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Mod Release PotC: New Horizons - Build 14 Beta 2.5 Released!

2.5: time is going faster when at sea , (open sea mod) than in 2.4! How do you tweak time speed ?(founded a time scalar at sea in internal settings but seems to do nothing.). ty!
Damnation !
You, the modders, are done an amazing works to improve playability and extend this game out of this originals frontiers.
I think i will make a new install of PoTC then proceed to update the files...

Thanks a lot for the quality of your job.
Peter Willemoes, you do have a way with words! :rofl
And good to see you again too! :woot

2.5: time is going faster when at sea , (open sea mod) than in 2.4! How do you tweak time speed ?(founded a time scalar at sea in internal settings but seems to do nothing.). ty!
The Open Sea Mod has time passing three times faster to increase the voyage lengths.
Recommend seeing this post along with the ones following it: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/open-sea-mod-and-realism-settings.18384/page-23#post-452601
Indeed the InternalSettings.h value doesn't do anything. As noted at the top of that file:
NOTE! All actual int and float values are overridden in function InitOpenSeaMod() in PROGRAM\NK.c
I hope that helps you on your way. :doff
Hi there. I wrote a bunch of articles/a little manual about your mod on my website: askendia.de/spiel/potc-nh/ (german though). Well, my site is not THAT popular, but maybe it helps your project to get a few more players. :)
Very cool! You made it look pretty good too. In fact, it looks like a pretty thorough beginners' tutorial! :onya

It seems like you like mixing PotC film characters and ships. Good; then we didn't add them for nothing! :cheeky
Do you mind if we put your Barbossa skin in our next modpack release? The one we've got in use is too similar to the original game's "pirat10" version.

Just so you know, Beta 2.5 removes "Config.exe". Also we changed the Realism Modes, so they can now be selected in the game.
And that problem with changing the Options Menu has been fixed. So you may need to edit your text a bit here and there. :doff
Very cool! You made it look pretty good too. In fact, it looks like a pretty thorough beginners' tutorial! :onya
Many thanks! :)

Just so you know, Beta 2.5 removes "Config.exe". Also we changed the Realism Modes, so they can now be selected in the game.
And that problem with changing the Options Menu has been fixed. So you may need to edit your text a bit here and there. :doff
Arrr, thanks a bunch. Seems, I missed that, I wrote these articles for version 2.3 Light first.
Just so you know, Beta 2.5 removes "Config.exe". Also we changed the Realism Modes, so they can now be selected in the game.
And that problem with changing the Options Menu has been fixed. So you may need to edit your text a bit here and there. :doff
Okay, should be correct now. And of course you can use my skin.
There is a problem with the entire ModDB website. They posted this on their Twitter feed:
Sorry folks, seems the servers seem to be playing up, please bare with us.
Here's to hoping they'll get it fixed soon.
In the meantime, here are some alternate links.

Alternate Mirrors:

And for Build 14 Beta 2.1 Full:

Edit: The ModDB has risen once more from the depths of Davy Jones' Locker. :ship
AARRGGHH!! You completely screwed up Clint Eastwood! :thumbsdown2

All through beta testing he never fired the shotgun and spawned close to us. It was a good old fashioned slugfest.

Now he spawns back by the house and fires that shotgun continuously at me, killing me just before my officers get to him to start the fight. 5 times in a row........ :ko

How do you take that shotgun away from him? :rumgone

EDIT25minutes later: Nevermind. I found the secret.
AARRGGHH!! You completely screwed up Clint Eastwood! :thumbsdown2

All through beta testing he never fired the shotgun and spawned close to us. It was a good old fashioned slugfest.

Now he spawns back by the house and fires that shotgun continuously at me, killing me just before my officers get to him to start the fight. 5 times in a row........ :ko
That is on purpose! Actually, I thought you said you had managed to defeat him after I made those changes.
Apparently not. But your edit suggests it can still be done. Good! :cheeky
Well, the staff on the ModDB is giving it their best shot. They've posted us on their Twitter feed and Facebook profile too.
And they even added us to the slide on the main ModDB page, so that'll make it stick for a while.
Guess what is the 4th most popular mod on the ModDB right now? That's right; it's OURS! :cheeky


  • ModDB Popularity 2013-06-28.jpg
    ModDB Popularity 2013-06-28.jpg
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I think releases outside the weekend do help with that though. Otherwise our work just gets buried in all the other stuff that is being released at the same time. :wp
But it's still cool to see that there IS still interest for it. Even after 10 years.