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Simplified Code for Build 14 Beta 3.3

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Does that mean that, as in Beta 3.2, some perks will be compulsorily disabled if you choose "Realistic" mode? That is, if you want the realistic sailing model, there's no way to get the full range of perks?
While I never got a response from you on this one, I assume that the below does meet with your approval:
At the moment, yes it does: Those three mentioned remain disabled in Realistic Game Mode as that was always the intention.

I know you have been arguing the point that we should handle it differently and I did listen to it.
Didn't have the opportunity to think it through though because I was focusing on getting back to the Beta 3 level of playability.

If I understand correctly, you propose completely detaching the Perk Availability from the Realism Mode, right?
That is certainly easily accomplished and I could make a file to do that for you very quickly.

Trying to think of a more "clever" solution for the next modpack update though....
How about:

REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 0 or Arcade Game Mode: ALL abilities available
REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 1: Default setting - Rush, Immediate Reload and Instant Boarding disabled on Realistic Game Mode only
REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 2 or Iron Man Mode: Those three PLUS most sea-related perks disabled (based on Hylie's original suggestion)

In other words, Realism Modes remain the same, but REALISTIC_ABILITIES overrides the Realism Mode when set to 0 or 2.
Therefore, I have now made the required modifications: See attached.
Note that this replaces InternalSettings.h, so you might lose your settings in there!
If you don't want to, skip extracting that file and manually change the REALISTIC_ABILITIES line to look like this instead:
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES         1     // INT  - 1=DEFAULT: Controlled by Realism Mode - 0 or 2 override the Realism Mode setting
I hope you find this an improvement. :doff


  • PerkBehaviourUpdate.zip
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Others don't seem to have a problem with it, but I am having major problems with the Battles of Bridgetown.

The first battle against the fort goes more or less according to plan, and the land battles in the fort and town go more or less normally too.

The problem comes after the battle is won. The battle is scripted to end at 02.30 meaning it is not possible to go to the shipyard and repair your shot up ships, or go to the tavern and hire crew, or the store to get provisions. The choice is to wander aimlessly around the island until the stores open or go to the tavern and rent a room for the night. Doing that means that when you go downstairs you HAVE to first talk to Danielle and then talk to the sailor. There is no choice. This puts you out in the bay with shot up ships facing fresh battleships. GAME OVER.
There's another way to pass the night. Go to the mansion, talk to the owner, and either offer to be a bodyguard or say you want to chat for a while. When you get out of the mansion, it's daytime and you can visit the shipyard, the store, and then the tavern to continue to the battle.
While I never got a response from you on this one, I assume that the below does meet with your approval:
If I understand correctly, you propose completely detaching the Perk Availability from the Realism Mode, right?
That is certainly easily accomplished and I could make a file to do that for you very quickly.
Therefore, I have now made the required modifications: See attached.
Note that this replaces InternalSettings.h, so you might lose your settings in there!
If you don't want to, skip extracting that file and manually change the REALISTIC_ABILITIES line to look like this instead:
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES         1     // INT  - 1=DEFAULT: Controlled by Realism Mode - 0 or 2 override the Realism Mode setting
I hope you find this an improvement. :doff
Sorry, I must have missed that before I went on holiday for a couple of weeks. Yes, what you proposed in the bit hidden by spoiler tags is what I would like - that's how it works in Beta 3 and Beta 3.1, which is one of the reasons why I dumped 3.2 and installed 3.1. :)

I'm not much good with code so I haven't figured out what the modifications do, other than including a different version of "InternalSettings.h". What's the difference between options 0 and 2 if I just edit the existing "InternalSettings.h" as you suggest?

Some time soon I'll need to download 3.3 and try it out, preferably with one of the shorter story lines. "Tales of a Sea Hawk" tends to keep me occupied for a very long time. ;)
that's how it works in Beta 3 and Beta 3.1
Uhm.... No, it's not. In Beta 3, the Realistic Game Mode would still override REALISTIC_ABILITIES = 0 .
Took me a fair bit of figuring out today to make it actually do what I describe there; not as easy as you would expect. o_O

I'm not much good with code so I haven't figured out what the modifications do, other than including a different version of "InternalSettings.h". What's the difference between options 0 and 2 if I just edit the existing "InternalSettings.h" as you suggest?
You technically don't even need to extract InternalSettings.h at all.
The only difference is that "1" is now the Build Default (instead of "0") and I rewrote the description to match with with the changed behaviour.
Since you want it at "0" anyway, you can just extract the included perks.c and be done with it.
What "clothes" were you wearing before the promotion?
Should have been "47_Blaze_brtlt", which causes you to get "47_Blaze_brtcpt".
If you wear anything else, you'll just get the default.
I was wearing the clothes I started with so now I know.
Ah, yes. The game doesn't know then that you were supposed to get the Nathaniel-version. :facepalm
There seems to be a problem with flags. I was sailing along under my personal flag when those Spanish ships in the background appeared. I switched to Dutch flags to make them hostile and got what looks like Dutch flags and Spanish pennants.
Beta3 2014-08-28 18-06-03-24.jpg
why is the Holland Naval Officers not working? i put it where its meant to be and its not working i have even tried to look the model in the game.
Well, I have not tried it yet. But have you tried buying a Letter of Marque from the Dutch governor(s) and get promoted?
I don't know when or what rank will the uniforms be given yet, some nations as I recall won't give uniforms immediately, but I'll make a test soon and try this out too.

*Just copy the entire RESOURCE folder from the download to yer main game folder.
I think the initModels.c file have not been modified yet. But I'm not sure if needed be for the nation navy uniforms. I'll report after I've checked this out, soon.
Oh god, I'll be late for class again! :facepalm Well, time to sleep! :cheeky
The Holland Naval Officers file I uploaded simply has the models and textures. They are not implimented in the game in any way. I was just getting them to Peter so he can set them up for the promotions and having them appear on the approprate non-player characters since I personally don't know where that stuff is coded.
Most of that is taken care of in initModels.c, though the promotion ones would be in PROGRAM\NK.c .
Not sure when I might have time to take care of that; I've got a lot of other pans on the fire as well.

One more thought about land crew and firearms. I think all the work Jack has done on firearms and crew is great. It makes a real difference in boarding to have the crew using firearms particularly at higher levels. I know that land crew weapons are determined off what the character is carrying and I have seen how that works well with long weapons or handguns, however when you equip a brace of large pistols the land crew loose their guns and never get them back. Is possible that the brace of pistols was left out the formula or something else?
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