What is the difference with time elapse?Updated [24.08.2021]
-Change BI interface sizing to use actual screen aspect ratio, instead of NH hardcoded 1.0
-Worldmap time elapse change
-Land Interface icon and sailto label fixes
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What is the difference with time elapse?Updated [24.08.2021]
-Change BI interface sizing to use actual screen aspect ratio, instead of NH hardcoded 1.0
-Worldmap time elapse change
-Land Interface icon and sailto label fixes
What is the difference with time elapse?
Good I prefer gradual changes.I made it go slower. It was too fast for my taste.
It was set to 4.0. I set it to 1.5
Good I prefer gradual changes.
Updated the mod but the issue still persists.Tried to reinstall it from scratch but no luck. Maybe i'm doing something wrong?
I'm using last Maelstrom and NH patches.
The way I see it these changes would have been added anyway. Or at least I would like to see them added.As much as I know that I should only port this mod to Maelstrom, I just can't resist to change some things. We changed things like:
- ported 2.8 weather system with my personal tweaks for the waves and foam
- added blood
- added 2.8 combat system with energy
- added moving skyboxes
- changed the fonts
- tweaked the worldmap time elapse
and many little changes that I made to tweak the game according to my personal taste. I hope users will like that.
I have used the old weather system and hard-coded what weather/skies to turn up. That won't work I guess?
Updated the mod but the issue still persists.Tried to reinstall it from scratch but no luck. Maybe i'm doing something wrong?
I'm using last Maelstrom and NH patches.
Yes, I mean for WoodesRogers quest.Probably not, if you mean for certain quests?
It's 1366x768. Tried using other resolutions but no luck.
Yes, I mean for WoodesRogers quest.
Yup, it worked!Just ship interface that is a little above but its fine for now, i just needed it to appear to do a more lenghty play test. I'll keep reporting if i find more bugs.
Thanks, mate! All beautiful now.