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Mod Release PotC: New Horizons - Build 14 Beta 2.5 Released!


  • ModDB Popularity 2013-06-28.jpg
    ModDB Popularity 2013-06-28.jpg
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Thanks Pieter for the hard work to get 2-5 out. :sail

I have just started to check the game out and found some small things:

1) The new tips on loading screens, can that be skipped for Woodes Rogers?
2) Maybe the intro text for Devlin opera should be rewritten now when the Blaze storyline doesn't exist any longer.
3) I see an old mistake of mine is still there in 2-5: RES\textures\lighting\ evening + mn + storm all have a 'loctions' folder.
4) A question: the start loading screen for my quest doesn't look too good. A little green and not too sharp. Are the smaller/simplified screens I think you made for Woodes Rogers still there?
If so, how can we fix it in an easy way for players to download the original better ones?
That is on purpose! Actually, I thought you said you had managed to defeat him after I made those changes.
Apparently not. But your edit suggests it can still be done. Good! :cheeky

Did you read my post? When he uses the shotgun he never stops to reload and is not beatable.
Theoretically it has three shots. In practice he fires it every 2 seconds until I die.
Did you read my post? When he uses the shotgun he never stops to reload and is not beatable.
I did read it. He does exactly what he was coded to do. The shotgun is a one-shot pistol now with a reload time of 1 second.
It reloads with your sword drawn and non-player/officer characters do not use ammunition. So that is the exact effect.
Do you ever manage to reach him? Once you are too close, he'll start "fencing" (with his fists) instead and that is when you get the advantage.
I thought your "EDIT25minutes later: Nevermind. I found the secret." meant that you figured that out. :facepalm

1) The new tips on loading screens, can that be skipped for Woodes Rogers?
Unfortunately no. The switching on/off is done in engine.ini with the numoftips line. As far as I'm aware, we can't switch them on/off through PROGRAM code. :(

2) Maybe the intro text for Devlin opera should be rewritten now when the Blaze storyline doesn't exist any longer.
Good point! Let's replace it with the Blaze description instead:
"A quest that leads you to find long lost family members, and a vast treasure... that is, if you can survive! Along the way you will encounter a band of rather colourful characters who will help you on your journey. You will get the choice whose help you want, each character offering a different style in achieving your goal."
3) I see an old mistake of mine is still there in 2-5: RES\textures\lighting\ evening + mn + storm all have a 'loctions' folder.
You sure? I don't have it. So a clean install of Beta 2.5 shouldn't have it either. :confused:

4) A question: the start loading screen for my quest doesn't look too good. A little green and not too sharp. Are the smaller/simplified screens I think you made for Woodes Rogers still there?
If so, how can we fix it in an easy way for players to download the original better ones?
Unfortunately I don't have any original loading screens for your storyline. Do you still have them by any chance?
Otherwise perhaps we can at least redo the "Start Storyline" one. It always looked a bit "blocky" to me as well... :oops:
The switching on/off is done in engine.ini with the numoftips line.
Ok very good :onya , maybe the first tip should be just that!

You sure? I don't have it. So a clean install of Beta 2.5 shouldn't have it either.
I 'extracted' the beta2-5 light into an empty folder and they were there. Strange?

Do you still have them by any chance?
Yes I've got the old larger loading screens left.
Hey guys, I'm really enjoying the mod but I've got a few questions about these last version. Some options like surrender and realistic cannon fire (no arc) have disappeared since I didn't saw any changes about that on the BuildInfo.txt.

Another thing (not the right thread probably, i'm just a lazy bast4rd) is there a possibility of making a custom character something like this:

- Choose Nation
- Choose Timeline
- Ship tier 7-6 (depends on timeline)
- Male/Female
- Starting Town
Ok very good :onya , maybe the first tip should be just that!
Unless I'm very much mistaken, the tips show randomly and we can't control what shows when.
I am going to replace the "About Build" interface with "Tips & Tricks" though. We can add that. The engine.ini use has to be mentioned anyway.

