dates, the periods are stuck in English. Any idea why they don't show trranslated from the get-go?
Sin título.jpg

EDIT: Ah, well, that only happenned when I added XI_ConvertString to this line in select-storyline.
GameInterface.strings.StartPeriod = GetPeriodName(curPeriod);
Before doing that the periods were completely in English and I was trying to fix that but apparently only found half of the solution.

EDIT2: fixed, I think. There were a couple more instances of that line that didn't have the code. Once added, it seems to work
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I was going to tell you there were probably more similar lines that needed changing.
But you figured it out already. Nicely done! :cheers

And very interesting information about the Spanish Navy too. :woot
I was curious myself about the Portuguese navy and found that the ranks of superior officers that are in the mod, although correct, were introduced only in 1797. The previous ranks (which weren't that much older, having been created in 1789) were as follows (in brackets the 1797 equivalent currently in the mod):
  • Chefe de Divisão (Comodoro)
  • Chefe de esquadra (Contra-almirante)
  • Tenente-General (Vice-almirante)
  • Vice-Almirante (Almirante)
  • Almirante da Armada (Almirante da Armada)

So what do you think?

Also, looking further into the Spanish ranks, I saw a couple of things that could be improved and came up with a proposal to re-do them slightly. It's not easy as the structure changed a lot throughout the 18th century, and there are too many gaps to fill in the earliest ones. This would be the structure at the last quarter of the 18th century.
  • Aspirante-> Guardiamarina
  • Alférez de Fragate-> Alférez de Fragata
  • Alférez de Navío,-> Alférez de Navío
  • Teniente de Navío-> Teniente de Fragata (it doesn't exist anymore in today's Spanish Navy but it did exist back then)
  • Capitán de Corbeta-> Teniente de Navío (Capitán de Corbeta is a more modern rank, and removing it leaves the necessary space for the Teniente de Fragata above)
  • Capitán de Fragata-> Capitán de Fragata
  • Capitán de Navío-> Capitán de Navío
  • Contra Almirante-> Brigadier de Marina
  • Vice Almirante-> Jefe de escuadra
  • Almirante,-> Teniente General
  • Almirante General-> Capitán General
  • Capitán General-> Almirante General de la Armada
How does that sound? The ranks of Vice-almirante and Contra-almirante were introduced as late as the mid 19th century.
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Here are some of the dialog files to which I'd added stuff for my storyline, including some hardcoded words not included in their corresponding .h files. In these versions of the files, all such words are now processed by "XI_ConvertString". That should make your job a bit easier.

I've done the same for several dialog files specific to the storyline and they'll be in the next update to be released, but these are general dialog files so you're getting them now.


  • Charles Windem_dialog.c
    17.4 KB · Views: 149
  • Hans Kloss_dialog.c
    5.8 KB · Views: 128
  • Laurence Wellman_dialog.c
    5.5 KB · Views: 110
  • Pedro Fructoso_dialog.c
    8.3 KB · Views: 136
  • Remy Gatien_dialog.c
    4.7 KB · Views: 107
  • Santiago citizen_dialog.c
    12.1 KB · Views: 120
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Thanks, that will certainly help.

I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have upgraded to the 4.1 beta, and instead should have made the translation for the public 4.0 release and update it for the next public relsease. Now, I'm stuck in a limbo, as I'm working with the 4.1 from July, which is neither the public version nor the latest beta, and if I upgrade to the latest beta, the next will be out before I'm done and I'll spend more time migrating and redoing the work already done, than actually advancing with it. I think I'll stay with the July 4.1 until the trnaslation is finished and only then start updating it to whatever the latest build is by then, or wait for the next public release.
If you're on the 28 July 2016 version, indeed I would recommend you stick with that one.
That is the version I am still on myself as well (I'm very much behind the times!) so once I make the next EXE, it should be relatively easy to include your changes too.
On the other hand, if you're NOT on that version, I can recommend that you do upgrade to 28 July 2016 for this reason.

Best to avoid the various ZIPs for your work. :yes
I'm taking a break from this mod for a while. Some time ago I agreed to help translate a Warband mod made by the Spanish community to English, and the time has come to deliver on that promise. So not that much of a break, really... :p
I'm taking a break from this mod for a while. Some time ago I agreed to help translate a Warband mod made by the Spanish community to English, and the time has come to deliver on that promise. So not that much of a break, really... :p
Do you currently have your files in a "stable state"? If so, I would strongly recommend you post them before taking your break.
Then we might be able to include them in the next update so that when you return to it, the files should have been kept more-or-less up-to-date.
I don't think It'll be a lomg break, It'll probably take me no more than a month or two. Will a new update br out by then?

