Powder Monkey
I used to be quite active trying to get back into it![]()
Yeah it seems like a brilliant community to get in to

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I used to be quite active trying to get back into it![]()
The "putting things together" job can be rather a lot of work. Especially in instances like the past few days, where I'm trying to adjust complex code based on Build 14 Beta 1 for use in Beta 2.4.Hahaha, well you still do quite a lot so don't discredit yourself for that, and it seems like you both do a lot for the community because I have seen either one of you on every forum I have read.
I definitely like to think so! That's what we want it to be, for sure.Yeah it seems like a brilliant community to get in to![]()
The "putting things together" job can be rather a lot of work. Especially in instances like the past few days, where I'm trying to adjust complex code based on Build 14 Beta 1 for use in Beta 2.4.
And indeed I've been active here on the forum since end 2004, so that's been a while. And then there's the promotion I've been trying to do.
So no, I haven't exactly done nothing. Still, if it had just been me, nothing much would have happened either.
That sounds good, what software do you use to code it?
I definitely like to think so! That's what we want it to be, for sure.![]()
No worries. Real life first, of course.![]()
You can follow our progress here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-2-4-progress.20493/
That's just the bugfixes we're working on though. Other content will be new and improved ships, as usual.
And I'm trying to adapt Pirate_KK's vastly advanced code for Beta 2.4, but I have no idea how far we'll get with that and what the result will be.
If it works, we'll finally be able to choose our character and ship models again in the Select Storyline interface.
Looks like you're right on that Oxbay lighthouse. I just made a code modification, so hopefully it'll display correctly in the next release.![]()
Don't get your hopes up just yet. I'm not at all sure if we'll be able to get this working right....it would be good if you can choose your character and ship again like in Build 13.
Don't get your hopes up just yet. I'm not at all sure if we'll be able to get this working right.
At the moment, I've run into a brick wall, so I can't continue on it until I get word from the person who originally programmed it.
The naval combat I saw in AC III looked like it was on steroids. Speedboats made of cardboard, basically.Oh right, I see, well i'm sure that the community don't mind waiting, btw, whats your opinion on that new Assassins Creed game: Black Flag, I played three and the naval combat was VERY similar to Pirates of the Caribbean, which was to be expected as Bethesda was one of the companies that made POTC.
The naval combat I saw in AC III looked like it was on steroids. Speedboats made of cardboard, basically.
Visually it looked pretty good, but realistically it was waaay out there. It didn't seem very similar to PotC at all, to me?
Bethesda didn't make PotC, Akella did. I think Bethesda was involved in the distribution or something.
No clue. Not much, as far as I'm aware.Oh right, I always assumed it was the other way around, I guess because Bethesda are well know for being game developers (with the elder scroll series and fallout to name a few). But yeah, what are Akella doing these days?
No clue. Not much, as far as I'm aware.
The new sequel to AoP 2 is done by Blackmark Studios and not Akella. I think Akella is only involved in licensing and distribution or so.
Did you only just install Build 14 Beta 2.3? And before that you never played any of the Build mods at all?Wow, it's all changed so much since stock POTC,
You should be able to buy them from English, French and America shipyards in the Master & Commander storyline, but they're very rare.just a quick question, are steamships purchasable, or do i have to board and capture them (I haven't encountered one yet)?
In Build 14 Beta 2.3:
1. In the Hornblower and Master & Commander storylines, they can be randomly encountered or purchased from England, France or the United States
2. In most storylines, go to Tortuga and talk to Mr. Gibbs in the tavern there. He'll give you Jack's compass, allowing you access to Isla de Muerte.
On the beach is a shipwreck and inside is a cursed shipwright who will sell special ships, including the steamships.
3. In most storylines, set a steamship as your starting ship in PROGRAM\Storyline\[Storyline].c:4. In ALL storylines, use this line from PROGRAM\console.c:Code:sl.(sn).start.ship = "RN_SteamFrigate";
And while we're at it, here are some use notes on the steam ships:Code:GiveShip2Character(pchar,"RN_SteamFrigate","HMS Astrea",-1,ENGLAND,true,true);
I hope that helps.Code:. Steam Ships wind-independent propulsion and sound effects added by Pieter Boelen Press Numpad [+] to increase engine power and Numpad [-] to decrease engine power. Numpad [*] sets power to zero > Steam Frigates: - Engine requires fuel (planks) [WIP: introduce new good "coal"] - Engine loses efficiency based on hull damage
Did you only just install Build 14 Beta 2.3? And before that you never played any of the Build mods at all?
Indeed that would be a bit of a shock! While we did do our best to keep all the good things from the original game, nearly everything has been changed or improved upon in one way or another.
You'll be having a LOT to figure out now and get used to. Feel free to ask if there is anything you can't figure out.
You should be able to buy them from English, French and America shipyards in the Master & Commander storyline, but they're very rare.
Technically they are there in the Hornblower storyline too, but that doesn't allow free play until it is over, so if you want to get a steamship, it'd be a bit of a difficult way.
Just reposting this for further reference:
True, B13>B14 is quite a step too. But Stock>B14 would REALLY be a shock! At least you're familiar with most of the new islands, for one thing.Thanks that really helps, and yeah, I only installed Build Mod 14 Beta 2.3 yesterday and WOW you guys have done some work, I have played Build Mod 13 but that is not nearly as big of a step up as 14 is.
Actually, for the "Wheat" we just renamed the good. Easy does the trick.I really enjoy the fact you can walk around on ship deck and the fact that it's been made a lot more realistic (you need a compass and sextant as well as having a separate 'food' rather than 'wheat' etc).
238 separate ship models in my current Beta 2.4 WIP installation. Some are repaints, of course. But to think the original game started out with 39....And there is so many more ships now, personally, I favor an English Bark for my Tales of a Sea Hawk quest, rather than a Heavy Lugger and I am looking forward to purchasing ann/or capturing new ships![]()
True, B13>B14 is quite a step too. But Stock>B14 would REALLY be a shock! At least you're familiar with most of the new islands, for one thing.
Actually, for the "Wheat" we just renamed the good. Easy does the trick.
If you have a sextant and a chronometer, your ship's position will be displayed on the in-game Archipelago Map. Had you found that yet?
Otherwise, a sextant doesn't serve that much purpose. Other than providing a skill bonus.
238 separate ship models in my current Beta 2.4 WIP installation. Some are repaints, of course. But to think the original game started out with 39....
And then a lot of the newest additions are completely custom high-detail ships. And the original game's ships have all been improved, so even been completely remodeled.