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Included in Build Perks Mod V2.6 Unlockable Perks! (READABLE BOOKS!)

No worries; you're still doing a great job! :cheers

If you want, I can post small code updates as ZIP as well. Won't be much of an issue with me soon anyway, because I'll be gone in two weeks.
I'm trying to get most of the (large things) I've got in the works now to have it done before you leave so we can then release WIP 3.2
Then I want to start on a few new things again for my self. Want to try to add a EPIC sidequest based on a cd, it will include the music from the cd I already have someone who want to help me with the retexturing of some of the models I need and also got a write for the dialogs :) and story :).
This should fix the incompatability issues.

still thinking what is better. Keeping images like this (but better) or hiding them.


  • PERK_FIX_2_3.zip
    189.9 KB · Views: 157
You wanted this, right?
#define TIME_BETWEEN_DLG         220     // INT - Default=120, Time in seconds between the same citizen auto-starting dialog is somewhere between this and 2x this.
#define TIME_BETWEEN_DLG_ALL       160     // INT - Default=30, Time in seconds between any citizens auto-starting dialog is somewhere between this and 2x this.
Your files have it at:
#define TIME_BETWEEN_DLG         120     // INT - Default=120, Time in seconds between the same citizen auto-starting dialog is somewhere between this and 2x this.
#define TIME_BETWEEN_DLG_ALL       30     // INT - Default=30, Time in seconds between any citizens auto-starting dialog is somewhere between this and 2x this.

I think it is better if unavailable abilities are completely hidden. "Master Gunfighter" definitely shouldn't show outside Woodes Rogers, because this would cause all sorts of questions.
Also, usually you will start the game on the same Realism Mode that you play it at, so you there shouldn't be any change in skills available between modes because you wouldn't be switching.
This would only become worth doing if there are conditions placed on certain skills that become "unlocked" during the game as you have been proposing.
But even then, would it not be more interesting to keep things hidden from the player until they become available? Otherwise they're "spoilers" of a sort.
Yeah indeed I think you are right. They should be hidden from the interface. The ones which are avaible but still locked should have a other image tough I think so you know you can disable them. Maybe even a clue on how to disable them.

The changes for the internal settings are for the improved atmosphere and I sugest them because I think thats better. But it seems the improved atmosphere still has some issues (with it also filling spots where quest characters are placed) so thats why I didn't change it yet.
This version doesn't show them again. And I also did the storyline var thingy better. You can now use
ChrPerksList.list.PERKNAME.disable.StorylineVar = "STORYLINEVAR";

If the storyline var is lower then 1 then the perk will be disabled.

The code for the forbidden images is still there because I'm going to use that for locked skills.


  • PERK_FIX_2_4.zip
    37.8 KB · Views: 159
Yeah indeed I think you are right. They should be hidden from the interface. The ones which are avaible but still locked should have a other image tough I think so you know you can disable them. Maybe even a clue on how to disable them.
That would indeed be ideal. :yes

The changes for the internal settings are for the improved atmosphere and I sugest them because I think thats better. But it seems the improved atmosphere still has some issues (with it also filling spots where quest characters are placed) so thats why I didn't change it yet.
I think that might be related to this: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/encounters.21401/
This version doesn't show them again. And I also did the storyline var thingy better. You can now use
ChrPerksList.list.PERKNAME.disable.StorylineVar = "STORYLINEVAR";

If the storyline var is lower then 1 then the perk will be disabled.

The code for the forbidden images is still there because I'm going to use that for locked skills.
BRILLIANT! :cheers
Hey guys,

after a little break from pirating I plan a return. Nice to see, what happened with Build in the mean time. Last time I was around you guys were working on WIP 16. So yesterday I installed the new package, consisting out of the new installer (from the opening post) and the 2,3 GB "achieves".

I love the new customizing possibilities when starting a new game.

However, I encountered one strange problem. When I check out my abilities, half of them isn't even displayed. All the cannon related or navigation related abilities are nowhere to be found.

