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3) Time has changed. It seems that hours are much shorter than before and this makes tacking into the wind a waste of time as it takes most of an hour to complete a tack, and then the wind changes forcing another tack.
Cool!I noticed there were some port and deck locations where the waves still pass through the bottom of the location model, so I've been fixing that today by decreasing their MaxSeaHeight.
But while I was at it, for those deck and cabin locations that DO allow it, I've been enabling BIGGER waves. That should add a bit to the atmosphere in the game.
So when you're walking around your ship in a storm or visiting your captain's cabin, you will actually see some proper waves out there.
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 15; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
I really haven't the foggiest what happened. When you first mentioned this, I double-checked if the Open Sea Mod is being properly initialized, but the values all check out.But why would it change now? It was ok for a year or more and now it is too fast. This faster time messes up other things like trade missions that might now time out and battles are a mess now.
The only way I can get the open Sea mod to work at all now is to set it in internalsettings.h and then run Iron Man for a while. Then when I switch to Realistic mode it works. Something got broken somewhere.
// stljeffbb Jan 15 2012 -->
void InitOpenSeaMod()
ref PChar = GetMainCharacter();
if(iRealismMode>1 || OPEN_SEA_MOD)
DIRECTENCOUNTERCHANCE = 22; // chance in percent that an encounter fleet appears every hour
DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE = 2250; // distance from player at which random ships appear
ISLANDSWITCHDISTANCE = 30000.0;// for islandcell mode only: distance from island at which transfer to neighbour island starts
ENCOUNTERBREAK = 6.0; // LDH - Changed to float, number is hours per encounter, directsail is called every 5 minutes occasionally
// so you can let the clock run faster (by increasing #define TIMESCALAR_SEA in InternalSettings.h ), meaning longer voyagetimes, without getting too many encounters.
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 15; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
MAX_WBALLAST = 10; // INT - how far the weighting will swing in favor of current trend.. use positive integer between 0 and 50 - 0 is no swing - 50 is major swing.. this is for Windspeed
MAX_RBALLAST = 10; // ^^DITTO for rain
MAX_FBALLAST = 10; // ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_WINDCHANGE = 3; // INT - How much the wind CAN change in one hour - use positive integer between 0 and 20
MAX_FOGCHANGE = 3; // INT - ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_RAINCHANGE = 3; // INT - ^^DITTO for rain
COASTRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.01; // FLOAT - Generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some are local merchants, others pirates.
// 0.0 : Stock PotC, no local ships at all
// 0.1 - 0.9 : The higher that value the more pirates instead of merchants appear
NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE = 2.0; // FLOAT - Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_MAP_ENTER = 100.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500 - Petros: reset to 500.0 to prevent trouble
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_ENTER_2_LOCATION = 100.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500
RANGE_TO_ENEMY = 3500; // INT - in feet/yards/whatever unit the game uses.
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_SCALE = 60; // orig 19.607843 for this and next line
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_ENCOUNTERS_SCALE = 60; // was 60 in build, 10.0 in stock. NK 05-04-30
TakeItemFromCharacter(PChar, "map");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "map_scaled");
DIRECTENCOUNTERCHANCE = 50; // chance in percent that an encounter fleet appears every hour
DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE = 1000; // distance from player at which random ships appear
ISLANDSWITCHDISTANCE = 5000.0; // for islandcell mode only: distance from island at which transfer to neighbour island starts
ENCOUNTERBREAK = 1.0; // LDH - Changed to float, number is hours per encounter, directsail is called every 5 minutes occasionally
// so you can let the clock run faster (by increasing #define TIMESCALAR_SEA in InternalSettings.h ), meaning longer voyagetimes, without getting too many encounters.
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 5; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
MAX_WBALLAST = 25; // INT - how far the weighting will swing in favor of current trend.. use positive integer between 0 and 50 - 0 is no swing - 50 is major swing.. this is for Windspeed
MAX_RBALLAST = 25; // ^^DITTO for rain
MAX_FBALLAST = 25; // ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_WINDCHANGE = 5; // INT - How much the wind CAN change in one hour - use positive integer between 0 and 20
MAX_FOGCHANGE = 5; // INT - ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_RAINCHANGE = 5; // INT - ^^DITTO for rain
COASTRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.2; // FLOAT - Generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some are local merchants, others pirates.
// 0.0 : Stock PotC, no local ships at all
// 0.1 - 0.9 : The higher that value the more pirates instead of merchants appear
NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.4; // FLOAT - Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_MAP_ENTER = 500.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500 - Petros: reset to 500.0 to prevent trouble
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_ENTER_2_LOCATION = 500.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500
RANGE_TO_ENEMY = 3000; // INT - in feet/yards/whatever unit the game uses.
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_SCALE = 19.607843; // orig 19.607843 for this and next line
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_ENCOUNTERS_SCALE = 19.607843; // was 60 in build, 10.0 in stock. NK 05-04-30
TakeItemFromCharacter(PChar, "map_scaled");
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "map");
// stljeffbb Jan 15 2012 <--
#define DIRECTENCOUNTERCHANCE 22 // chance in percent that an encounter fleet appears every hour was 50 stljeffbb Jan 15 2012
#define DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE 2250 // distance from player at which random ships appear was 1000 stljeffbb Jan 15 2012
#define ISLANDSWITCHDISTANCE 30000.0 // for islandcell mode only: distance from island at which transfer to neighbour island starts
#define ENCOUNTERBREAK 6.0 // LDH - Changed to float, number is hours per encounter, directsail is called every 5 minutes occasionally was 1.0 stljeffbb Jan 16 2012
// so you can let the clock run faster (by increasing #define TIMESCALAR_SEA in internalSettings.h ), meaning longer voyagetimes, without getting too many encounters.
