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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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  • guns guns guns.jpg
    guns guns guns.jpg
    391.5 KB · Views: 122
Good to hear tum0. I have also tried Brave Black Flag mod on a Clean Beta3. The landcrew guns work that way too.
Make a copy of stock POTC and install b14_beta3 full and then wip3 on top of that.
That's the last official version so far.
allright well lets test that then ive got a sapre install knocking around

edit :aaaand he is indeed correct with no settings changed except for the resolution it worked

nooooow lets fiddle with my install and see what happens

allso did you have brave black flag installed jason ?

edit2: the plot thickens with this install set up EXACTLY the same as my last install with brave black they are showing up with guns IF i have the small pistol equiped i still have to test with other ones

edit : yeah i think brave black flag breaks the landcrew because of the pistol name changes
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Here's a test file for the landcrew thing. Back up your StartStoryline in JeanLafitte and use this one.


  • StartStoryline.c
    4.1 KB · Views: 121
I'm having a problem with officers disappearing. Others have reported problems but I never experienced it until now.

First I swapped ship Captains after a battle and the one I switched out disappeared.

Then I got a new gunner, so started taking the old one with me onto land. Well, he got himself killed and the new gunner aboard ship disappeared too. I went for some time before finding another gunner.

Dunno what to think of this, but hope it's unstable hardware.
i had that problem nasty a while back ive no clue what caused it but maybe a fresh install might help that seems to do it for me
This game seems both highly susceptible to crash corruption and fragmentation/shortcut errors. I have found that doing registry fixes on a regular basis and defragging on a weekly basis is very helpful.
All of these comments are true. I do a system cleanup and defrag every 2-3 days and have been doing so for years.

I have also started getting bad saves. Never got those before unless I was troubleshooting stuff. Also, it just stopped letting me raise and lower sails for some time, then it started working.

Methinks it's time to rebuild this puter.
Did you try the options and SAVE clean trick yet? Sounds to me like software weirdness, possibly caused by the game code.
But why those issues happen only so infrequently that we cannot even begin to track them down, I have no clue. o_O
Yes, clear out all files from the SAVE folder. (Store them somewhere else for safe-keeping)
After all, the options file and SAVE folder are the only things that should be different between any two installations.
All other files remain exactly the same. :shrug
Oh, for a clean install. I have the bad save problem in the 3.2 install also, so am thinking hardware instability. Things have been a bit hectic around here lately what with the hospital trip followed by the earthquake, so I haven't rebuilt anything yet.
Dirty Harry was a San Francisco cop, and I'm not feeling lucky at all. The quake was like sitting in a rowboat that is being rocked by big waves but faster.

This puter is crashing POTC constantly now so it is rebuild time.
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