I 'extracted' the beta2-5 light into an empty folder and they were there. Strange?
You're right, I'm wrong. :facepalm

Yes I've got the old larger loading screens left.
Any chance you can upload them? We'll add the originals instead then.
Hey guys, I'm really enjoying the mod but I've got a few questions about these last version. Some options like surrender and realistic cannon fire (no arc) have disappeared since I didn't saw any changes about that on the BuildInfo.txt.
That was part of our Game Preferences menu clean-up. Those particular settings have been moved to PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h .

HAnother thing (not the right thread probably, i'm just a lazy bast4rd) is there a possibility of making a custom character something like this:
- Choose Nation
- Choose Timeline
- Ship tier 7-6 (depends on timeline)
- Male/Female
- Starting Town
For certain. Choose Nation is already possible. Choose Ship and Character is in the Beta 3 base files we've got, but that still requires a fair amount of work.
Hopefully we'll get Period Selection too. Not sure about starting location though; there is a half-finished interface for that, but it is lower priority than the other things you mentioned.
In any case, most of that is in the works. :yes
I did read it. He does exactly what he was coded to do. The shotgun is a one-shot pistol now with a reload time of 1 second.
It reloads with your sword drawn and non-player/officer characters do not use ammunition. So that is the exact effect.
Do you ever manage to reach him? Once you are too close, he'll start "fencing" (with his fists) instead and that is when you get the advantage.
I thought your "EDIT25minutes later: Nevermind. I found the secret." meant that you figured that out. :facepalm
You did that on purpose? No I never reached him. Not even close. :ko
As I timed it, if you run straight up to him, he only has time to fire at you three times.
So that is a maximum of 270 HP you have to endure (probably less). Does that sound possible at all?
If he is TOO difficult, we can tone things down a bit. For example by just making the shotgun deal less HP damage.
After all, you can already keep on shooting that thing; so each bullet doesn't need to do that much damage. Right?
Will I need to start a new game when changing options on that file?
Switching off the Real Cannons mod would require a new game, yes, because that is changed in one of the INIT files.
But most other changes, including the surrender chance, will take effect when you next open the game.
I'm not proposing anything. In the WIPs he never fired a shot but in 2.5 he sure does. But I learned how to deal with him and beat him 3 times with HP of 90 or so.
The engine.ini use has to be mentioned anyway.
Yes, that sound good. These tips sure are very good for new players
but maybe not necessary for the 'old salts'. :read

I have uploded the WoodesRogers loading screens on the ftp.

I think it was a good choice to keep the female Devlin storyline. :onya

A question about the 'Buccaneer' title:
Buccaneer wasn't that the name of the very early pirates (something like before 1700) who smoked meat on Tortuga island etc etc. I'm not sure what Lafitte was up to, could privateer be it? :confused:
I'm not proposing anything. In the WIPs he never fired a shot but in 2.5 he sure does. But I learned how to deal with him and beat him 3 times with HP of 90 or so.
So you actually DID make it now?
I did accidentally break him shooting properly when I changed the shotgun to use musket bullets, but I restored that before releasing 2.5.
The whole point is that you have to survive being shot at with the shotgun before you can get it yourself; him not shooting was definitely unintentional.

I have uploded the WoodesRogers loading screens on the ftp.
Cool, thanks! :woot

A question about the 'Buccaneer' title:
Buccaneer wasn't that the name of the very early pirates (something like before 1700) who smoked meat on Tortuga island etc etc. I'm not sure what Lafitte was up to, could privateer be it? :confused:
This is why it's called "The Buccaneer": http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051436
This is why it's called "The Buccaneer":
Ok ok ok.:onya

...when I changed the shotgun to use musket bullets
I wonder... in the ammo mod only the player + officers need ammo ???
(to simplify things) Do we have any other NPC:s not firing properly? :confused:
How about turning ammo mod off and see if he behaves?