Well, here's the problem - I tried to rescale already existing ship in TOOL, thinking that maybe I'll be able to use that rescaled ships collision data, but the game couldn't read that rescaled data either.
As far as I can determine, that frigate's deck path is the best fit.
I don't know, maybe you could try using TOOL to export my <i>Pearl</i> to vrml, and then import it back, letting it to create collision data. It's pretty simple and explained in the help file. Because I don't think Inez would put this option if it wasn't working... So, maybe, hopefully, it's just my machine TOOL doesn't work correctly on.
As far as I can determine, that frigate's deck path is the best fit.
I don't know, maybe you could try using TOOL to export my <i>Pearl</i> to vrml, and then import it back, letting it to create collision data. It's pretty simple and explained in the help file. Because I don't think Inez would put this option if it wasn't working... So, maybe, hopefully, it's just my machine TOOL doesn't work correctly on.