The July update includes a new sidequest, "The Kapitein of Kralendijk". It's based loosely on the real incident of the
Captain of Köpenick, with a great deal of artistic licence to fit it into the PoTC world - for one thing, Kralendijk takes the place of Köpenick for no reason other than it starts and ends with "k" and has the right number of syllables.
This chap is sitting in Philipsburg tavern, and has a plan which he'll share with you (though not if you're a naval officer):
Unfortunately, he's already wanted for previous crimes:
After bluffing your way out of that, you have a decision to make:
Assuming you go for it, you find a random Dutch soldier in a tavern, get him drunk, and steal his uniform, then take it to the Kralendijk tailor to be upgraded to an officer's uniform. But the tailor is no fool:
So you need forged papers. If you've done the "Church Help" sidequest then you'll have met Yedam Kinne and, provided you didn't kill him, you can use his services. Otherwise you'll find another forger in the buccaneer camp on Hispaniola:
The first test of your new uniform will be when you try to commandeer a soldier from the tavern in Kralendijk - any soldier will do:
And then it's off to see the governor to carry out the robbery:
You'll get away with it unless you return to Kralendijk, in which case, you're arrested and brought back to face the governor:
In prison, you meet an old friend:
Meanwhile, someone very influential has heard the story and is amused enough to give it a happy ending: