For quick testing of ALL ships, you can use this console code:
Code:if(!Checkattribute(pchar,"cheatship")) Pchar.cheatship = 0; int con = sti(Pchar.cheatship); if(con<SHIP_TYPES_QUANTITY) { GiveShip2Character(pchar,ShipsTypes[con].id,"Test Ship",-1,ENGLAND,true,true); Pchar.cheatship = con +1; } TraceAndLog("*************************** Ship : " + ShipsTypes[con].id + " , Index : " + con + " ");
Just to check... does that have a toggle for players who happen to like it old-school?
Those do still seem to happen occasionally.
More regularly than we'd like for some people.
I think @Hammie is having some difficulties with those in his Storm Engine Upgrade version as well.
If I'm not mistaken, the code to put the talking heads in place is simply not there in Storm 2.5 and later.
So if we insist on having them, it'll effectively require adding a brand new feature.
Might be done eventually; but the only thing that makes sense is to do that once all more crucial gameplay elements are covered and tested...
@Mirsaneli, is that because the particle system was completely changed?
Does the new system in any way support having the old functionality?
At this moment, there is no toggle for old battle system. I will think what to do with it later, this one is in testing phase.
About the particles system and 2.0 dialogs, @ChezJfrey might have an answer to that wether it's possible or not...
And thanks for that piece of code