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Screenshots thread

Non-tattered sail texture: attached.

Different colours: get TX Convertor if you don't already have it. Convert that file to plain .tga format so you can read it into Photoshop, GIMP or whichever other picture-editing program you use. Change the colour to suit yourself, then use TX Convertor to change the new file to .tga.tx format which the game can read.

I don't know how to persuade the game to include these textures as options for sails, though.

I did a teeny tiny tweak a few days ago and added the sails (which look sweet, thanks), and figured it can't hurt to share. It doesn't look like the file was updated in a while so it should be safe to just overwrite. It goes into PROGRAM\INTERFACE xD


  • kam_selectsails.c
    30.1 KB · Views: 130
I'll give that a try and if it works, it goes into the next update. :onya
Oh cool! :D However I should probably clean it up first in that case; the description doesn't show up, and I don't know why. :shrug I don't wanna bloat this thread with modding support, but if anyone know why that might be I'd save some time screwing around in the files :p If I don't figure it out I'll make a new thread I suppose

EDIT: I actually solved it 15 minutes later :p I had to add
Junk sails for Empress without holes. {Junk sails for Empress without holes.}
to interface_strings.txt in RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH

That file was modified in July, so pretty active, but I'm attaching it anyway. I am using the August 31st version, so should still be the up to date, but otherwise it's no biggie to add it manually :type1


  • interface_strings.txt
    101.2 KB · Views: 129
Last edited:
Yes, I found exactly the same problem and solved it exactly the same way. If you hadn't posted that file, I was going to post it. xD
Played around with Gimp, hope it's ok for a SC thread. OldPic.jpg OrigPinnace.jpg comicpinnace.jpg
Anywhere else, the "ladies of the night" are available at night. Only on Tortuga do they stick to regular business hours, which is bad news for anyone else who has to work normal business hours. :wp
Anywhere else, the "ladies of the night" are available at night. Only on Tortuga do they stick to regular business hours, which is bad news for anyone else who has to work normal business hours. :wp
:rofl :rofl :rofl

I'm going to assume that there is a "close_for_night" line in the code that perhaps shouldn't be there?
Should be easily solvable. Unless @Jack Rackham has a good reason not to.
:rofl :rofl :rofl

I'm going to assume that there is a "close_for_night" line in the code that perhaps shouldn't be there?
Should be easily solvable. Unless @Jack Rackham has a good reason not to.
In "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Hispaniola.c":
   Locations[n].reload.l11.go = "Tortuga_StoneHouse";
   Locations[n].reload.l11.emerge = "reload1";
   Locations[n].reload.l11.label = "House.";
   Locations[n].reload.l11.close_for_night = 1;
   Locations[n].reload.l11.name = "brothel";
   Locations[n].reload.l11.autoreload = "0";
'void InitTortugaBrothel()', in "MAXIMUS_Functions.c", re-arranges locators for the brothel's benefit but doesn't get rid of that "close_for_night" attribute.
Forgive me Pieter for I have sinned. But the Neptunus just begs for a bright cheerful paint job. The black on black paint scheme just doesn't work for her.
Huh, why should I object to that?
She looks like a lovely and happy little ship! :woot
I do agree that, compared to the paint schemes for the "NeptunusE" variants, "Neptunus" does generally look rather dull, the exception being "PO_Neptunus". If you want to be really creative, file "Neptunus Custom Texture.tga.tx" is one to look at. You can't change the trident and swirls on the stern without remodelling the ship, but the lion which appears in the central oval on the stern is in that file.

France doesn't have a "Neptunus" variant. Britain and Pirates don't have variants of either "Neptunus" or "NeptunusE". So there are openings for some new paint jobs...

(Portugal seems to like white in some other ships. Maybe change the yellow and blue one to be British, then make that white one Portuguese?)