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Included in Build Interface Screenshots for Ships

I was only referring to RN_SotL,FR_SotL, SP_SotL and US_SotL. Of those four, three haven't been upgraded to the new standard yet.
Do you think we should copy FR_SotL's hull and rigging to the others for Beta 2.2? Shouldn't take long, I'd imagine.

Ahh. I mixed up 1st rate and SotL. That looks like a project that I started and then dropped because something more important came along. IF! I can remember to do it it will get done.

I'm done naming the early Neptunus pics. I'm calling them "PO_6thrate" like the Postillionen. Don't remember if I ever updated them to 6th rates in the ships_init.c. Also, I was wondering why the Dutch version did not make the cut. Should I stop with this?

EDIT: I can rename them easily now, but was planning on calling the Postillionen "PO_Postillionen". Just to clarify.
That would be as good as anything, I guess. While on the subject of naming ships, do you think we should rename the 'SotL' models to 'SecondRate'?
It would fit in with the 'FirstRate' naming convention and avoid confusion, because 'Ship of the Line' is such a broad term.
Note: Renaming is a pain and only "easily" done upon new full installers.
The actual act of renaming, you mean? You confuse me with your confusion. :shock
:rofl It's my natural state. I never see those ships in game and am unfamiliar with how they are named. That combined with bad eyes and memory means I miss a lot of details.

Armada: Here are the pics with proper names.


  • pictures.ini
    164.9 KB · Views: 120
The other SOTL are done and even have pics! They will be in the next dump. What's next? :dance
Great! :onya If you could upload the pics, I'll update the main textures again.
I've just remembered that we need to update the Ships_init.c file to include the refShip.BigPicTexName lines for the new ships, such as the Empress, Prince de Neufchatal and Postillionen frigates.
Pieter, are you up for that, or do you want to me to do the updates? I would need a copy of the latest Ships_init.c file.

Also, I need to update the screenshot textures with Hylie's new SotL images. Are they included in his latest content dumps?
I'll see what I can do for those new ships_init.c entries. Is that Prince de Neufchatal available already???

See here for Hylie's screenshots of the ships of the line, plus one bonus image:

Cool, thanks for the images. :onya

Captain Armstrong release the fully-functional PDN a while ago, with every intent on her being included in Beta 2.2.
See this post for the files. He's also posted some promotional images we could use on ModDB.
Armada, could you find the time to stick La Marianna in there by any chance? See attached for a screenshot.
Not the best screenie, perhaps, but it's something to work with. Right?


  • La Marianna.jpg
    La Marianna.jpg
    218.7 KB · Views: 85
It will do. Give me a few minutes. What's the ship's ID?
We're going to need another update of this for the next modpack update...
We will indeed. I reckon the same system as before should work: if others provide the images, I can compile them into the main textures and change pictures.ini and ships_init.c as necessary. :)

I currently have images ready to use for the new Constitution and BattleFrigates, as well as the default Trinity texture. The early Neptunus models already have images in the main textures.
I'll get one for the Rossiya when finished, too. So I figure I'll need shots of the Essex and Volage versions we intend to include. Any takers?
I just looked and both of these ships are in one of my installs. If the console works I could do them. Are these the final versions?
I think so, yes. I said "versions" because I wasn't sure if we were going to add different national paint schemes or just use the default paint schemes.