But be that as it may. I feel that I should reinstall the game completely anew, since I have updated, updated, updated it and than didn't play for a few months. Who knows how messy my current install is in and of itself.

So my question: If I want to enjoy the newest version of Build and have to install it from scratch, what files do I need (other than the stock game)?

thx guys
That's all? Well, that will spare me some time. So I don't need the updated installer from the first post? Just the two moddb files? If so that could 've caused my problem. For yesterday I used the "updated" installer from this post.

I cannot imagine that this is a general bug since there would be no chance in hell that it would be overlooked for so long. For me it does seem far too fundmental for that to happen. It is basically like half of the ability "tree" is missing. For example: There is just basic defence. But no advanced and "master" (or whatever it was called). Also there is absoloutely no navigation related skill (like the quick turn, speed increase etc. - none of it). Same for cannon related skills (range increase and so on and so forth). There are more skills missing. It is really as if half the skills are gone. That is not just the case for me but also for any officers I hire. If these skills are really gone or just not displayed ... I have no idea. :shrug

However, I'd rather reinstall the game completely and then look into it and get back to you guys. Otherwise there would be quite a chance that this bug is pretty much my cup of tea and I waste your time.
Oh wait, you mean in the F2>Character>Abilities menu? We've been working on that lately.
Are you on Iron Man Mode? They're supposed to be disabled then as per the newest update.

You can use the file from the opening post instead of the ModDB version for our latest WIP version.
I need to update that one a bit further though.
Alright, I uninstalled the game (man, the folder was over 8GB^^). So, to reinstall it, I just need the moddb installer and the big achieve 7.zip from moddb (plus an installed stock game)? Is that so?

Yeah, I indeed played iron man mode. I always do. So these skills do not exist at all in iron man mode? Hmmmmm - if so ... not sure what to think of that. I see, that Iron man mode is meant to provide the most challenge. But with so many abilities out of the window many officers don't make a whole lot sense anymore, do they? Other than contributing to the overall skill levels of a ship there would be little diversity left in the ability department.
Alright, I uninstalled the game (man, the folder was over 8GB^^). So, to reinstall it, I just need the moddb installer and the big achieve 7.zip from moddb (plus an installed stock game)? Is that so?

Yeah, I indeed played iron man mode. I always do. So these skills do not exist at all in iron man mode? Hmmmmm - if so ... not sure what to think of that. I see, that Iron man mode is meant to provide the most challenge. But with so many abilities out of the window many officers don't make a whole lot sense anymore, do they? Other than contributing to the overall skill levels of a ship there would be little diversity left in the ability department.
It was a bit of an experiment at Hylie Pistof's request. He found the game wasn't challenging enough with those abilities available.
In any case, sounds to me like you DID have it correctly installed, so you shouldn't need to redo it.

If you use Realistic Game Mode, you can switch on various parts of Iron Man Mode independently in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:
#define OPEN_SEA_MOD           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Worldmap enlarged for realistic DirectSail
#define WORLDMAP_DISABLED         0     // BOOL - 1=ON - DirectSail enforced
#define SAILTO_DISABLED           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Cannot Sail-To any ships at sea
#define ONSEA_DATA_DISABLED         0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Spyglass and compass additional information disabled, cannot move camera to non-player ships
#define REALISTIC_ABILITIES         0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Rush, Immediate Reload and Instant Boarding disabled
#define ITEM_REALISM           0     // BOOL - 1=ON - Items like rubies, diamonds and inca statuettes give no skill bonuses (books and items like compass etc. still do)
Switch everything to 1 except REALISTIC_ABILITIES and you will have it pretty much back to normal.
Moved some from the post from the main topic here.

We will look into the officers some more. I'm sure we can balance it out so they can even contribute something in the iron man mode ;).

hope this is right here.

I understand that the skills like advanced defense, increased speed, increased maneuverability and such shoud be disabled in iron man mode?

Now while they are disabled for my main character and for some of his companions, they are not for some other companions. This is somewhat strange.
The game still uses those perks in the code, but they shouldn't actually show anywhere.
How can you tell the companions still have them? :shock