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Ideas for the future!

But they appear in the shipyard even if you DON'T have the Flying Dutchman, right?
Not sure if everyone would be happy with that....
If they are too large caliber for your ship, then you can not buy them. Correct? Otherwise everyone would be mounting 32 pounders on dinghys.
Correct, you can't install cannons that are too big. :no

Edit: Having looked at the code a bit, I'm going to stay on the safe side for now and not use it.
I remember having too much trouble with too-big cannons on US ships already and I'm afraid that this might require me to re-fix that. :facepalm
Yes, unfortunately they all appear :( The 42er, the special ones for the BP and QAR and also the Dutchman's, but without picture, because the game doesn't have a picture of 128er guns :D They also get described just as "Carronade" in the ship-menu. As I said, I intended to write the Dutchmans code so, that they are always already installed on the Dutchman (as it was with the Black Pearl in the stock game) but somewhere deep in some code this seems to be overwrited. :confused: An Idea: maybe we could convince the game, that these special cannons can only be sold by the isla de muerta-guy (I forgot his name! :D) ? I know you just put it that way that you only can buy ships, but I can't think of another (simple) solution.
You don't have to get the new cannons at all :shrug . The emerging sound does works without them, too, I just added them^^

well my code worked from beta 2.1 until know beta 3 wip12 and i didn't changed anything since then :shrug only added the dutchman's cannons a bit later. I know there was once an error when I made a mistake with the switch-cases, which define the minimun caliber, but I fixed it all.
I can proof to 99,99% that this update works fine :yes just press F11 and everything new should show up ;)
BTW: Jack Rackham could indeed help me, I will try it now ;)
That USA cannon problem wasn't a very obvious one; it just caused a weird thing to show up in the interface for big US design ships.
Would be nice to have the big cannons at Isla de Muerta only, but that'd require more figuring out, and I've got enough of that to kill me. :facepalm
if you have the time to tell me which files are related for that, I can take a look and see if I find something :yes
I have indeed found something, but I can't interprete it right:
        if (Characters[GetMainCharacterIndex()].location != Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Hendrick Vanderdecken")].location)
            SetSelectable("I_CANNONS", true);
            SetSelectable("I_SHIPUPGRADE", true);
            SetSelectable("I_APPEARANCE", true);
            SetSelectable("I_CANNONS", false);
            SetSelectable("I_SHIPUPGRADE", false);
            SetSelectable("I_APPEARANCE", false);
I think it should be possible to add a
SetSelectable with the cannons which are not for sale otherwise.. but that exceeds my skills :(
That wouldn't work. That code just disables the Cannon interface altogether for Vanderdecken. I've got NO clue how to do this properly myself either. :(
hmm ... ahhh maybe I could do an if-statement in the cannons_ini for the trade-off?
        if (Characters[GetMainCharacterIndex()].location != Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Hendrick Vanderdecken")].location)
              rCannon.TradeOff = true;
              rCannon.TradeOff = false;
Would this work?

BTW: Does the game code distinguish capitalization and lowercase like java?
AH! Indeed you can add TradeOff = true for all your supernatural cannons.
Then find this code in the shipyard interface file:
if (CheckAttribute(&cannon[i], "TradeOff") && sti(cannon[i].TradeOff) == true) {
Try to replace with:
if (GetAttribute(&cannon[i], "TradeOff") == true && Characters[GetMainCharacterIndex()].location != Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Hendrick Vanderdecken")].location) {
I didn't test it yet, but something like that might work.

Capitalization doesn't matter in the game code. :no
Extract attached to PROGRAM\INTERFACE to make FORT cannons buyable from Vanderdecken.

Now I wonder... you are adding larger ship cannons that can ONLY be installed on the Flying Dutchman/Black Pearl, right?
I wonder if we should allow those on US design ships too. Those generally allow one calibre higher than other nations' designs.

Also, keep in mind that if you make the cursed Black Pearl uber-strong, that influences the ending of the Standard storyline, because you have to FIGHT her there.
So perhaps it would be good to allows bigger guns on those ships, but not have them installed by default.


  • shipyard.zip
    28.5 KB · Views: 132
EDIT: you were faster :p and really, really thanks for this :)

Well yes, at the end of the standard-story you have to fight against the cursed Black Pearl. And per default, the normal 18 pounders are installed, as I said, all ships except the Dutchman are stock :yes I even only edited the maximum caliber of the Dutchman, so if Jack Sparrow has to fight against her some time, it will be doable ;)

It gives me more to think that you get the Black Pearl relatively easy in Jack Sparrow..
but I have to say, I really lowered the power of the Black Pear one's (and also for the FD, but they are still really cruel :p ) They are not that much stronger than the 'normal' 68 (6.1 damage multiplier) but they reload a bit faster and have a bit increased range...
As I said, easiest solution would be to ALLOW the bigger guns to be installed, but not have them there by default.
For the Flying Dutchman it's fine, because you never get her in general play and you hardly ever face her in combat either.
your file will not allow the player to get in the shipyard menu. If you hit the dialog, the dialog-window just closes and nothing happens^^

EDIT: For your thoughts, see my edited post above ;)
Oh wait, you probably use that file in WIP 12, don't you? I think it contains some additional modifications that only work in the WIP 14 I'm still uploading.
Try using WinMerge on your original file and the one I posted. Alternatively, install it again once WIP 14 finishes uploading.
Ok tested - all works properly - So we could add my new cannons now without lack of realism ;) only the 42 carronade will appear in the town shipyards, but like I said, Armada said that there were 42 pounders for ships :shrug .

And I also made progress with the Flying Dutchman emerge-sound: I managed that the music stops, but I didn't convinced the game to start playing again yet... :modding
Might have to search the PROGRAM folder for the "victory" music code.

Can you generally install those 42 pounders on ships? Do we WANT that?
Which ones allow it? And shall we allow it for Tier 1 US ships?