• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Screenshots thread

Err, does your computer use intel graphics for video or do you have a dedicated video card like AMD or NVidia? I ask because some intel users have had strange things happen.
Here's what I get for the screenies...
I think what you need to do is open the TGA file in Photoshop or GIMP and remove the alpha channel, then save the image in any format.
I seem to recall doing that (or something similar) to fix my own screenshots a long time ago.
It is a little early but I have my ship dressed up in her Christmas colors.

B 3 2014-11-22 13-07-15-45.jpg B 3 2014-11-22 13-07-00-94.jpg
The Neptunus Sloop of War turned out well enough that I decided to see how the Postillionen 6th rate frigate would look. She started out as the Spanish version and...............
B 3 2014-11-23 15-02-55-72.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 15-03-05-22.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 15-16-23-14.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 15-16-29-41.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 16-19-53-93.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 16-20-06-57.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 18-12-23-39.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 19-19-15-46.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 19-24-52-26.jpg B 3 2014-11-23 19-25-12-30.jpg
this is not related but how do i get all the sidequests in my freeplay file this is not my my stuff i made it form the jackaubrey file please do not ban me because last time i did this i was banned and since this is my last warning i hope i don't get banned THIS IS NOT MY STUFF i just want you to help me add the sidequests to my freeplay game


  • Stuff.rar
    174.9 KB · Views: 130
You can adapt Brave Black Flag which has just about all of them with free play only.
I think what we need about storylines is people doing quests :cheeky
It's really annoying to see storylines like Master and Commander and Buccaneer without his own quests.:(
And we don't need an expert in quest-writing. Someone could create simple quests. For instance, you must accomplish an objective : take a city (just need a quest-text and some code confirming you really capture the town) or you must talk to someone to have an item. Well, simple actions, nothing really hard to code.
The problem is most people only prefer playing the BuildMod and always expect than the same few modders do new things. Attitude I pretty hate :dfiddle.
Do we really need another storyline which is only all the sidequests gathered?
We don't. If Nightmare wants to do it for himself, that's fine by me. But there is no point in including it in the modpack.
Brave Black Flag is already borderline, but I can see that one does at least serve some purposes.
I think what we need about storylines is people doing quests :cheeky
It's really annoying to see storylines like Master and Commander and Buccaneer without his own quests.:(
And we don't need an expert in quest-writing. Someone could create simple quests. For instance, you must accomplish an objective : take a city (just need a quest-text and some code confirming you really capture the town) or you must talk to someone to have an item. Well, simple actions, nothing really hard to code.
The problem is most people only prefer playing the BuildMod and always expect than the same few modders do new things. Attitude I pretty hate :dfiddle.
I was trying to add such quest with the fetch quest already and I wanna try to add more general type quests.
We are aiming for a release which will be soon. So if people want to help they could start making some screenshots of new things in this release or improved things. that would be nice :).