While I never got a response from you on this one, I assume that the below does meet with your approval:Does that mean that, as in Beta 3.2, some perks will be compulsorily disabled if you choose "Realistic" mode? That is, if you want the realistic sailing model, there's no way to get the full range of perks?
At the moment, yes it does: Those three mentioned remain disabled in Realistic Game Mode as that was always the intention.
I know you have been arguing the point that we should handle it differently and I did listen to it.
Didn't have the opportunity to think it through though because I was focusing on getting back to the Beta 3 level of playability.
If I understand correctly, you propose completely detaching the Perk Availability from the Realism Mode, right?
That is certainly easily accomplished and I could make a file to do that for you very quickly.
Trying to think of a more "clever" solution for the next modpack update though....
How about:
REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 0 or Arcade Game Mode: ALL abilities available
REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 1: Default setting - Rush, Immediate Reload and Instant Boarding disabled on Realistic Game Mode only
REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 2 or Iron Man Mode: Those three PLUS most sea-related perks disabled (based on Hylie's original suggestion)
In other words, Realism Modes remain the same, but REALISTIC_ABILITIES overrides the Realism Mode when set to 0 or 2.
Note that this replaces InternalSettings.h, so you might lose your settings in there!
If you don't want to, skip extracting that file and manually change the REALISTIC_ABILITIES line to look like this instead:
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES 1 // INT - 1=DEFAULT: Controlled by Realism Mode - 0 or 2 override the Realism Mode setting