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Included in Build Interface Screenshots for Ships

Attached are all ship interface pictures by Hylie Pistof that I could find in either the above links or the packs for the ship model updates themselves.
Files renamed to use Beta 2 naming conventions. Early Neptunus and Postillionen included, despite not having been added into the modpack yet.
Additional pictures:
http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12307/ENGINE_2012-03-21_02-12-11-80.jpg for the Empress
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43901618/CArmstrong/misc/prince int.tga for the Prince de Neufchatel


  • ship_interface_pics.zip
    221.7 KB · Views: 107
At the moment, I'm compiling the game version I have at the moment to give you something to work from the next three weeks or so.
Updated ship interface screenshots are still missing for now.
I can do those this afternoon if you're not in a rush...
I've uploaded my Beta 2.2 WIP 1 file already and don't really intend to re-upload today.
It's just so you've got something to work from internally before we make the full external release when I get back.
If you could have it done in the next two/three weeks or so, that'd be grand. Of course I won't object if you do it today anyway. :wp
Thanks, mate! You're not late; still two or three weeks left.

Did the HMS_Victory now have different rigging from the RN_FirstRate?
Yes, the differences are in the sprits'ls and stays'ls. Counting the Endeavour and Dauntless there are 4 British versions of this ship. I have forgotten how many there are in total.
Will sort it out today, thanks for reminding me. :onya
AAGGHH! Do you have updated pics of the WarGalleons (heavy East Indiaman) yet?

Also, is it time for me to post what I have done in the last weeks?
Uhm... not yet. I'm going on holiday for real tomorrow until Saturday evening. Would be good to have the files around Sunday/early next week though.
I have everything from posts #201 and #207, which amounts to the WarGalleons, early Neptunus, Postillionen, FirstRates, FR_SotL, Endeavour, Dauntless, Victory, PDN1 and Empress.

Here are the images and pictures.ini for the above additions (select 'InterfaceScreenshots_B14_Beta2.2.7z).
I included them all except for the Endeavour image, because the rigging in the current image looks so similar.
I also adjusted the brightness reduction (compensates for ENB) to 20% instead of 50%. The previous reduction seemed a bit too dark to me.

Hylie: Could you add the pictures.ini entries for the early Neptunus and Postillionen images? I don't know which ID goes with which ship.
They're located on row 8 of shipsTL (SHIPS2) and shipsBR (SHIPS4) respectively, starting from the left.
Also, were the other SotLs ever upgraded? Only FR_SotL has a new interface pic for the rigging upgrades.

Pieter: Images are in TGA format so you can convert them to TX however you see fit.
I will look into naming those pics.

The Victory class 1st rates were upgraded. The Dauntless and Endeavour are a separate class and should have pics. My files have pics in them. The other 4 have new pics. They are in post #207. The Victory, French, and American ships are the same except for hull colors.
The RN_SotL has different rigging.
I was only referring to RN_SotL,FR_SotL, SP_SotL and US_SotL. Of those four, three haven't been upgraded to the new standard yet.
Do you think we should copy FR_SotL's hull and rigging to the others for Beta 2.2? Shouldn't take long, I'd imagine.
I didn't add the Postillionen and early Neptunus to my game yet and was debating with myself whether I would or wouldn't add them to Beta 2.2.
They're both fully-functional ships and look fairly nice, so I don't see why they should be excluded from Beta 2.2.
I suppose you're right; I'll add them. Wondering what to do with the early Neptunus when it comes to the naming conventions though.
"NeptunusEarly" with a national codifier where applicable?