The files should be stable as far as I can tell, although I haven't done much extensive testing, specially of the English version. I do know it's not advisable to switch languages mid-game, as some texts will remain in the starting language, but I guess those are the texts that are stored in the savefile, so not really a problem of the translation. But on the technical side, it all should work.
I don't think It'll be a lomg break, It'll probably take me no more than a month or two. Will a new update br out by then?
I most definitely hope so!!!

The files should be stable as far as I can tell, although I haven't done much extensive testing, specially of the English version. I do know it's not advisable to switch languages mid-game, as some texts will remain in the starting language, but I guess those are the texts that are stored in the savefile, so not really a problem of the translation. But on the technical side, it all should work.
Then do please upload what you've got. :doff
These are all the files that I have modified, including the new SPANISH folders in INI/TEXTS and DIALOGS (only 14 files there for now out of 400+)


  • POTC New Horizons 4.1 July28 SPA.zip
    1.4 MB · Views: 391
I've been thinking about another tweak. It's about the Spanish king in the Napoleonic period. It's currently Joseph Bonaparte, but considering the period starts in 1790 and Joseph Bonaparte was only a puppet king barely in control of half of an occupied country (and had absolutely no control over the colonies) for only about six years from 1808 to 1813-14, I think it would be better to use Charles IV instead, as he was king for 20 years (1788-1808) and was already king at the start of the period. He also spent most of his reign allied with France, so it wouldn't conflict with the nation relations currently set for the period.
I've been thinking about another tweak. It's about the Spanish king in the Napoleonic period. It's currently Joseph Bonaparte, but considering the period starts in 1790 and Joseph Bonaparte was only a puppet king barely in control of half of an occupied country (and had absolutely no control over the colonies) for only about six years from 1808 to 1813-14, I think it would be better to use Charles IV instead, as he was king for 20 years (1788-1808) and was already king at the start of the period. He also spent most of his reign allied with France, so it wouldn't conflict with the nation relations currently set for the period.
Does Charles IV not sound quite "royalist"? Since it is he Napoleonic time period, I quite like the idea of a Napoleon being (supposedly) in charge.... :unsure
You'll probably find similar issues in all periods, as kings did not have the foresight to die in the years at which our periods end. xD In general I'd probably leave Joseph Bonaparte on the throne, the reason being you can occasionally see steamships in "Napoleonic" and they only started appearing late in the period, so in general we're depicting a time in which he'd have been the king.

But if I can figure out how to change a king from within the game, specifically within a "StartStoryline.c", then Charles IV will be king of Spain when you're playing "Hornblower". That's set fairly early in the period (1798, to be exact), right in the middle of Charles IV's reign. And "FreePlay" could probably have something added so that you get the right king depending on whether you're playing before or after Joseph Bonaparte takes the throne.
Charles IV was never a "royalist" symbol, as his reign ended just before the French invasion and thus before any royalist faction was needed. He was a lapdog of France during most of his reign though, and a pretty awful king in general. He declared war on the revolutionary Convention, like any other monarch did, but after a short and disastrous campaign that ended with the French invading Catalonia, he sued for peace, immediately returning to the old French-Spanish alliance.

In 1808 prior to the French invasion, there was a conspiracy by his own son, the even more awful Ferdinand VII, that forced Charles to abdicate, but immediately after, the French invaded and they were both taken to Bayonne where a lot of shenanigans and bickering happened ending with Joseph Bonaparte as king. At this point half of Spain had risen in arms against the French, so Joseph never had much of a kingdom to rule, and his influence never reached the Spanish colonies (I just read that the first French agent reaching Cuba in 1808 to convince the authorities to swear loyalty to Bonaparte was immediately arrested and executed).

Most of the uprisings proclaimed Ferdinand VII as true king, so he was the one who undeservedly became more of a symbol of the "royalist" resistance against France (poor bastards didn't know what they were bringing upon themselves as Ferdinand is universally considered to be the worst ruler to ever have graced this land of ours).

But all this happenned almost 20 years after the starting date of the period, and Charles IV was king for most of that time.