// CUSTOM SAILS -------------------------
#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_WHOLE_WHITE 17 // INT - increase this when you add new whole white sails.
// The files should be named sails_whole_white_pirate0.tga.tx, sails_whole_white_pirate1.tga.tx, sails_whole_white_pirate2.tga.tx, etc.
// So if the value above is set, for example, to 15, then the file numbers should be 0 - 14
// They should be put in RESOURCE/Textures/Ships/
#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_TORN_WHITE 15 // INT - increase this when you add new torn white sails. the files should be named sails_torn_white_pirate0.tga.tx etc.
#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_WHOLE_RED 17 // INT - increase this when you add new whole red sails. the files should be named sails_whole_red_pirate0.tga.tx etc.
#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_TORN_RED 15 // INT - increase this when you add new torn red sails. the files should be named sails_torn_red_pirate0.tga.tx etc.
#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_WHOLE_BLACK 17 // INT - increase this when you add new whole black sails. the files should be named sails_whole_black_pirate0.tga.tx etc.
#define QTY_LOGOSAILS_TORN_BLACK 16 // INT - increase this when you add new torn black sails. the files should be named sails_torn_black_pirate0.tga.tx etc.