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Included in Build New Fetch Quest for 3.3 Needs Testing

Well that didn't work - Ist rate ship of the line can only carry 3450 cwt empty - less than I had before - so stuck again.
Ayup, it looks like the fetch quests are still broken.

What time frame are you playing in? In the late periods the Pinnaces are the largest ships.
So the fetch quests DO show up again after "closing" the first one? But they require more cargo space than you've got?
Do I understand that correctly? I think that should be addressable.
Two of us have had the same experience, so yes, the cargo situation is what needs fixing.
Hylie, I am playing the standard storyline in the 1750's. The cargo is the issue and also the ships log not holding the quest data from the early part of the game.
You should still get the big fleuts and pinnaces, but not the big indiamen or galleons. A coder should fix those issues.
    case "fetch_quest_expired":
       if (pchar.quest.fetch_quest_progress != "failed")
         if(pchar.quest.fetch_quest_progress != "get")
           pchar.quest.fetch_quest_progress = "expired";
           SetGoodTradeType(GetTownFromID(pchar.quest.fetch_quest_town), sti(pchar.quest.fetch_quest.goodint) , TRADE_TYPE_NORMAL);
           pchar.quest.fetch_quest_town = ""; // PB: Allow other Fetch Quests to be generated now // <----------- ADD THIS LINE ---------
That might allow new Fetch Quests to automatically be generated after they expire in 2 months.

Same file:
  if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 2;}
   else{ mult = 1;}
  min = (sti(pchar.rank)/3)*100*mult;
   am = GetCharacterFreeSpace(PChar, GoodID);
Change that "2" to "1" and see if that helps for the cargo space.
If not, also increase that "3" to a higher number. See if you can get it to the point where it is willing to work.
Changed quests_common.c line 427 as follows and got a quest - it worked fine
min = (sti(pchar.rank)/20)*10*mult; (for my player on level 39 this equals 39 cwt, previous code it equalled 2600cwt - I had 4000cwt but it still didn't give me the quest - hence I don't think the /3 works).
This only limits using small ships in game. The actual cargo selection is done further down the file and it does only check the players ship - not your fleet. This is not an issue. Levis has done a fantastic job including this feature. It is just that we didn't know the new quest sets up at the close of the previous quest. Hence, you need to change this and then wait 2 months - close the previous one and wait for the next one and it does work.

Just a note on game balancing - I think the gunpowder takes up too much space in your hold for the amount you need for the various ship types.
PROGRAM\QUEST\quests_common.c:Same file:
  if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 2;}
   else{ mult = 1;}
  min = (sti(pchar.rank)/3)*100*mult;
   am = GetCharacterFreeSpace(PChar, GoodID);
Change that "2" to "1" and see if that helps for the cargo space.
If not, also increase that "3" to a higher number. See if you can get it to the point where it is willing to work.
Which "2" should I replace? Should it become
if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 1;}
If so, that's making mult = 1 regardless of condition, so if I understand the code correctly, you could lose the condition entirely, replacing that line and the one below it with an unconditional "mult=1;"

Just a note on game balancing - I think the gunpowder takes up too much space in your hold for the amount you need for the various ship types.
I've never had a problem with gunpowder. Mind you, I don't do trading. :D By the time I have enough food, rum, ammo of various types, powder, sailcloth, planks and medication for a decent duration cruise plus some raiding, there's very little room left for anything else! This is partly because I take plenty of ammo and powder (a lot more than I've ever actually needed, in fact) and partly because I'm in a fighting ship, not a trade ship, so it doesn't exactly have a big cargo hold to start with. If I cut back on the ammo and powder supply - especially if I'm planning on trading rather than raiding - then I'd have plenty of free cargo space.
Which "2" should I replace? Should it become
if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 1;}
If so, that's making mult = 1 regardless of condition, so if I understand the code correctly, you could lose the condition entirely, replacing that line and the one below it with an unconditional "mult=1;"
You are correct on all accounts. You can indeed do away with it altogether,
but as an experiment I figured just changing that value would be easier for people not overly familiar with coding. :doff
Ok, I changed the right one.

Warships do not have large holds and after I stock them they have very little space left over. I only use them as escort ships for that reason. My merchant ships with holds of 5,800 tons or so use about 700-800 tons for supplies.
This fetch quest thingy isn't working out so well so far. :pirateraft

First my ship wasn't big enough, so I made Pieter's changes.

My ships still wasn't big enough so I made salonikasurf's changes, and got a quest! :monkeydance The tailor needs 19 clothes. :8q So I ran down the street to the merchant and bought 19 clothes, ran back and the tailor won't talk but the quest is still open. :facepalm So I went out to my ship and sat in port for a minute and tried again. He won't talk and the quest is still open. :rumgone Do I have to sail to another island and buy them there to do this quest? :nerbz
Can you upload a savegame on that one? I simply do not know enough about how it works to tell you.

All I know is that before making any of the above code changes, the one Fetch Quest that I did worked out fine.
I didn't even bother going out of the shipyard, but just used the console to give myself the cargo required and he accepted it just fine.
Here it is. I am going to sail to another island, buy clothes, and sail back.

EDIT: Nope. Still no joy.


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Hylie /Pieter,
Same on my last quest try - now seems to be locked out - Had a quest from the Guadaloupe Shipyard - tried going to the local store - returned and the Shipyard wouldn't talk about it - 1629 sailcloth. Had the exact amount in my ships hold, tried having excess - still didn't work. tried going to Martinique and returning still no luck. Note that all of these tries was from a saved game prior to getting the quest. Have all other perks unlocked now and successfully completed the Standard storyline. One interesting thing is that the 882 cursed coins in the chest at KR disappeared and I had to use console to put back the 881 so I could get rid of one I found in a chest - ship and player re-cursed?
The reason the 881 cursed coins in the chest at KR disappeared is that they aren't at KR, they're at IdM. ;) If they've disappeared from there as well then you have a problem...

At least you lot are getting fetch quests. I haven't seen anything about war fleets or anything else quest related in the news since I cleared the one at Alice Town, Eleuthera. In fact, I haven't seen anything new in the tavern news for a long time!
Oops - meant to be IdM - in the chest in the cave. May have something to do with the After Final section of the Game - just something to note if it happens to anybody else.
Found more of Levis code for the Fetch Quest - he has included a check for if the fleet ships are carrying the required cargo. Got another notice for Guadaloupe shipyard fetch quest - went to store within a month but Shipwright doesn't ask for it. Note that the town store has no planks this time which makes sense - you will have to go to another island. Not sure why I don't get asked but there is code there for a chance of getting a quest or missing out in shipyard.c in the dialogue file.