1) Cartagena is now a merchant trade mission destination.
Ah, thanks for catching that! Indeed you're right. I have now added the
skiptrade attribute to Cartagena, which should put an end to that.
Also recoded the the code for Escort Quests to look at that
skiptrade attribute instead.
Looks like that was originally meant to exclude Antigua, but it isn't actually
used for that. Do we need to exclude Antigua? Or any other ports?
2) The 3rd slip at Bonaire is too short. This ship does not fit there either.
NL_Batavia goes to
Jetty = false; . Thanks for that one too.
3) Time has changed. It seems that hours are much shorter than before and this makes tacking into the wind a waste of time as it takes most of an hour to complete a tack, and then the wind changes forcing another tack.
Since when does that apply? It could be that this code from PROGRAM\NK.c is responsible:
if(iRealismMode>1 || OPEN_SEA_MOD)
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 15; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
TIMESCALAR_SEA = 5; // INT - how many seconds of gametime one second of realtime is at sea
So that makes time run three times faster if the Open Sea Mod is ON. That does seem to be intentional on the part of the original Open Sea Mod code.
But the wind can only change "3" on a scale from 0-20 in one hour versus "5" without the Open Sea Mod.
I suspect a range similar to the stock game's forts is probably needed, but I don't know an exact value we could use.
This is the code from the stock game for what I think must be the forts:
rCannon.caliber = 32;
rCannon.ReloadTime = 40;
rCannon.Cost = 3500;
rCannon.Weight = 72;
rCannon.FireAngMax = 0.60;
rCannon.FireAngMin = -0.35;
rCannon.DamageMultiply = 3.0;
rCannon.TradeOff = true;
Only a 600 "yards" range vs. 1170-1940 with the Real Cannons mod? That's 2-3 times as far!
Would we really want to divide our fort ranges by 2 or 3? Anyway, I put a separate #define in InternalSettings.h now, so it'll be easy to change this.
And another thing: more cases of blue interface items in the brown interface when a) switching between maps to examine, and b) being told I'm not a high enough level to command a fleet yet, via the ransack screen. I'll see if I can sort this out.
Drat! They KEEP hiding around, don't they? Even worse: Once we get to Beta 3, we'll have to update the Brown Interface all over again.

Anyway, the "examine various maps" interface is map.ini . Not sure which of the three ransack files would be involved.
Probably there is a line
groupName = ICONS_NEW missing.
You probably know all of that already, but just in case...?