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WIP Officer perk contributions

@Levis: Would you be game to create separate perks to decrease hull damage and decrease crew damage?
There is definitely some sense in that. :yes
@Levis: Would you be game to create separate perks to decrease hull damage and decrease crew damage?
There is definitely some sense in that. :yes
Haven't been able to read teh whole conversation. but adding perks isn't that hard.
Especially if others help with the images ;).
Any ideas how they should look like?
somewhere in the resources textures perks folder (something like that) there is an empty frame, you could use that one and make a 128x128 image in it. then you should scale it to (i believe) 64x64 and make a grayscale version of both (I believe both but could be mistaken) and you need to make a version of the grayscale version with the lock symbol on it.
Huh. Do you think something like this would work?
The first one looks more like a repair perk then a defence perk.
Still I don't mind having the image, we could maybe add anothe repair perk to have something in between small repair and instant repair.
The first one looks more like a repair perk then a defence perk.

I can make a different one, no problem. Thing is, I don't know how it should look like. Is it a special perk for the carpenter or something else? If it's the latter, then I need some information on what the new perk does, otherwise the icon for Basic Ship Defense and the rest would do the job already (in my humble opinion of course).
I can make a different one, no problem. Thing is, I don't know how it should look like. Is it a special perk for the carpenter or something else? If it's the latter, then I need some information on what the new perk does, otherwise the icon for Basic Ship Defense and the rest would do the job already (in my humble opinion of course).
decreasing hull damage could indeed just use the normal image already so we don't need a new one for that.
So these two you have now are nice.
Maybe have another one for wounder crew (a better one) so you can have a basic and advanced perk for that.
@Cassadar while we're at it could I maybe request you making another perk image also for a Perk which will restore crew damage after a batlle (fix wounded people). it would be a perk which only the doctor can have (its an ability it has already but I want to communicate it to the player).

So in total we need (names are WIP) :

- basic crew defense
- advance crew defense
- advanced repair

- SPECIAL: cure crew

the ones with are striked you've done already
while we're at it could I maybe request you making another perk image also for a Perk which will restore crew damage after a batlle (fix wounded people). it would be a perk which only the doctor can have (its an ability it has already but I want to communicate it to the player).
Why? The doctor already does that regardless of having a perk or not. o_O
Why? The doctor already does that regardless of having a perk or not. o_O
but I want to communicate it to the player

it will show in the perk window as a "officer specific" ability so the player sees doctors have this ability. now you can only know they have this if someone told you.
This system could later be used for other things too :)
@Cassadar while we're at it could I maybe request you making another perk image also for a Perk which will restore crew damage after a batlle (fix wounded people). it would be a perk which only the doctor can have (its an ability it has already but I want to communicate it to the player).

So in total we need (names are WIP) :

- basic crew defense
- advance crew defense
- advanced repair

- SPECIAL: cure crew

the ones with are striked you've done already
Files attached, I hope nothing is missing. You will get the other ones later this day (or tomorrow).

Why? The doctor already does that regardless of having a perk or not. o_O
I think what @Levis tries to achieve is this:
  1. Player has a surgeon.
  2. Doesn't know, what he/she does and looks at the perks.
  3. The player sees this 'Curing Crew' perk, which is always active on every surgeon, even on lowlevel ones.
  4. "So that's what a doctor does! Man, so glad I have one!"
At least that's how I imagine it.


  • perks.zip
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Great job!
I will make the perks this weekend (its a nice distraction from some other stuff :p ).
As I understand it, the idea is to replace the current basic/advanced/professional ship defence perks with specific carpenter and surgeon versions. The current ones are dual-role, reducing damage to both hull and crew; the new ones are for the carpenter to reduce hull damage and the surgeon to reduce crew loss. Restoring damage after the battle, whether by repair perks (carpenter) or healing wounded (innate surgeon ability) is not the issue here.

So the carpenter needs basic, advanced and professional perks - perhaps call them damage control. He's not magically deflecting cannonballs, he's doing an immediate patch-up job to reduce the effect of the damage; proper repair can wait until after the battle. That icon with a couple of planks roughly nailed into place is ideal, but we could perhaps do with a couple more.

Likewise, the surgeon isn't putting shields in front of the crew, he's patching up the less seriously wounded so they can get back into action at once. The icon with the plasters and bandages looks perfect; again, a couple more would be useful.

The simple solution might be to have duller and brighter versions of those icons. Or varying degrees of patching on both hull and crew. @Cassadar probably has a better imagination than mine for this, given what he's already achieved. :thumbs1
it will show in the perk window as a "officer specific" ability so the player sees doctors have this ability. now you can only know they have this if someone told you.
This system could later be used for other things too :)
So a doctor ALWAYS has that ability then? And nobody else could get it?
Makes sense, I suppose. :yes
As I understand it, the idea is to replace the current basic/advanced/professional ship defence perks with specific carpenter and surgeon versions. The current ones are dual-role, reducing damage to both hull and crew; the new ones are for the carpenter to reduce hull damage and the surgeon to reduce crew loss. Restoring damage after the battle, whether by repair perks (carpenter) or healing wounded (innate surgeon ability) is not the issue here.

So the carpenter needs basic, advanced and professional perks - perhaps call them damage control. He's not magically deflecting cannonballs, he's doing an immediate patch-up job to reduce the effect of the damage; proper repair can wait until after the battle. That icon with a couple of planks roughly nailed into place is ideal, but we could perhaps do with a couple more.

Likewise, the surgeon isn't putting shields in front of the crew, he's patching up the less seriously wounded so they can get back into action at once. The icon with the plasters and bandages looks perfect; again, a couple more would be useful.

The simple solution might be to have duller and brighter versions of those icons. Or varying degrees of patching on both hull and crew. @Cassadar probably has a better imagination than mine for this, given what he's already achieved. :thumbs1

I was thinking now to still have the shipdefense abilities. They prevent damage to the hull. Besides that we add a repair ability between the light repairs and instantrepair (especially because that one is disabled with realistic abilies) this abilies could for example repair your ship up to 30% (or maybe even more) instead of 10.
I would sugest having it repair up to 30% on sea but if you are on land it can repair your ship up to 75%

Next to that we have perks to prevent crew damage for the doctor which will be removed from the ship defense perks.
How does that sound?
Why not keep the "Ship Defence" abilities as they are, give them to the Carpenter and then just add a separate ability to the Doctor?

I was thinking now to still have the shipdefense abilities. They prevent damage to the hull. Besides that we add a repair ability between the light repairs and instantrepair (especially because that one is disabled with realistic abilies) this abilies could for example repair your ship up to 30% (or maybe even more) instead of 10.
I would sugest having it repair up to 30% on sea but if you are on land it can repair your ship up to 75%
Next to that we have perks to prevent
To be honest, that idea sounds like it has nothing to do with the original issue. :unsure
I would prefer to leave the repair perks as they are. The problem was the ability of the surgeon to affect damage to the hull. Splitting the "Defence" perks into hull defence for the carpenter and crew defence for the surgeon would achieve that. Perhaps rename them to "Damage Control" and "First Aid" respectively. And maybe make "Basic Damage Control" a prerequisite for "Emergency Repairs".