• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Hoist the Colours

Can't hurt, no.

Was it really B14 Beta 1 Patch 6 that you played last? SO much has been done since then! :shock
yeah it would have been... it has been a long time since I was really active. Aussie as they come Alestorm ;)
So you never played with the Queen Anne's Revenge and Chinese Junk "Empress"?
You never called upon the Kraken from the cursed Flying Dutchman, while being submerged?
Kraken was just being made (and I tested) so you could call it (but not submerged), QAR was being made as well and so were the junks... I have a lot of stuffing around to do it seems before I do anything :D
HA! You've got something to look forward then! :woot

Did you hear about the steamships now having REAL engines that work independently from the sails?
no offence, but i dont like steam ship's i will forever and always love my Sail's. and oak ( :
You don't have to like them. They're there for variety in the last two time periods only.
Personally I find them quite cool because the original game totally didn't support engine power and we managed to get them working anyway.
I always like us being able to achieve what supposedly cannot be done! :cheeky

People were trying to work that out when I was last on, I take it they succeeded then
"People" in this case were "me". Someone was doing some work on "turning impulse" and then I decided to replace the x coordinate with a z coordinate.
Turns out that works exactly like an engine by giving the ship a speed without using the sails. Add some controls to define your power and there you go! :woot
In Build 14 Beta 2.3:
1. In the Hornblower and Master & Commander storylines, they can be randomly encountered or purchased from England, France or the United States
2. In most storylines, go to Tortuga and talk to Mr. Gibbs in the tavern there. He'll give you Jack's compass, allowing you access to Isla de Muerte.
On the beach is a shipwreck and inside is a cursed shipwright who will sell special ships, including the steamships.
3. In most storylines, set a steamship as your starting ship in PROGRAM\Storyline\[Storyline].c:
sl.(sn).start.ship = "RN_SteamFrigate";
4. In ALL storylines, use this line from PROGRAM\console.c:
GiveShip2Character(pchar,"RN_SteamFrigate","HMS Astrea",-1,ENGLAND,true,true);
And while we're at it, here are some use notes on the steam ships:
  . Steam Ships wind-independent propulsion and sound effects added by Pieter Boelen
    Press Numpad [+] to increase engine power and Numpad [-] to decrease engine power. Numpad [*] sets power to zero
    > Steam Frigates:              - Engine requires fuel (planks) [WIP: introduce new good "coal"]
                                  - Engine loses efficiency based on hull damage
I hope that helps. :doff
Hi, I don't want to seem like a douche posting in a forum I haven't contributed to but I'm new to this site and I was hoping that you guys could answer my question seeing as Pieter Boelen created the mod: How do I play as the flying Dutchman? I am currently playing through: 'Hoist the colours' and the Nathaniel Hawk quest (which i played to death in the original and Build Mod 13). Sorry again if I am breaking any forum rules or caused any inconvenience.
The mod was a community effort, not just Pieter's (although Pieter has done a heap of the work and actually compiling it all together so does deserve great praise for his work)

As for the Flying Dutchman:
In Build 14 Beta 2.3:
1. In most storylines, go to Tortuga and talk to Mr. Gibbs in the tavern there. He'll give you Jack's compass, allowing you access to Isla de Muerte.
On the beach is a shipwreck and inside is a cursed shipwright who will sell special ships, including the Dutchmans.
2. In most storylines, set the Flying Dutchman as your starting ship in PROGRAM\Storyline\[Storyline].c:
sl.(sn).start.ship = "CursedDutchman";
3. In ALL storylines, use this line from PROGRAM\console.c:
GiveShip2Character(pchar,"CursedDutchman","Flying Dutchman",-1,PIRATE,true,true);

Hopefully that helps you ;)
The mod was a community effort, not just Pieter's (although Pieter has done a heap of the work and actually compiling it all together so does deserve great praise for his work)

As for the Flying Dutchman:
In Build 14 Beta 2.3:
1. In most storylines, go to Tortuga and talk to Mr. Gibbs in the tavern there. He'll give you Jack's compass, allowing you access to Isla de Muerte.
On the beach is a shipwreck and inside is a cursed shipwright who will sell special ships, including the Dutchmans.
2. In most storylines, set the Flying Dutchman as your starting ship in PROGRAM\Storyline\[Storyline].c:
sl.(sn).start.ship = "CursedDutchman";
3. In ALL storylines, use this line from PROGRAM\console.c:
GiveShip2Character(pchar,"CursedDutchman","Flying Dutchman",-1,PIRATE,true,true);

Hopefully that helps you ;)

Thank You that helps a lot :)
Exactly. Usually I just put the other people's work together. The amount of stuff that I actually modded myself amounts to, maybe... 5%? Definitely not more. :no

Hahaha, well you still do quite a lot so don't discredit yourself for that ;), and it seems like you both do a lot for the community because I have seen either one of you on every forum I have read.