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Screenshots thread

sounds like i better get back into the game i have been pretty absent the last month and a bit so i need a bit of a catch up , after shots from the latest WIP build ? and what content is new that we want to highlight ?
Ahoy there! Good to see you posting in these waters again. :doff

i need a bit of a catch up , after shots from the latest WIP build ? and what content is new that we want to highlight ?
Most relevant is the redone Smuggling and the restored Fetch Quests by @Levis.
See these posts for details:

Latest version available from my signature as usual. :cheers
Another screen we need is the new trident
Ive started takeing screenshots of the new perks and things in the interface will post what i have so far at the end of my day today in around 10 hours
This is what i have so far , i am having to start a new character for some reason i have the evade coast guard perk on every save and i cant remember for the life of me taking it i want more coast guard not less haha :D allso every officer ive run into so far has been female.




i am having to start a new character for some reason i have the evade coast guard perk on every save and i cant remember for the life of me taking it i want more coast guard not less haha
Do you have it straight from Start New Game? If not, could you keep an eye out for if and when it sneakily joins your abilities?

allso every officer ive run into so far has been female.
Can you try to reduce this number in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h? Set it to 0 for example to be absolutely sure. There should then be NO female officers anymore. :no
#define FEMALE_OFFICER_PERCENTAGE     40     // INT = Percentage of female officers encountered
I have a little problem making screenshot,when I use F8, I get a lot of shots not just one as intended.
I work on the box art project, and need a lot of screenshot, so a little help will be nice.
I always use use PrintScreen, then Paste in Paint. That works quite well if you have full_screen mode disabled.
It wont work in win. 8.1. I could use Shadowplay or F8. when using PrintScreen it looks like this
edit: sorry I havent read your post well enough, this is fullscreen mode. but in windows mode,
my game run very slow and poor


  • Skærmbillede (127).png
    Skærmbillede (127).png
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Fraps is free and take screen shots in BMP format. They can then be saved as JPEG in Paint or Gimp.
Nice! Shame about that silly shininess of the trident, though.
Looks fine on my computer but it looked like that on @TechnicJelle's computer too. :facepalm
I will take some more tomorrow, try to find some of the new stuff.Is there anything special you want me to take?
Have a look through the Change Log and see if any of the new stuff is shootable.
allrighty ive had a chance to go a smuggling and it was a great time!






And with all that fun and excitement its time to start all over again heading to another islands port to re stock on oh... well maybe some other time :p


RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 356
Using reference variable without initializing
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 356
no DST
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIShip.c; line: 356
process event stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: MAXIMUS_Functions.c; line: 3122
Invalid function call
RUNTIME ERROR - file: MAXIMUS_Functions.c; line: 3122
function 'WriteAdditionalLocators' stack error

Blackbeard shots:


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