#define TIMESCALAR_SEA 15 // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea was 10 stljeffbb Jan 15 2012
#define MAX_WBALLAST 10 // INT - how far the weighting will swing in favor of current trend.. use positive integer between 0 and 50 - 0 is no swing - 50 is major swing.. this is for Windspeed orig 25
#define MAX_RBALLAST 10 // ^^DITTO for rain orig 25
#define MAX_FBALLAST 10 // ^^DITTO for fog orig 25
#define MAX_ABALLAST 10.0 // FLOAT - ^^DITTO for wind angle orig 25
#define MAX_WINDCHANGE 3 // INT - How much the wind CAN change in one hour - use positive integer between 0 and 20 orig 5
#define MAX_FOGCHANGE 3 // INT - ^^DITTO for fog orig 5
#define MAX_RAINCHANGE 3 // INT - ^^DITTO for rain orig 5
#define MAX_ANGLECHANGE 1.0 // FLOAT - ^^DITTO for wind angle orig 1
#define COASTRAIDER_CHANCE 0.01 // FLOAT - Generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some are local merchants, others pirates.
// 0.0 : Stock PotC, no local ships at all
// 0.1 - 0.9 : The higher that value the more pirates instead of merchants appear
#define NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE 2.0 // FLOAT - Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance WAS 0.4 stljeffbb Jan 16 2012
#define MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_MAP_ENTER 100.0 // FLOAT - original value is 500 - Petros: reset to 500.0 to prevent trouble
#define MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_ENTER_2_LOCATION 100.0 // FLOAT - original value is 500
#define RANGE_TO_ENEMY 3500 // INT - in feet/yards/whatever unit the game uses. Was 3000 stljeffbb Jan 23 2012
#define WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_SCALE 60 //orig 19.607843 for this and next line
#define WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_ENCOUNTERS_SCALE 60 //was 60 in build, 10.0 in stock. NK 05-04-30
DIRECTENCOUNTERCHANCE = 22; // chance in percent that an encounter fleet appears every hour
DIRECTENCOUNTERDISTANCE = 2250; // distance from player at which random ships appear
ISLANDSWITCHDISTANCE = 30000.0;// for islandcell mode only: distance from island at which transfer to neighbour island starts
ENCOUNTERBREAK = 6.0; // LDH - Changed to float, number is hours per encounter, directsail is called every 5 minutes occasionally
// so you can let the clock run faster (by increasing #define TIMESCALAR_SEA in InternalSettings.h ), meaning longer voyagetimes, without getting too many encounters.
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 15; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
MAX_WBALLAST = 10; // INT - how far the weighting will swing in favor of current trend.. use positive integer between 0 and 50 - 0 is no swing - 50 is major swing.. this is for Windspeed
MAX_RBALLAST = 10; // ^^DITTO for rain
MAX_FBALLAST = 10; // ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_WINDCHANGE = 3; // INT - How much the wind CAN change in one hour - use positive integer between 0 and 20
MAX_FOGCHANGE = 3; // INT - ^^DITTO for fog
MAX_RAINCHANGE = 3; // INT - ^^DITTO for rain
COASTRAIDER_CHANCE = 0.01; // FLOAT - Generates local ships in ports and around the islands. Some are local merchants, others pirates.
// 0.0 : Stock PotC, no local ships at all
// 0.1 - 0.9 : The higher that value the more pirates instead of merchants appear
NAVYRAIDER_CHANCE = 2.0; // FLOAT - Ditto, but chance that raider is a foreign warship. Chance for that is coastraider_chance * navyraider_chance
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_MAP_ENTER = 100.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500 - Petros: reset to 500.0 to prevent trouble
MIN_ENEMY_DISTANCE_TO_DISABLE_ENTER_2_LOCATION = 100.0; // FLOAT - original value is 500
RANGE_TO_ENEMY = 3500; // INT - in feet/yards/whatever unit the game uses.
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_SCALE = 60; // orig 19.607843 for this and next line
WDM_MAP_TO_SEA_ENCOUNTERS_SCALE = 60; // was 60 in build, 10.0 in stock. NK 05-04-30
The stuff above is pretty simple. You should see Pirate_KK's code I'll have to adapt for Beta 3: now THAT is Chinese to ME as well!I'm glad you can read all that stuff. It's all Chinese to me.![]()
What is THAT???Twice I sailed from Jamaica to Grenada only to CTD when I landed and tried to save. Same errors both times.
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\interface.c; line: 1584
no memory
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\save_load.c; line: 1038
no memory
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\interface.c; line: 1584
no memory
I just tried loading and older savegame myself, then saving it and it works fine. But I did get that same TownFantoms error, which turns out to be on a line of code that doesn't even exist.That is on continuing a savegame, right? Perhaps a new game is required? Let me try.![]()
Also, what ship still uses "50DI.TGA.tx"? I thought we replaced all uses of that with the regular deck.tga ages ago.