Powder Monkey
There already IS a ship upgrade feature.![]()
Oh there is, I haven't noticed it, where abouts would you find this?
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There already IS a ship upgrade feature.![]()
HA! There's a LOT to discover in the game. And a lot of hidden cool stuff. How about:
- Opium Den in Port Royale: Get your tattoos now! (Don't get TOO excited; they don't show on your character model, but do enhance your skills)
- Choose your personal and pirate flag by talking with one of your crewmembers on deck.
- Haunted Maltese Knight Abbey in Bridgetown (Actually, I think Build 13 had this too? Can't remember now...)
- Get crewmembers to follow you ashore by talking with them on your deck (This triggers all sorts of additional events ashore as you'll be attracting more attention with your big group!)
- In battles, some of your crew will be wounded instead of killed. Having a doctor and medicines on board will allow more of them to survive.
- In the later time periods, you can drop mines into the water. And when sailing between islands in 3D sailing mode (worldmap is not necessary anymore), you can run into random ones as well.
- There is a risk of capsizing in storms, so you'll have to handle your ship with more care.
- Non-player ships have a mind of their own and will pursue sensible tasks, such as navy ships patrolling, merchant ships going to an anchorage and pirates searching for the best (read: easiest) prey.
Those are just a couple of the things the spring to mind. There is much more, of course.
Press every button you can find. Visit every location. Talk to all characters. There's all sorts out there!![]()
Ahoy there, @Sebrian!
We did do a fair bit of fixing and correcting on the Jack Sparrow storyline last year, but we have nobody who really has the time to extend it.
If you would be willing to help, that would be much appreciated.
The game language is similar to "C". By referring to existing quest code, it is relatively doable to add new quests.
And there are several people who can answer any questions you might have.
All the latest stuff is right here: Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing | PiratesAhoy!Alrighty then, where should i start, couldn't find a download link for the current game's source code or scripts, if there is such. I'm finishing the current jack sparrow storyline at the moment so i can have a test save.
All the latest stuff is right here: Mod Release - Build 14 Beta 4 Internal WIP For Testing | PiratesAhoy!
If you open your game folder, you'll find a folder named "PROGRAM" in there; that is the actual game code
PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow contains the code files you need.![]()
Indeed if you know a bit of coding, it isn't actually all that hard.Nice!, i assumed it would all be compiled, this really makes life easier haha, looking at current way things are done, it's pretty well documented and easy to figure quest moments, and most of the functions i might need are already there,
Well, you DO need their ID. But usually characters' IDs and their names are the same.and you can refer to characters just by their name not id, even better
Text is easy. You can probably even find a digital version of the script to copy/paste from.all we need is the text (i could do the dialogue myself keeping the style of writing from the previous quests) it would just take more time, but we ain't in a hurry i assume![]()
The existing Jack Sparrow storyline takes a bit of liberties with the film stories, so feel free to do the same.So only putting all ideas together is what's left, i'm thinking on just doing it as close to the actual movie as possible, in limits of the game engine of course
Not very difficult, because I did some preliminary work on that years ago. There already IS a "Kraken Attack" function ready and available to use:thinking on how to code kraken fight with black pearl![]()
I've used Notepad++ for PotC for many, many years now. Works for me.And prolly will have to set up eclipse or microsoft visual instead of using notepad++ for this one![]()
Any questions, feel free to ask. We've got several people here who are familiar with quest coding in one way or another.I might have a few questions later on if that's alright, and any ideas/coding help from other developers are more than welcome!
If you ENABLE_CHEATMODE at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettingsl.h and start a new game on Hoist the Colours, you can easily look at this.And @Jack Rackham prepared a "Jungle Church" location for the end of DMC as well ages ago.
So that is already available.![]()
If you have the Dutchman yourself, you can use the Submerge/Emerge and Summon Kraken attack options through the [Enter] menu.is Dutchman going underwater a function or just a console command
if(!CheckAttribute(PChar, "ship.SubmergeDutchman")) PChar.ship.SubmergeDutchman = PChar.ship.CorrectImmersion;
else PChar.ship.EmergeDutchman = 0;
DeleteAttribute(PChar, "ship.PlayedSplash");
KrakenAttack(pchar, GetCharacterShipHP(pchar)/100); // PB: Enough tentacles to sink you twice
I'm all for that!alternate choice for the player to obtain Dutchman as Jack (stab the hearth himself instead maybe?)
I think there is also some Pre-DMC stuff at the bottom of PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests\quests_reaction.c .
Looks like it is unfinished, because it puts Tia Dalma in a "Tia_shack" location, but as far as I can tell, that doesn't actually exist in the game.
Probably @Captain Maggee was still working on that and never shared the file that included it, so that would need adding.
@Talisman, do you remember if that ever worked?