• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Porting New Horizons to Maelstrom Engine

After reading about the amazing developments recently I decided to see NH on Maelstrom for myself. Downloaded everything today from the itch links on OP, so it should be all up to date. However I've run into a strange issue that occurs on starting a new game, no matter what storyline I choose.

When the tutorial npc tries to start a dialogue, there's no window, hitting space, enter and arrow keys does nothing and I'm forced to alt f4 out.

Error log is showing the two following errors.

RUNTIME ERROR - file: particles.c; line: 73
Can't create class: particleslegacy
RUNTIME ERROR - file: dialog.c; line: 135
Can't create class: dialoglegacy


  • error.log
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  • system.log
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After reading about the amazing developments recently I decided to see NH on Maelstrom for myself. Downloaded everything today from the itch links on OP, so it should be all up to date. However I've run into a strange issue that occurs on starting a new game, no matter what storyline I choose.

When the tutorial npc tries to start a dialogue, there's no window, hitting space, enter and arrow keys does nothing and I'm forced to alt f4 out.

Error log is showing the two following errors.

RUNTIME ERROR - file: particles.c; line: 73
Can't create class: particleslegacy
RUNTIME ERROR - file: dialog.c; line: 135
Can't create class: dialoglegacy

Thanks for reporting it. There is more to come, we are working on it. Tell me, which storyline did you start?
It seems that officers portraits are not showing. Ship portrait does but is overlapping . Also, had a fight :duel: with Clint Eastwood in Nevis but he couldn't kill me or my men even using his shotgun, he only does damage.

I will fix the ship icons tomorrow. About Clint Eastwood, you cannot be killed by him. That is the way that original NH programmers coded it to be. So I can't do anything about it at the moment. Regarding officer icons, I don't think they appear in the interface. I will have to check the code.
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Thanks for reporting it. There is more to come, we are working on it. Tell me, which storyline did you start?

When I made the post I had tried just the Nathaniel Hawk and freeplay story several times with different character backgrounds, I tried more just now, hoist the colours, Woodes Rogers and Horatio Hornblower. With the Horatio Hornblower storyline there's no forced dialogue on start so I was able to walk around and make a save, loading it works fine. The UI for fast actions and character portraits are mis-aligned but this was expected, the same thing happens on PoTC NH, it just requires some editing of the battle/land interface inis. Everything else seems to work perfectly until I talk to an npc.


  • hh1.png
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When I made the post I had tried just the Nathaniel Hawk and freeplay story several times with different character backgrounds, I tried more just now, hoist the colours, Woodes Rogers and Horatio Hornblower. With the Horatio Hornblower storyline there's no forced dialogue on start so I was able to walk around and make a save, loading it works fine. The UI for fast actions and character portraits are mis-aligned but this was expected, the same thing happens on PoTC NH, it just requires some editing of the battle/land interface inis. Everything else seems to work perfectly until I talk to an npc.

Your system.log shows that you are not using the latest version of New Horizons on Maelstrom. It should load 44 .dll files, your version loads 42. Make sure you download the latest version from here:

New Horizons by ChezJfrey

and the latest Maelstrom engine from here: Gentlemen of Fortune: Maelstrom by ChezJfrey
I will fix the ship icons tomorrow. About Clint Eastwood, you cannot be killed by him. That is the way that original NH programmers coded it to be. So I can't do anything about it at the moment. Regarding officer icons, I don't think they appear in the interface. I will have to check the code.

Oh, never knew about that. Actually, now i remember that i always defeated Clint and Blackbeard by going to their place with the sword sheathed, so the dialog wouldn't start and i could just slice them to pieces.:nerbz They drop good XP, never was interested for their OP items though.
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Updated [25.08.2021]

-Move BI icon placement
-Change lightpaths to match old naming convention
-Add monkey animation definitions to match new fight system names
Oh, never knew about that. Actually, now i remember that i always defeated Clint and Blackbeard by going to their place with the sword sheathed, so the dialog wouldn't start and i could just slice them to pieces.:nerbz They drop good XP, never was interested for their OP items though.

Where the hell did you get all those ships, I barely survive with one ship and usually end up in a mutiny :D I don't know how to make money in NH. I will stick to modding it lol :D
It looks really, really good.
It's true and I wish that had been the weather/water to use many years ago.

I have used different foggy weather in a mine, "forced" clear weather here and there (because it looks better)
and other types of hard-coded weather.
But as I have referred to the old weather system nothing of it will work.
That's what's going to happen when you change the basics of the existing game.

I and other modders have also changed the water color. Not sure if that goes under weather too.
It's true and I wish that had been the weather/water to use many years ago.

I have used different foggy weather in a mine, "forced" clear weather here and there (because it looks better)
and other types of hard-coded weather.
But as I have referred to the old weather system nothing of it will work.
That's what's going to happen when you change the basics of the existing game.

I and other modders have also changed the water color. Not sure if that goes under weather too.

I hope you will have the chance to work with the upgraded engine (wether it be Storm 2.9 or Maelstrom, it doesn't matter), so you will directly code what you prefer for that engine. This way I have to port what can be ported. With the original NH weather, we couldn't make it work cause Maelstrom wouldn't handle it properly. It was spinning only 11 sky textures. So it had to be done this way.
20210825120713_1.jpg I cant move or anything. Just ALT+F4. I hear Malcolm initiating the dialogue so the game is in dialogue mode but the hud doesn't show up
Where the hell did you get all those ships, I barely survive with one ship and usually end up in a mutiny :D I don't know how to make money in NH. I will stick to modding it lol :D

I activated cheat mode to get some money to buy and play test the ships interface. Regarding money, i always play pirate, so by the start of the game i go to Antigua fortress(watch for guards lol) where i can coerce some officers wandering there to give me money. Usually they give me up to 20k-30k gp. It's a little grindy but you can get out there with a considerable sum. Also, if you are lucky you can find an officer there that will instantly surrender :pirate41: the town to you, making you a millionaire already in early game. I actually met him on my playthrough yesterday but he was always calling the guards on me. Must be pretty lucky.