Well that didn't work - Ist rate ship of the line can only carry 3450 cwt empty - less than I had before - so stuck again.
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case "fetch_quest_expired":
if (pchar.quest.fetch_quest_progress != "failed")
if(pchar.quest.fetch_quest_progress != "get")
pchar.quest.fetch_quest_progress = "expired";
SetGoodTradeType(GetTownFromID(pchar.quest.fetch_quest_town), sti(pchar.quest.fetch_quest.goodint) , TRADE_TYPE_NORMAL);
pchar.quest.fetch_quest_town = ""; // PB: Allow other Fetch Quests to be generated now // <----------- ADD THIS LINE ---------
if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 2;}
else{ mult = 1;}
min = (sti(pchar.rank)/3)*100*mult;
am = GetCharacterFreeSpace(PChar, GoodID);
Which "2" should I replace? Should it becomePROGRAM\QUEST\quests_common.c:Same file:Change that "2" to "1" and see if that helps for the cargo space.Code:if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 2;} else{ mult = 1;} [...] min = (sti(pchar.rank)/3)*100*mult; am = GetCharacterFreeSpace(PChar, GoodID);
If not, also increase that "3" to a higher number. See if you can get it to the point where it is willing to work.
if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 1;}
I've never had a problem with gunpowder. Mind you, I don't do trading.Just a note on game balancing - I think the gunpowder takes up too much space in your hold for the amount you need for the various ship types.
You are correct on all accounts. You can indeed do away with it altogether,Which "2" should I replace? Should it becomeIf so, that's making mult = 1 regardless of condition, so if I understand the code correctly, you could lose the condition entirely, replacing that line and the one below it with an unconditional "mult=1;"Code:if (GetDifficulty()>2){ mult = 1;}