You postit, I will play with it.There are a couple of other who are wandering around who should give it a try.
Question: You play in arcade mode and I play in realistic mode. Will that make much difference? What travel times should I be looking for?
I normally bounce between direct sail and world map, and finding ones self far from where you thought you were is normal.
EDIT: I just looked and found your new moon, but did not find your Open Sea Mod V1. Will check back periodically. Oh. New game required?
Hello Hylie Pistoff...actually, I only test in arcade mode (to be able to sail against the wind, to keep morale high, and to avoid pirates lol) whole reason for doing this mod was to make it even more of a challenge in realistic mode!
Last night at midnight I decided to try some in realistic mode....I was playing on my older computer that tends to crash every now and then (P4 2.6Ghz, 4 MB ram, Win XP SP3, Radeon X1600, ASUS P5 type motherboard [and I think the motherboard is the culprit....used to overclock..I built it specifically to play Oblivion]) so it took me half an hour to finally play in "Ironman" mode......lots of fun, laden down with a cargo and going about six knots until I lost the gauge....then I had to tack and here comes a lone little pirate xebec....I had sold most of my cannon to keep the crew happy, and sure enough I was sunk about one seventh (estimate as I do not have a sextant, etc.) the distance from Santiago (Jamaica) to Barbados...took me about twelve game hours just to get, I'm not 100% certain of travel times, but the Havana to Grenada run you mentioned in an earlier post will for sure take at least, at absolute least, a few days by my reckon, and I still stick to my twenty-one days as a real possibility....
....actually this does bring up a good point. Sometimes, realism is not always a good thing for games....even though for sure this method has allowd for more open sailing, I do worry a bit that, especially for those who want a clean, quick, adventure, the times to get from one place to the next will just be too long....then again, they don't call it "ironman" for nothing

Lastly, for the moment, I do not feel that a clean installation is needed, EXCEPT if a mod being used messes with the five files mentioned in the read me which are:
....Pieter Boelen approved the last one, and while I know he is away, still I'm not certain of the procedure here for approving files.....once a moderator takes a peek at it and approves it, my hunch is it will be right next to the "slightly better moon".....
EDIT: Oh yeah, I built this right on top of Build 14 2.1, so if no other mods are used that conflict with the above mentioned five files, everything should be fine!